Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(33)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(33)
Author: Crystal Bella

She takes the seat next to me and sticks to my side throughout the day. She invites me to the local pub afterwards for a glass of wine and I feel rude turning her down and to be honest I don’t think she gets out much, so I agree.

At the end of the day I’m glad I made plans to have a drink because my brain officially hurts. I shut down my computer in my classroom and make my way to meet Beth, who is already there waiting for me when I arrive. Once we have our drinks we sit down.

“So Luci, I’m 31, happily married and have one daughter, what about you?” I admire her directness and I instantly feel a bond forming between us and she gives of the aura that I can trust her.

“I’m 24, fresh out of Uni, as you know, not so happily married and I don’t have any children.” She looks at me perplexed, obviously she also remembers that I’m single and I feel the need to elaborate.

“Short version, I went to America, met an American in New York who invited me to his family ranch in Texas. We ended up getting married in Las Vegas. We were happy for a bit and then I left him in the middle of the night.” Blowing out a long breath, I look into Beth’s eyes expecting to see disapproval, instead she shocks the hell out of me by bursting into fits of giggles. She laughs hard for several minutes before I eventually speak.

“I’m glad you find my life amusing.” She tries to reign herself in, but fails miserably.

“Sorry but that is some funny shit. Honestly that is pretty pathetic, no offence. I thought my life was tragic.” Strangely, I don’t take offence because I can see that yes, it is pretty pathetic and we both end up giggling together then.

“Luci please keep me posted on the developments of your marriage, I have a funny feeling we’re going to get on just fine.” We eventually part ways and I head home for dinner, excitement with my new job and new friendship have perked me right up.

I once again team up with Beth for the second day of training and she introduces me to the other teachers. A couple of them are new, like me and we share looks of horror and I can see all of us feel overwhelmed.

Tomorrow is the big day as it’s the start of term. I’m terrified even though I have technically taught before when I was doing my teacher training, however this is different. I’m an NQT (Newly qualified Teacher) and this year is crucial. If I fail, it could be the end of my dreams. I need to get my head out of my ass and back in the game and stop thinking about a certain cowboy, easier said than done.



Six weeks and 5 days since she left me. Not that I’m counting or anything. She’s phoned the ranch once and she sneakily done it knowing I wouldn’t be around. Mom said Annabelle was rude to her and I actually fell out with my sister and screamed and shouted at her.

My daddy tore me a new one for ripping into her like that. I constantly go over in my head where things went wrong. I know she’s a bit younger than me and probably scared but I constantly reassured her of my love for her, I guess that wasn’t enough.

From conversations I’ve had with my mom since Luci left, I’m pretty convinced she knows more than she originally led me to believe. But I can’t call her out on it cause my daddy really would kick my ass if I upset my mama.

On the plus side, things on the ranch are good, my focus is still pretty much there. I’m not drinking like I was either. I try and stay away from the bars in town, not wanting the hassle of other woman, there will only ever be one woman for me.

I believe Jed is in some kind of contact with Ruby but he doesn’t tell me much. Annabelle has showed me Luci’s Facebook page, but as she’s not a friend of hers you can’t really see much, only her beautiful smile on her profile picture.

I have had to change bedrooms because I can’t face my own room, which is filled with memories of her. I’m currently taking up one of the guest rooms, much to my mom’s displeasure. Come on darlin, come on home to me.


Chapter Eleven


Today is the first day of term and the first day of classes, I’m so nervous and on edge, everyone at home has been supportive. I make the drive into work without incident and after making myself a coffee I head to staff briefing in the staffroom.

Taking my place with the rest of the English department. We listen intently as Mrs Jack proceeds to tell us all what a great year this one is going to be, how she has a suspicion Ofsted are going to visit, either this term or next as we’re overdue for an inspection. She then tells us that we all need to come down hard on year 8, surely they can’t be that bad?

After staff briefing there is a full assembly, where I sit with Beth. I see kids looking at me, trying to suss me out. Beth has already informed me that I have a year 7 tutor group so after assembly I quickly grab another coffee and head to my classroom and await the arrival of my tutor group.

After a few minutes of waiting they all trot in, looking dinky and I feel a little tear come to my eye. Eventually they all settle down and take their seats. Using my work IPad I take a couple of pictures of where they’re all sat and proceed to tell them these will be there seats for the whole school year, unless they have my permission to move. I see them gulp and feel pretty bad so I introduce myself.

“Hi my name is….” What do I tell them? A couple of seconds have passed before I turn around to my white board and decide to write it instead, buying me a few more seconds. I suppose I should use my legal name, here goes.

“My name is Mrs Bennet” I write it at the same time I say it, so I can’t see their reactions. I’m sure I’m over-reacting, even I know it means nothing to them, it’s just me being pathetic. Turning around I see one or two are confused, eventually a hand goes up.

“Yes, can I help you?” The little boy does look a little sheepish before speaking.

“My mum said you’re called Miss Wilkins and she knows your mum.” His mum is clearly a bloody gossip, smiling brightly I reply to him.

“Miss Wilkins is my maiden name, as I got married over the summer, I am now called Mrs Bennet.” The boy seems to accept this reply so I move on to the register, asking them to raise their hands when I say their names.

Form time passes without any further incident and I am happy when the bell goes for break. Heading to the staff room with my coffee in hand. I notice the new I.T teacher, smiling brightly at me from down the corridor, I smile back and he waves a little, I have no choice other than to wave back.

When I arrive in the staff room I sit down and to my horror Mr I.T takes it upon himself to join me, I make polite conversation through break before heading back to my classroom.

Lunchtime arrives and I once again make my way to the staff room meeting up with the rest of the English department. I learned during my teacher training days that all the Teaching Assistants gather in the staff room. We all share a few stories from the morning and everyone is laughing. Mr I.T pipes up again.

“Luci, I had year 9’s after you this morning and they tell me you’re called Mrs Bennett, is that right?” There was a very obvious emphasis on the Mrs, clearly this is him getting clarity as to my marital status and I feel everyone in the staffroom stop and look at me.

“Yes they’re right, I legally have my husband’s surname.” He looks disappointed, but covers it well.

“So what does your husband do then?” I would have said everyone went quiet again but to be honest, I think they’re all still quiet from the first question.

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