Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(30)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(30)
Author: Crystal Bella

“You do want them though, right? Because I’m kind of obligated to produce an heir for this place you know.” He seems to be hanging on my every word.

“Let’s just take things one step at a time Romeo, plenty of time for that.” My attempt to lighten the mood has worked and his boyish grin returns, alongside his deep dimples. When I’m with him like this all my concerns fade away but the reality is, I’m not with him like this that often and it’s not enough to sway me to stay.

Kenni has one last attempt at getting me to join everyone else for dinner but I tell him I’m still not feeling well, he eyes me doubtfully but doesn’t push the issue and eventually he leaves. I have a phone call to make and I can’t make it in front of him, pulling out my phone I call Coral.

“Hey Coral, have you recovered yet?” She’s laughing, so she can’t be that bad.

“Yeah I was actually ok when I woke up, how can I help you?” How do I explain this?

“Well actually I need to ask you a favour, the kind of favour where you ask me no questions, because I promise you, the least you know the better.” I hold my breath at this point.

“This doesn’t sound good Luci.” Taking a deep breath, I tell her as little as possible.

“Me and Ruby need a ride to the airport tomorrow morning and I wondered if you would oblige.” I am silently praying to god she will, I don’t think a taxi would have the same effect somehow, I’m sure people would be disturbed by that.

“This doesn’t sound good Luci, are you leaving him?” I’m once again greeted with the sound of disappointment, a sound I’m now getting used to hearing.

“No, I’m not leaving him like you think, I’m just going home for a few days to get myself together. I need to think about things and I can’t do that on the ranch. I understand if you don’t want to get involved though.” She is silent for a good few minutes.

“Luci I’ll help, but you’re right, the least I know the better. I don’t support what you’re doing but as your friend I’ll help y’all out. What time shall I pick you up?” I can tell that she feels uneasy.

“Coral you’re the best, Is 4 o’clock too early for you? Sorry I know it’s really early.”

“You really are doing a moonlight flit, I’ll be waiting outside. I hope you get out undetected because if you’re caught out, there is no way Kenni will let you leave.” I hope he doesn’t catch us either and this is the flaw to my master plan, the time is a risk, but it’s one I have to take.

We say our goodbyes and I rest for a little bit before Ruby comes in wanting to know what’s happening. She looks uncomfortable when I tell her the plan but goes along with it anyway. I’m asleep when Kenni comes into the room and thankfully wake up before the alarm I set on my phone goes off.

I message Ruby through Facebook making sure she’s up, and she replies instantly. Creeping around the room, I leave the letter I wrote for Kenni on his bed side table, kiss him and quietly slip out of the bedroom heading towards Ruby’s room. I tap lightly and she quietly opens her door, whispering at me.

“I really hope we’re doing the right thing.” I say nothing in return because honestly I don’t know. As we’re opening the front door I hear the stairs creaking, my stomach drops and as I spin around I come face to face with my mother in law, she gives me a disapproving look but I also see some compassion.

“So you’re leaving him?” I say nothing as shame washes over me.

“I’m disappointed in you Luci but I understand. This is not a life that suits everyone, which is why I’m going to let you go, without waking my son to tell him you’re leaving. I will deny all knowledge of this though, if it comes back to bite me on the ass. I know you’ll be back, of that I am certain.” With that being said, she turns on her heels and heads back up the stairs. I wish I had her certainty that I’ll be back because right now, I’m not so sure.

I don’t have the time to think about it further so we head out to the waiting car, where I met with Coral shaking her head, she also has some tears in her eyes.

“Last chance to change your mind Luci.” Ruby mutters at me, just as I’m entering the car. I shrug my shoulders because there is not a lot else I can do or say, I’ve made my decision and as my mum would say, I’ve now made my bed and I have to lay in it.

Coral is silent for most of the journey, only making small talk with Ruby. When we arrive at the airport she pulls me into a hug and begs me to keep in contact with her, I promise her I will and she promises she won’t tell them anything I tell her, of that I am certain.

Coral has proven herself a loyal friend. We say our goodbyes and head into the airport. It’s not until we are past security that I breathe, we board our plane and I am plagued with thoughts of Kenni, who will know by now that I have left him. The journey passes in a blur and sometime later we touch down in London at Gatwick airport.



She fucking left me, in the dead of the god-damn night, she walked out on me. I knew there was something funny going on but I never thought she was going to leave me.

All she left was her wedding and engagement rings and a letter, which didn’t really tell me much at all, all it said was that she needed time to think and she didn’t know how long that would be. She told me she loved me but that wasn’t enough, whatever that means?

I finally confessed to my parents and Jed that we were, in fact married. I swear my mom knew but my daddy seemed disappointed and asked if I’d had a pre-nup drawn up with the family lawyer. When I said no, he cursed loudly and said, and I quote “let’s hope this doesn’t come back to bite you on the ass son.” I knew where he was coming from on this and looking back, it wasn’t my brightest idea, but to me a marriage should be about trust not a damn business arrangement.

I guess my only option is to wait for her, but how long do I wait? Should I go to England and chase her? I’m so fucking confused right now and desperately trying not to make rash decisions.

Jed seems just as torn up as me about Ruby leaving, we’re hopeless, the pair of us and I’m ashamed to admit, we’ve taken to sinking a bottle of Jack between us each night, just to get through.


Chapter Ten

When we arrived in London it suddenly occurred to us both that we hadn’t thought about getting back to Cornwall. I really didn’t want to take public transport, so I decided to hire a car.

It took six hours to drive home and I don’t think I muttered more than a couple of words to Ruby the entire journey. I lost myself in motorway driving.

Our parents were shocked to see us when we walked in and I didn’t miss the looks passed between them or Ruby’s subtle head shake. After everyone greeted each other, I made my excuses and headed to bed feigning tiredness. In truth I didn’t want to see the look of disappointment on everybody’s face.

Of one thing I was certain, I didn’t want to ever hear the words “I told you so” and to my family’s credit, not one of them brought up the subject when we arrived home

My life returned to normal within a couple of days, my life in America forgotten. My thoughts were constantly about Kenni and what he was doing without me. Logically, I knew he would throw himself into work on the ranch but I still couldn’t help my mind wandering, picturing him with other woman and building a life without me.

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