Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(22)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(22)
Author: Crystal Bella

I only have one regret and that is not asking her father and her brother for her hand in marriage, but I don’t feel too bad about that as they probably would have made me wait longer.

I also am not liking the secrets, my family have always been open with each other and secrets do not end well in families. I need to get my rings back on her finger ASAP and show everyone that she if officially of the market and more importantly that she is mine.

My plan is two phased, now I need to move on to the second part, knocking her the fuck up with my kid. I have to permanently bind her to me somehow and this is the only way I know how.

This may take a little patience on my part as she is quite career driven but fuck if I didn’t want it to happen yesterday. Now how do I get her to come of her birth control?


Chapter Seven


I don’t end up seeing Kenni until later in the evening when they all return home for tea. So I busy myself helping Annett around the house. I’m surprised by how much I have missed him and he seems to be having the same feelings because he practically drags me to our bedroom before ravishing me thoroughly, leaving me pretty breathless I must say.

We head back downstairs and join everyone else at the table, Emmett mutters something to him about having control of himself and I can’t help the little snort that escapes me, leading to everyone else around the table snickering, Kenni seems unfazed by it all and I’m not surprised.

“So Luci what did you get up to in town then?” His mother asks me when everyone has finally settled down, it is an innocent question but to be honest I am hiding a secret that I wasn’t quite ready to share yet.

“Well we did some shopping, looked around the town and then we went to the bar for lunch.” Here goes nothing……

“Then I called in at the high school to enquire about job openings there after the summer.” The whole table has gone deathly quiet, like every piece of cutlery has been placed down on their plates and everyone is openly staring at me, feeling subconscious I lower my head looking at my fried chicken, even that seems to be staring back at me.

It’s literally like half a minute before anyone makes any kind of movement or sound and that is Kenni clearing his throat, even then he doesn’t speak.

Suddenly I’m overwhelmed by what I have done and begin to question whether I have overstepped the mark and jumped into this thing, logically I know I should have discussed this with Kenni, he is my husband after all, but I thought it would be a nice surprise. Finally somebody clears the air, surprisingly it’s Jed.

“Wow Luci that’s great, what did they say?” Well it can’t get much worse than it is already.

“Well I spoke to a nice lady called Miss Spencer who said she would be thrilled to have me start there after the summer and providing my qualifications and references check out she offered me a full time position today. I didn’t accept it though, I said I would discuss it with Kenni first and get back to her soon.” Again I’m met with silence. I’m so fucking confused right now, people couldn’t have been any stronger with their hints about me teaching in America, why are they turning funny now?

If Kenni does not say something in the next ten seconds we are seriously going to fall out. Twenty seconds later I stand up.

“Excuse me there are some things I need to do.” My voice cracks because I’m trying so hard not to cry at this moment, the first time I needed my so called husband to speak up and say something and stand up for me he takes a vowel of fucking silence.

“Luci sit down now.” Kenni finally can be heard from, he grabs my wrist and applies gentle pressure, attempting to get me to sit back down.

I have to clench my teeth to control my anger before removing his hands from around my wrist and walking out, the last person I hear is Jed saying what my husband should have said.

“Y’all are stupid, all of you. She’s here to stay, you need to get used to it. Kenni what the fuck was that?” I don’t hang around long enough to hear their replies, realising I still have Kenni’s car keys in my handbag.

I don’t think twice before leaving the house and jumping in and putting my foot down on the accelerator and haring down the drive in floods of tears.

I pull up at the side of the road and it takes a couple of minutes to get myself together before I reach for my phone, the only person outside of the ranch I can talk too is Coral. Looking up her contact details I dial her number and call her, she answers on the third ring.

“Hey, what’s up?” She sounds concerned, obviously she wasn’t expecting this call.

“Sorry to bother you, I don’t suppose you’re free this evening are you? I feel like getting shit faced and I need a partner in crime.” She clearly doesn’t think twice, she replies instantly.

“Well I’m supposed to be working in the morning but I’ll go in hungover. You obviously need a friend right now.” I’m so grateful to her, we make plans to meet at the bar in twenty minutes. I continue on my drive towards town.

I hear my phone ringing I surmise it must be Kenni trying to reach me so I choose to ignore it, he’s persistent though and it rings several more times.

Coral is already waiting for me when I reach the bar. I don’t really want to drink here and then an idea pops into my head, pulling up alongside her I whined the window down to talk to her.

“Coral how far is the next town?” A wicked smile spreads across her face and I know she is on the same page as me.

“About Six miles that way.” She says, holding her hand out to the left.

“Jump in, I don’t want to be disturbed tonight, you know what I mean.” If I stay in town I guarantee I will be.

“I’m guessing y’all had a fight, don’t worry I’ll get my brother to pick us up later. You can stay at mine tonight if you want. So tell me what happened?” I tell her everything, every sordid little detail, even sharing about our marriage, I have a feeling I can trust Coral but I swear her to secrecy.

“What a fucking dick, he did marry you, surely he knows that entails you actually making a life for yourself here?” My thoughts exactly, I couldn’t have said it any better myself.

“Do you think I look immature leaving the way I did? I have technically stolen his car.” Panic is setting in a little. I don’t do drama so this is very out of character for me.

“No fucking way, I can’t believe he acted like that and what’s his is yours and all that.” She says winking at me and I can’t help but laugh out loud and decide right then to forget it all for the evening and just concentrate on getting drunk with my new best friend.

Four hours later and I am so drunk I can hardly stand, the bar is very busy and the male attention we are receiving is very welcome right now. What girl doesn’t want to feel sexy and wanted?

If my own husband doesn’t want me and won’t stand up for me then I’m going to flirt shamelessly with anyone and everyone who shows me attention, Coral is also lapping it up.

We are attempting to play pool against some local men most of the night and loosing badly. At midnight Coral’s brother arrives to take us home.

I am a little surprised and disappointed that my evening hasn’t been disturbed by my husband but I didn’t let it deter me though and I actually let my hair down and enjoyed myself.

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