Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(24)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(24)
Author: Crystal Bella

But it only leads to me working myself up again as I pull away from him and get out of the shower. Grabbing a towel I wrap it around me before walking into the wardrobe and pulling my suitcase out.

I have a new determination and it includes packing my shit up, I don’t think I want to leave I just want him to realise the seriousness of how badly he let me down yesterday.

I feel him in the doorway watching me as I chuck my clothes in my case, I suddenly feel his arms wrap around my waist as he pushes me down onto the bed, lying over me, he’s looking straight into my eyes but it feels like he’s also looking into my soul, it’s a couple of minutes before he speaks.

“Luci please don’t leave me, I honestly just didn’t expect you to be making plans this quickly, I obviously knew you would settle here, but not this quick. You know you don’t have to work if you don’t want to I make more than enough to support us, I have a lot of money if you haven’t realised already. I guess I just didn’t expect you to work whilst you were here and that is what threw me, once again I’m sorry I should have stood up for you last night and I didn’t, I feel like the first test we had I failed you and I never want you questioning my intentions with you. You are my wife and I intend to raise my children and spend my life with you.” Ok I’m only human and I’m a female so of course I get lost in his speech about building a family together, I never intended to leave him but I believe he now understands how much he failed me yesterday.

“What did you say to your parents about us?” I begin biting my finger nails hoping he didn’t tell them the truth.

“I just told them how much I love you and how much I want to be with you, I didn’t tell them about getting married though I figured that is something you would want to tell them together, you’re sentimental like that.” A cheeky grin appears on his face and I can’t help but kiss him.

“Kenni I love you.” One simple statement but so true, I love this man with all of my heart and I don’t think I could ever stop loving him. He kisses me deeply and we just lay together for a little while, just enjoying being with each other.

“We need to leave soon to pick your sister up darlin?” In the heat of the moment I had forgotten all about Ruby.

“Shit I forgot all about her, I’m a terrible sister. I’ll get ready.” Flying around the room I pick some clothes out of the suitcase and begin to get ready. When I walk out from the bathroom I look up at my handsome husband, who is stood by the bed.

He is in full cowboy attire and looking sexy as fuck in his outfit. Taking in his clothes, boots and hat, I’m not sure I have enough self-restraint to leave this room without jumping his bones. I have to keep my head down as I walk past him to remove the temptation, he laughs under his breath but follows me out.

The drive to the airport is uneventful, we listen to country music the whole way there, I figure this is a way of life here and actually enjoy it. When I’m waiting in the arrival area for my sister Kenni has me firmly in his grasp. When I spot Ruby I squirm out of his hold and I take of running, it feels like ages since I last saw her and I can’t help but cry and be emotional as I wrap my arms around her.

“Jesus Luci, I saw you like two weeks ago and spoke to you yesterday.” She pulls away from me but still holds me in her grasp, I feel Kenni press himself into my back and he places his hands on my shoulders.

“I just really missed you. Ruby this is Kenni, Kenni this is Ruby.” Ruby grabs him into an affectionate hug and kisses him on the cheek.

“So you’re my new brother in law then. You’re very handsome in person I must say. Fair warning I think my brother is actually going to kill you with his bare hands when he sees you.” He just laughs and heads over to retrieve her case after she tells him it’s the illuminous pink one.

“Fucking hell he is smoking hot Luci, you did good girl. I see already that you’re happy.” She is smiling widely at me.

“We have our moments, it’s not all hearts and flowers but my god I am so in love with him.” It’s nice to be able to admit that to someone who is family and not have to lie.

Kenni comes back and joins us at this point and no more is said as we leave the airport. It’s about lunchtime and Kenni takes us to a diner that he knows, we all have a burger and chips and then head off to the ranch.

I hear the intake of breath from Ruby as we head down the lane towards the house and I smile to myself. When we pull up Kenni retrieves her suitcase and heads into the house leaving me and Ruby to follow, as soon as he’s out of earshot Ruby seizes the opportunity.

“Oh my god, he’s fucking loaded isn’t he? You hit the fucking jackpot with him didn’t you? Jesus how big is this place and did he make you sign a prenuptial agreement?” I’d never really considered his wealth until this exact moment, and I become a little overwhelmed, suddenly forgetting all of the questions she just asked me.

“No, of course he didn’t.” I reply irritably leading her into the house where Annett is waiting, after doing more introductions we head to the kitchen for an iced tea. Kenni makes his excuses and heads out to work for a bit, kissing me deeply before he leaves.

I hear my sister sigh as she watches us. We make small talk with Annett for a while then she takes us up to the guest room where Ruby will be sleeping, she leaves us after settling her in.

“So I want to hear every detail of your wedding and I want to see the rings.” I give her the gory details, minus the hotel hot sex stuff and head to our room for the rings, I show them to her and she coo’s even more.

“Shit, I can’t believe my sister is married, probably babies on the horizon and living in another country, does none of this terrify you Luci?” It scares the shit out of me but I can’t admit that to my little sister, I’ve always been the brave one.

“When I’m with him everything is ok, I feel safe and the scary thoughts go away. Don’t get me wrong sometimes I’m a little scared but he makes it alright, but no babies for a while, I want a career first.” I’m shocked by my own admission and sit down on her bed to take it all in.

We spend the next couple of hours catching up and it feels great to hear about everything from back home, I’m now feeling slightly home sick and a little depression comes over me. We head down for dinner and help Annett set everything up.

Eventually the men turn up and when they walk into the dining room everyone goes quiet as they take in the new girl, everyone is use to me now. I make introductions and can’t help but a notice a couple of the ranch hands are very taken by Ruby and they openly stare at her throughout dinner, she is of course oblivious to it all, caught up in her own little world.

After dinner the family heads out to the porch to enjoy the evening, the ranch hands go to the sleeping quarters, I think I heard a couple of them mention something about going into town. Annett and Emmett seem different tonight, more open and welcoming, I guess Kenni really did speak with them.

Ruby and I share a bottle of wine and in this moment my life is perfect. Kenni’s parents excuse themselves for bed, we stay up a little longer but Kenni’s leg rubbing is getting almost frantic and I can tell what he has on his mind so we end up heading to bed, Ruby stays up a little longer as she’s talking with Jed.

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