Author: Katie Dowe



“Tell me what?”


“She said welcome to the family of wives.” He grinned at her. “They form a kind of clique and are quite formidably powerful. Women are afraid to offend even one of them. You are now part of the crew.”


“I have always wanted to be part of a crew.” She told him with a winsome smile and then sobered. “Are you sure?”


“Positive. I am taking the power from them and announcing our marriage.”






From the moment he had decided that he was through with the subterfuge, it was as if he had been given a new lease on life. That night, he made love to her so tenderly that it brought tears to her eyes! Now this morning at the office he had arrived early and started to put things in motion. He had not told Athena everything that he was about to do, preferring to keep some of it to himself. As soon as his assistant came in, he set her to work, giving her a list of instructions to carry out. And then he told her the news. The woman stared at him wide-eyed in surprise, her professionalism dropping just a notch.



“Congratulations Alan, I am an admirer of your wife.”


“Thank you Sheila.” He told her with a smile. “It has to remain between us for the rest of the day.”



“You want me to book the entire restaurant?”


“I already called the manager and Kelly to alert them.”


“And then you want me to tip off the press?”


“Especially that society rags outfit that is always looking for a scoop.”


“And send invitations to several people.”


“Including my parents….”


“You are not going to tell them by word of mouth?”


He lifted his thick brows. “And spoiled the surprise? Not a chance.”


Sheila nodded her graying head and scribbled on her note pad. “Any special theme?”


“No. I think the restaurant has got that covered. The dinner is planned for eight, but I would like you to get them there by seven thirty. My wife and I plan to make a grand entrance.”


“Perfect. I will get right on these.”




Athena was in the middle of a conversation with her mother when she heard the bell. “I will call you back Mom. I think my dress is here and remember to invite Melvin as well and wear something formal. I will send a car for you.”


“That’s not necessary darling. I will talk to you later.”


Athena hung up the phone and went to look at the security monitor to see the Romano’s truck out front. She buzzed him up and opened the door to accept the packages. “Thank you.” She waved at him before closing and locking the doors and heading to the living room to open them. Unwrapping the tissue papers she took out the emerald green gown, staring at it in awe. It was perfect and it will certainly make an impression! The material was the lightest and most delicate of wool. It was a fitted dress, she realized as soon as she put it on. High in the neck and very low in the back, just barely stopping short of showing her butt crack. The material hugged her curves like a glove and was flared at the feet, settling into a train behind her. She took out the strappy black sandals and put them on as well. She had bed hair and without a stitch of makeup on, but she looked stunning! Walking carefully to where she had put her phone, she called her husband.



“The stuff came.”



“How did the dress fit?”


“I am wearing it now.”


“Are you going to send me a pic?”


“And ruin the surprise?” she scoffed as she turned to see the back. “It looks like a napkin.”


“How much is it revealing?”




“Maybe I should ask Monique to send something else.”


“You will not. I am in love.”


“I thought you were in love with me.”


“I am in love with the dress, but I adore you, that’s a big difference. “I have some hammered gold bracelets that will go well with this and gold hoop earrings.”


“I have an emerald and diamond bracelet that will do as well.”


“Okay. Get back to work while I continue to drool.”


“You make me want to come back home.”


“Stay where you are darling. I promise to be completely naked when you get here.”


“That’s not fair. You are making me hard.”


“That’s the plan.” She chuckled softly. “I love you.”


“I thought the word was adore.”


“That too.” She hung up with a smile on her face and did a slow pirouette before taking off the dress and shoes. “We are certainly going to make an impression.”






“Let me.” Athena murmured as she stepped before him and adjusted his black bow tie. He had decided to go with a plain black tux and snowy white shirt, a perfect foil for his wife’s outfit. Her face was made up, the dark skin glowing with health and pregnancy, the understated ruby lipstick highlighting her full bottom lip. Sparkling green and tan eye shadow made her dark brown eyes appeared even larger and dominated her small face. Each time she moved her head, the hoops swung against her cheeks and diamond knobs glittered in the top holes. He could not take his eyes off her! She had washed and deep conditioned her short curls and used something at the front of it to make it flat against her face. When she had her back turned and was securing the earrings, he had felt himself hardening just by looking at the expanse of naked flesh. He almost told her to wear something else, but she looked so damned ravishing that he could not bring himself to say that to her. And besides, that was exactly the kind of outfit needed to make a statement.



“There,” she ran her fingers across his lips. “Are you sure about this?”


“Isn’t it a bit too late to be asking me that?”



She smiled slightly. “It is never too late.”


“I am sure.” He kissed her roughly on the lips before going to get a brand-new black cashmere coat he had ordered for her.


“I did not notice this coat.”


“I just bought it.” He draped it around her shoulders. “Ready?”



“Let’s go and face the music.”




“He rented out the entire restaurant,” Deidre murmured as she looked around the elegant room.

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