Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(18)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(18)
Author: Crystal Bella

“Go, get out of my sight before I change my mind, I left a cell phone for you to take with you on the telephone table and I programmed my number in. Have fun sweetheart, call me anytime you want, I’ll see you later babe.” His briefly kisses me again before stalking off into the bathroom.

I reapply my lip gloss before walking back down the stairs. Coral and Annett are both waiting for me at the bottom, Annett is smiling widely.

“You look beautiful darlin, real pretty. I thought for sure you’d come down in something different.” Picking up the mobile Kenni left for me, I place it in my handbag and I smile at her.

“Thank you, I didn’t think he was going to let me go without getting changed first, to be honest.” Everyone laughs, even the men from the dining room. I take this as a small victory over my alpha man.

We end up eating in the bar. It becomes apparent, quite quickly that we have quite a few things in common and we instantly hit it off.

We are joined for a little bit by other girls and I don’t warm to them so much, I can tell instantly that they are just fishing for information about me and Kenni. I tell them as little as possible without seeming rude. When they eventually leave Coral suggests playing some pool, which I happily agree to.

We get a lot of male attention and both flirt accordingly, nothing over the top just some banter. We’ve been having such a laugh I didn’t notice the time, looking at my watch, I’m shocked to see it’s 11 o’clock and I realise how late it is.

Just as I pull the phone out from my bag, Kenni and Jed both walk in through the door, Kenni walks straight up to me, lifts me up off my feet and kisses me, full on, right in the middle of the busy bar.

“Guess that answers your question on whether she’s single.” I hear someone behind me say. Kenni gives them a death glare before turning back to me.

“Hey Coral, thanks for taking Luci out, finish your game babe, me and Jed are going to stop for a beer anyway.” He slaps me on the arse before he walks away, heading towards the bar, leaving me a mess.

“That was so freaking hot, he’s got it bad.” Coral whispers in my ear and I can’t help nodding my head and agreeing with her.

After our game has finished I make arrangements to meet up with Coral at the beginning of next week for lunch, I have really enjoyed her company and can see her becoming a good friend whilst I’m here. We walk to Kenni and Jed at the bar. They offer us a drink but we both decline.

Me, Kenni and Coral leave the bar, Jed is staying behind for a bit. Dropping Coral off on the way home we drive the rest of the way in a comfortable silence.

Pulling up outside the house back at the ranch, Kenni cuts the engine on his truck. Looking up I see the house in darkness. I sense he wants to ask me something so I hang on and don’t make a move to get out yet.

“Luci I need to ask you something, I want to take a trip with you tomorrow, but I need you to agree to something tonight. Firstly, I need to tell you, from the minute I saw you, I knew you were it for me, after only a few days I know I love you so much I can hardly breath, I know you are my future and my forever. I want to take you to Vegas tomorrow.” VEGAS!!!!! Surely not……..

“Kenni I only think of one thing when I think of Vegas and that is getting married, surely you can’t be asking me this?” He smiles widely at me, so wide I know for certain I’ve hit the nail on the head.

“That’s exactly what I’m asking you darlin, I want you to be my wife.” I don’t mean to, but I burst out laughing and there isn’t a thing I can do to stop myself.

“You’re hurting my ego here darlin, I have just declared my love for you and asked you to marry me and you laugh at me?” I think he’s actually being serious, what can I say to this ludicrous request without upsetting him?

“Kenni I love you as well, so much I’m worrying about going home and leaving you here, but seriously getting married?” Shit, I just said out loud that I love him.

“Why not get married? I love you, you love me, it can be our secret for a bit, but I really want to make you my wife. I know we are meant for each other.” I sit and seriously think about what he said and I know he is my forever love as well, I know I could never be with another man after being with him.

I know we have a connection and I mean what I say when I said I don’t want to have any regrets, this is all crazy fast but it doesn’t seem wrong, it feels so right. He looks to be in physical agony waiting for my response. Looking right into his eyes I give him his reply.

“Yes Kenni, I will be your wife, I’ll marry you in Vegas.” He pulls me in for a scorching kiss and pulling back he is smiling so wide I know instantly I have made the right decision, no hesitation.

“Kenni I love you so much.” It’s his turn to look into my eyes, I see so much love in them I think my heart is going to burst. When you know, you just know.

“Babe this is going to sound weird and possibly tight but I was thinking about rings and with your being allergic to gold and platinum I wondered how you would feel about using the ring we brought in Canada as your engagement ring?” I pull back from his hold on me and look at the ring, which currently resides on my right hand index finger.

My mind wanders briefly to the memories we made in Canada. He obviously mistakes me pulling back as being upset at what he suggested because I can see the panic wash over his face. But to the contrary, I am ecstatic, I bloody love this ring.

“I think that would be perfect, I couldn’t ask for a prettier ring.” Yep, he’s very happy with this and proves it by carrying me into the house in his arms and making love to me repeatedly throughout the night.

I’m woken in the morning by a very excited Kenni, who I notice is already fully dressed and smiling down at me expectantly. Memories from last night suddenly come flying through my head and it dawns on me why he’s so happy.

“Come on sweetheart up you get, we have a long day ahead of us. We need to buy you a dress, today you become Mrs Kenni Bennet.” I can’t help but get caught up in the excitement, jumping out of bed I head into the bathroom to have a shower, getting dressed really quickly and sorting my hair out, I shock myself and am ready in record time.

Kenni tells me to pack an overnight bag for both of us, which I do and then we head downstairs. I try to curb my enthusiasm in front of his parents as it is after all supposed to be a secret.

His parents are aware we are going away for the night. Kenni feeds them some lie about wanting to show me around Texas a little, winking at them he says he’s trying to persuade me to stay longer, they appear to buy it.

We leave the ranch in Kenni’s truck, heading towards the private airfield we flew into the other day. There is already a plane waiting to take us to Vegas, it is once again a private chartered. I smile thinking about the planning that would have gone into organising this, settling back into my chair I nap for a little bit whilst we’re in the air.

Arriving at the hotel on the strip is a little surreal for me, I’ve never seen so many bright lights, strike that, I have never seen anything like this before in my life.

To be honest, I have more on my mind then the glam and glitz of Vegas as harsh as that sounds, I have no interest in the actual place only the significance of what it means to us.

Once we are settled into our hotel we brave the madness and go on the hunt for my dress. Going against tradition Kenni is with me when I pick it out and even gives me his opinion on it, I don’t see the harm as he is going to see me in it beforehand anyway.

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