Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(20)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(20)
Author: Crystal Bella

“I’m meeting up with Coral for lunch tomorrow, I’m just telling you so when you come in you don’t throw a hissy fit when I’m not there or when I get back.” Remembering last time when he went a bit nuts.

“Ok darlin, Coral’s a good girl, have fun, are you staying in town?” He seems to be digging for information. I can’t think of a reason not to tell him.

“Yes we’re going to the bar again, I hope that is ok?” He seems pissed off at us going to the bar. Fuck him, I haven’t given him cause to not trust me, I behaved myself last time, so I deliver the final blow.

“Can I borrow your car or should I ask your mum?” Oh dear, wrong thing to say.

“I’ll drive you if you want? I could pick up some things from town.” Said through gritted teeth, he says it so sweetly, I almost buy it and accept his kind offer. But the truth is, I want to talk to someone who is female, my age and I want to have a conversation that is not based around life on the ranch.

“I can drive Kenni, I want to. I want to do a little clothes shopping anyway and you have to work, if I’m going to be living here I need to get to know the place. Don’t worry I’ll ask your mum to borrow hers or get Coral to pick me up.” I can also play dirty mister, he backtracks immediately.

“You can take my truck, what’s mine is yours after all.” He’s trying to lighten the mood and I’ll go with it, anything to deflect from the serious stuff.

“Now it’s time for you to fulfil your wifely duties.” He tells me, smiling widely as he says it.

“Really Kenni, I’m just a personal sex slave to you, aren’t I?” I try to look pissed off but his blue eyes are my undoing and I burst out laughing.

“No, my darlin you are my wedded wife and I love you. Now come sit on top of me and I’ll sort us both out.” Well, that does sound tempting and it would see me off to sleep nicely.

“Three days since we married and already the romance is dead.” I say whilst climbing on top of him and removing my nightie. Leaning down over him, I brush my lips across his and drop little kisses all over his face.

“I’ll romance you tomorrow sweetheart, right now I need to be balls deep inside you.” Lifting my hips up, he slams me down and impales me hard. I can’t even fathom any form of reply because he has knocked the wind right out of me.

Turning us over without leaving my body he is on top of me, he lifts both my legs over his shoulders and continues hammering into me, not giving me any chance to recover between thrusts. My orgasm is quickly building and it’s going to be a big one.

“I’ll never get tired of this sweetheart, fucking you is my favourite thing to do. I love you Luci, come baby.” As if on cue, my body explodes, I feel Kenni release himself inside me.

Removing my legs from his shoulders, he pulls me into his side and kisses me deeply. Feeling fucking amazing I snuggle my head into his chest and allow sleep to claim me.

Waking up around 4am, I toss and turn but can’t get back to sleep. I decide before anyone gets up, now would be a good time to call Ruby. Chucking my nightie on and taking my tablet from my dressing table I head downstairs to the office to call her. She picks up on the second ring.

“What have you got to tell me Luci? It’s like 4 o’clock in the morning there, something is going on.” Only my sister would know this, she does know me so well.

“Rubes you’re right, I do have something to tell you, but first I need you to swear that you won’t tell mum and dad.” My heartrate has suddenly picked up speed and for the first time in my life I’m nervous to tell my sister something.

“Luci, do you really need to ask me that? You know I would never say anything to them, I thought you know me better than that.” She is seriously disgruntled, oh well, I just as well come out and say it, here goes nothing.

“I married Kenni at the weekend in Las Vegas.” Strangely I’m greeted with silence for a few seconds, this is most unlike Ruby.

“WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK LUCI? What have you done? Mum and dad are going to lose their shit about this.” Well, I kind of expected that, so had turned the volume of my tablet down, turning it back up I look at her face and I’m shocked to see disappointment, if Ruby is disappointed what is my dad going to be like?

“Rubes I knew what I was doing, I love him, he loves me and it was the right thing to do. You’re the first person we’ve told.” I offer that information like it’s going to pacify her. It’s also a little manipulative on my part.

“I knew you weren’t coming home, oh bloody hell Luci, why did you marry him? I don’t want to lose you.” My little sister is crying and my protective instinct kick in, my sister is hurting and I start to cry as well.

“Ruby, of course I’m going to come home sometimes and you can come here and stay with us as well. You’re welcome here anytime. Rubes you’re my best friend.” Were both in floods of tears at this point, I can’t say any more to her, to calm her down, it is what it is. I am married and as harsh as it sounds that situation is not changing.

“You say that now Luci but things are changing with you, I love you but I’m not sure how to feel about all of this. I won’t say anything to mum and dad, this is your shit storm to drop on them.” This is hard, if it’s this hard with Ruby what’s it going to be like with my mum and dad, at the thought I start crying harder and have to take a couple of minutes to calm myself.

“Thank you Ruby, I know this is a lot for you to take in. I’m going to have to speak to mum and dad soon because I’m not going to be back on Monday obviously. Honestly, I know I have done the right thing, I can’t wait for you meet him, you’ll love him and his cousin is pretty hot.” She seems to straighten himself up at the mention of his hot cousin, so we end up laughing together as I tell her all about Kenni and Jed.

“I’ll call you soon Rubes, I love you loads.” I end the call, taking a minute or two to gather my thoughts. When I leave the office Kenni is waiting outside the door for me, arms crossed across his chest.

“So, I have a hot cousin, do I?” Wiping the tears from my face with the back off my hand I walk right up to him and throw my arms around his neck and kiss him on his lips.

“Well he is pretty hot, not as hot as my husband though, he’s smoking.” Yep, definitely the right thing to say, a beaming smiles comes across his face.

“I like you calling me your husband, I take it you were calling Ruby, how did she take it?” He looks so concerned as he holds me tight.

“Not good I’m afraid, she is my baby sister and is feeling like she has lost me forever. I’m feeling very guilty at the moment but I know we did the right thing.” He pulls me in tighter.

“Why don’t you ask her to come over here for a few days, I think it would probably help her deal with it.” This sounds like an excellent idea. I’m touched he’s being so thoughtful with my sister as well.

“Kenni are you sure? I think this is a good idea actually, but maybe we should speak to your parents first.” We agree on this and then head back to bed for an hour.

When we go down for breakfast, his parents both say it would be ok and re-iterate that this is my home whilst I’m here and I was welcome to invite friends to stay. Heading back to the office I phone Ruby again.

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