Home > Ruin : The Reprise(51)

Ruin : The Reprise(51)
Author: L.A. Cotton

I hadn’t wanted to record Drown for public consumption. It was my song. But even I couldn’t deny that Eva’s lyrics and the female POV elevated it to something epic.

And now it was number one.

“We should celebrate tonight,” I suggested, and everyone looked at me. “Relax, I’m not saying we do something stupid. Just the seven of us. Eight, if Alistair wants to come.”

He rolled his eyes, muttering something about, ‘only being our manager’.

“Sounds good,” Letty said. “Are you thinking out or in?”

“In.” I pulled Phoebe closer. I wanted to be able to hold her and touch her, I wanted to be able to fucking kiss her without fear of being caught by some mega-fan or wannabe journo.

“Can I bring a date?” Hudson asked and everyone yelled, “No.”

“Joke.” He groaned. “Geez, I was joking.”

“Alistair, you in?”

“Actually, I’m not sure. My sister is in town.”

“Ruby?” Rafe asked.

“Yeah. She’s just passing through but wanted to see me.”

“You should invite her,” Eva said. “It’ll be nice to see her again.” We’d bumped into her at an industry thing a few weeks back.

“I’m sure Alistair already has plans,” Damon said. It came out kind of strained, which was fucking weird because Damon was the most placid of us all.

“We were going to meet up for drinks,” Ali said, “but maybe we can swing by the suite instead.”

I watched Damon. His expression was hard, guarded. There was definitely something going on. Strange, because he hadn’t whispered a word of it to me. I guess we all had our secrets though.

Damon wasn’t like me or Hudson, or even Rafe in the early days. He hadn’t hopped on the crazy train and lived and breathed the rock and roll lifestyle. Sure, he’d partied with us, hooked up with the occasional girl, and dabbled in some soft drugs here and there, but he didn’t live it. He loved the band, he loved the music, but the life... he’d always acted like he could take or leave it.

“Where’d you go just now?” Phoebe raked her nails over my jaw, commanding my attention.

“Just thinking,” I said, sucking her bottom lip into my mouth.

She smothered a whimper, wriggling on my lap.

“Do you think we have time to—”

Pressing a finger to my lips, she grinned. “Hold that thought, rock star, you have a show to do.”

“I’ll think of you, naked and waiting for me.”

Conversations went on around us as we fell deeper into our own little world.

“Didn’t you just suggest we celebrate tonight?” Her brow rose playfully.

“Yeah, but no one will notice if we disappear.”

“Levi, everyone will notice.” She chuckled.

“Are you two listening to a word I say?” Alistair’s voice was like a bucket of ice water.

“Sorry, what was that?”

Hudson snickered, and I flipped him off.

“Forget it,” Alistair grumbled. “Sometimes I don’t know why I bother.”

“I’m happy. Can’t you just try to be pleased for me?” My brow lifted.

“Levi.” There was a hint of warning in Phoebe’s voice, but not even she was going to ruin my good mood.

“It’s not going to work, Bee.” I kissed her temple. “Nothing you say, or Ali says, or anyone says is going to dampen my mood. For the first time in my life, I feel... good. I feel really fucking good. So you can all worry about me or for me, or whatever... but I don’t care.”

Quiet snickers filled the room. Eva was smiling, pride glittering in her baby blues. Letty looked fit to burst, her smile so wide anyone would have thought she’d just been crowned number one on the Hot 100. Alistair looked as miserable as fuck still, his brows knitted together with concern. But I was done worrying. I had my band. I had my brother and Eva. I had music.

And most of all, I had my girl in my arms, and she loved me.

She fucking loved me.




“To family, good friends, and getting fucked-up.” Hudson lifted his beer in the air and smirked. But when no one joined him, he added, “What?”

“You’re an asshole, you know that, right?” Levi snorted, his fingers massaging my thigh as I sat perched in his lap.

The show had been a huge success. The crowd in Sioux City was electric, lapping up Levi’s performance. He’d announced they had hit number one on the Hot 100 and pulled Eva out on stage to play three songs. The fans had loved it, echoes of ‘more’ and ‘encore’ rippling through the arena.

Watching them, you couldn’t help but feel the Hunter-Walker magic that everyone so often talked about. Their bond was special, their music even more so. And everyone saw the change in Levi tonight. He was lighter somehow. More animated and excited. He’d strutted across the stage, high on endorphins. But I couldn’t help the pang of worry I felt, that Levi was trading one addiction for another.


“Hey, what’s wrong?” He tucked his chin onto my shoulder, his words a low grumble meant only for my ears.

“Nothing.” I smiled back at him. His eyes held a new sparkle, but I still saw the shadows of pain. They would always be there. Until Levi took the giant step of talking to someone about his past, it would always haunt him. Nothing—not music, or his bandmates, liquor, drugs, or me—could fix that.

But he’d said nothing about seeking help, and he was so happy, I didn’t want to push him too much too soon.

“Where the fuck are Alistair and Ruby?” Hudson grumbled. “I want to crack open the champagne.”

“None of us even like champagne,” Rafe said.

“Yeah, but it’s a celebration. Can’t have a celebration without champagne.”

Just then, Damon’s cell vibrated. “It’s Ali.” He scanned the text and his brow furrowed. “They’re not going to make it. Something happened—”

“Are they okay?”

“Yeah, just says he’s sorry but that something came up he needs to take care of.” His expression darkened, only for a second, then his frown morphed into a smile as he pocketed his cell and gave the room his attention.

“Oh well, in that case.” Hudson got up and went over to the counter, retrieving the champagne from the ice bucket. “I’ll do the honors.” He popped the cork and Letty leaped up to help fill the neat rows of crystal flutes. She handed us each a glass, and I watched the liquid fizz and pop.

“Does anyone want to say a few—”

“Hey, man, I’ve got this.” Hudson shot Damon an irritated look. He puffed out his chest, running a hand through his damp hair. “Eva, Angel, Country... I won’t sugarcoat it. I thought you joining the tour was the worst idea ever—”

“What the fuck, Hud?” Rafe balked.

“Relax, man. I’ve got this.” He waved him off.

“As I was saying, I thought it was a terrible idea. We’re rock stars, baby. We didn’t need a girl tagging along, messing with our Feng shui. But I was wrong. You’re the fifth piece to our puzzle, Eva. The light to our dark. The soft to our hard. I know Rafe loves you. I know that one day, he’s going to put a ring on your finger and a baby in your stomach—”

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