Author: Katie Dowe


“We will get to that.” Daniel hesitated briefly. “Is she living with you?”


Alan did not hesitate in his response. “Yes.”


“You are in love with her.”


He smiled slightly as he closed the briefcase. “I think love is too mild a word for what I feel for her. She is my life.”


“You only just met her.”


“It does not matter.” He hefted the briefcase in his hand and took up his overcoat. “I adore her and that is not something that will change.”


“I am sorry to hear that.”


Alan’s eyebrows lifted at that. “That’s a strange comment to make.” His mouth tightened as he stared at his father. “Do your worst Dad and see who comes out the victor. Take away the money and my position at the company and that will still not make me choose all this over her. Even if I do not have a penny to my name, I would still choose her. So, like I said before, do your damn worst!”



Chapter 15

She was fast asleep when he reached home. He had been simmering with anger on the drive home and had wanted to get rid of it before he got here. She was curled up on the sofa with her head resting on the mound of pillows that she insisted on putting against the cushions. A blanket covered her entire body, only leaving her head and neck out. The electronic fire was up all the way and he shook his head as he wondered how on earth she could take that much heat. He had often teased her about it. She would insist on their bedroom being warm and toasty and he would tell her that he was burning up. He persuaded her to sleep naked because he wanted access to her delectable body at all hours of the night. “It’s too much work to take off clothes.” He had told her.



He walked into the room, the carpet muffling his footsteps. Crouching down, he adjusted the blanket over her, and her eyes flickered open. “My husband will be here any minute now.” Her sexy drawl was husky with sleep.



“I am willing to take the risk. I can be quick.”


“I don’t like quick but since you are so beautiful, I will take the chance. Be prepared to hide in the closet if and when he arrives.”


“I don’t do closets.”



She stretched languidly and lifted her arms to put around his neck, the blanket falling away from her. “Then the deal is off. I can….”


“What is this?” His blue eyes were fixed on the books and the tiny baby clothing she had forgotten was beside her on the sofa.



“Oh! This!” She sat up and picked up one of the article of clothing, a light blue one with delicate pink and gold stitching. “What does it look like?”



“You are pregnant?” his throat worked fiercely, and he found it hard to swallow. “How do you know? Are you sure? We could make an appointment….”


“I went to the OBGYN….”


He grabbed her slender hands. “You went without me?”


“Calm down darling. I wanted to be sure before I told you. I am two weeks pregnant and my due date will be…..”



“August!” He finished huskily. “You are carrying my baby.”


“Uh huh,” She shook her head. “Our baby…. I bought all these books and I have been reading. You are part Italian and part Irish and I am African-Am….”


“Whoa slow down!” he laughed softly as he got to his feet and pulled her onto his lap. “You were busy today.”


“Pretty much!” She wrapped her hands around his neck. “I stopped at the supermarket and bought milk and fresh organic vegetables and fruits. Our baby is not only going to be beautiful but healthy as well.”



“Okay baby, a few ground rules. No more going to the market by yourself and no more doctor’s visits without me. I want to be there for everything.”


“That’s going to be a problem.”




“You are going to be recognized.”


“I don’t give a damn. You are my wife and the mother of my baby….” He buried his face into her neck and breathed in deep before lifting his head. “I think it is time we told them.”






“Alan, we should wait.”


“No and besides, I think they already know that I am seeing you.” He reached for his phone and she stopped him.



“Let’s talk about this. Really talk.”


“What is there to talk about?” There was a set determined look to his handsome face as he took out his phone. He started to press the button.



“Look at me.”


He did, and she continued. “You are angry and there is something you are not telling me. What is it?”



He told her of the conversation with his dad just as he was about to leave.


“He threatened you.”


“It was veiled but was a threat, nonetheless. I think he is going to have someone follow me if that has not already happened.”



“He would go to that length?”


“He would go to any length. If he wants to find out something, he will.”


“What are you going to say to them?”


“I am going to tell them that we are married and you are carrying my baby, their grand-baby”


“Are you sure they can handle all that?”


“I don’t care.” His jaw was tight. “I am tired of hiding. I want to take you out to dinner to celebrate this news.” His eyes glinted.






“We are going out to dinner.”




“Tomorrow night. I am going to get my assistant to book us a table at Kelly’s restaurant a few blocks from the office. We are coming out darling.”


“Are you sure?”


“I am positive. Order something horrendously expensive to wear!”


“I have a lot of clothes….”


“For what is coming tomorrow, I need something special.” He touched the phone and scrolled through. “Hey Monique.” He smiled at the look on his wife’s face. “I am good and how is everything?” he listened for a moment. “I have something to tell you and you have to promise that you will not repeat it until after tomorrow.” He listened again. “It’s big. I am married.” He chuckled as he waited for her to speak. “Her name is Athena Blakely now McGregor. Yes that same one. I will tell her you are an admirer. I need a dress. We are coming out of the closet and announcing to the world and my parents that we are a couple. Do you have anything that will make a big splash?” he listened again. “Perfect. Have it couriered to my loft tomorrow. My wife will be here. Thanks.” He listened for a moment as he looked at her. “I will tell her.” He said before hanging up.

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