Author: Katie Dowe



Daniel adjusted his cranberry red tie and pulled the lapel closer over his shell pink shirt. “I see some associates of mine over at the piano.”


“You are not talking business tonight darling.” She said firmly. “Not until I know what our son is up to.”


“I have a very good idea what he is up to.” Her husband said grimly as he eyed the reporters milling around the room.



“You think he is bringing her?”


He nodded. “I threatened him last night….! “


“You did what?” she hissed.



“I was trying to make him see sense.” Her husband muttered as he eyed the crowd in the room.



“Did it work?”


“No.” he admitted. “I tried to talk to him today to find out what this was about, but we have been busy with meetings and when I went into his office, he was gone. I think it was deliberate.”



She put her hand through his arm. “Let’s go to our table and wait for him to come.”






They were alerted to their arrival when they saw the reporters rushing to the door, cameras ready. Deidre pressed her husband’s arm as he was about to rise from his seat. They had been there for half hour, sipping drinks and watching as the room slowly filled up, some of the people, they had never seen before.



“I will make an announcement as soon as you allow us to enter,” their son’s deep voice penetrated the excited chatter that had sprung up. A path was cleared, and they saw him approaching with Athena Blakely on his arm. Cameras clicked as the reporters took pictures, only backing off when a security detail ordered them to as Alan and Athena approached his parents table.



Both of them got to their feet slowly.


“Mom and Dad, I would like to introduce someone to you.”


“We already know who she is.” His father said stiffly. “Is this some kind of a joke?”


“It’s very nice to finally meet you Mr. and Mrs. McGregor.” Athena said with a charming smile as she extended a slender hand. Daniel started to take it when he saw the diamonds on her ring finger. His eyes flew to her and then to his son’s face.



“We have that announcement to make.” Alan told him with a faint smile.



“Wait just a damned minute- “but he was talking to their backs.



“They are married?” his wife asked him faintly, a slender white hand going to her throat as she stared after them, objectively noticing the expanse of bare skin revealed by Athena’s dress.



“It must be an engagement ring.” Daniel said desperately.



They watched as the couple took to the podium.



“Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please!”



The room became as silent as a tomb.



“Thank you.” Alan said with a smile. He had not let go of Athena’s hand from the time they had entered the room. “Like I said when I just came that I have an announcement to make.” He turned to look at the woman next to him, the expression on his face, unbelievably tender. Cameras clicked as they recorded the tender scene. “This beautiful woman and I are celebrating our two-month anniversary as husband and wife.” A gasp when through the room. “We decided to keep our union a secret for personal reasons!”


“Does that have to do with the rumors that your family is not tolerant of black people?” A brazen reporter asked.



The room became silent as they looked towards him for a response. Alan opened his mouth to answer but was stopped as his father made his way towards the podium, followed by his wife. They watched as he hugged first his son and then Athena and his wife followed suit. “Those rumors are not true. We are very pleased by that our son is married to such a beautiful and talented woman.” Daniel told them smoothly.



“If that is the case, why all the secrecy? Did you know about the marriage?” the reporter persisted.



“I did not know about the marriage, but I knew that they were seeing each other.” He turned to look at the couple. “And as we were cheated out of a wedding ceremony, my wife and I will be throwing a reception at our house for the happy couple on Christmas Eve.”

Alan stared at his father and read the contrite expression on his face.



“There is also another announcement we have to make. We are pregnant.”






“Are you going to stop pacing?” Alan asked him mildly as he poured a glass of scotch and handed it to him.



“I don’t know Alan, you floored me with two public announcements that should have been done in private.”


“I forced your hand.” His son told him with a shrug. “You and Mom were against Athena and I so I decided to do something about it before you did. I knew you were checking up on us.”


“That’s all water under the bridge now.” Deidre said calmly as she turned to look at the woman curled up on the sofa. She had taken off her shoes and her earrings but nothing else and looked tired. After the dinner and the many questions from the reporter, they had asked if they could stop by the loft and discuss what needs to done. Alan had warned them that he will not have them upsetting his wife. “How are you my dear?”


“A little tired.” She looked up as her husband came forward swiftly and sat next to her, his dark blue eyes examining her face.



“It’s late.” He cupped her face and lifted it. “You should go to bed.”


“Not a chance.” She told him with a laugh. “I want to be here in case there are fireworks and I have to intervene.”


He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her forehead. “There will not be any fireworks.” He told her gently before looking at his parents. “Right!”


“Right!” Daniel walked over and extended a hand. “Welcome to the family Athena.”

She took the hand and shook it, her expression quizzical. “I know it is going to take time for you to adjust to me….”


“We will make it work.” Deidre said firmly as she got to her feet gracefully. “Alan was always saying to us that it is time for a change, and he is right. You are married to our son and carrying his child – our first grandchild and like it or not, we are a family.”



“Thanks Mother.” Alan said quietly. “I love Athena and like I told Dad a few days ago, I would choose her over everything I have.”

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