Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(58)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(58)
Author: Crystal Bella

“Love you babe.” He just smiles back at me and places his hand on his heart if it was possible I think I just fell more in love with him.

Annett offers to watch the boys so I can go into town and get a dress, Saturday is only two days away. I send a text to Jessica.

Need shoes for that sparkly number? Luci xx

She replies instantly.

What do you have in mind? Xx

Can you get away this morning? Xx

Yeah, it’s Jakes day off, I take it your shopping? The life of the rich…..sigh, lol xx

It’s a hard life ;) someone has to lead it!!! Are you going to the party sat night? Coffee shop in an hour ok with you? Xx

Yes going to boring party, I’ll be there, thank you Luci  xx

No problem, see you in a mo. P.s I’m bringing Betsy with me. Xx

“Annabelle do you want to come with me and Jessica?”

“Sounds good to me, mom will you be ok?” She asks as she’s already typing the message out.

“You girls go on now, I’ll be fine.”

“I’ll text Coral and see if she’s about.” Like she didn’t already do it.

“Yay a proper girly morning.” I can’t contain my excitement.

“Do you want to leave Betsy as well sweetheart?” Tempting, very, very tempting.

“Do you mind, it won’t be too much for you?”

“Coral can make it.” Annabelle buts in.

“Darlin I’m in my 50s not 80s.”

“Thank you Annett.” I kiss her on the cheek before I quickly rattle of a text to Jessica and express some milk in case Betsy gets hungry.

Change of plan-no kids! Also Annabelle and Coral are joining us, any of that a problem? Xx

Not at all, as I said Jakes home. I have his credit card for some new shoes ;) xx

Still same time and good work!! Xx

So we head into town, firstly meeting up for a coffee and then hitting the shops, we stretch it out to lunch as well and then I start feeling bad about leaving the kids with Annett so we head back promising to make the morning a regular occurrence. Jessica is like a different person from yesterday, even I can see the twinkle in her eyes.

I suggested to her that me and Kenni meet up with her and Jake for dinner on Saturday before going to the party, we both promise to speak to our others halves first and get back to each other. Kenni was up for it and so was Jake, were lucky our husbands are friends already I suppose.

Saturday came around sooner than I wanted it to, I was looking forward to dinner with Jessica and Jake but dreading the party, I think Kenni picked up on my apprehension and tried the whole sex thing to calm me down, figuring if he gave me orgasm’s before we left I would be chilled, it sort of worked.

Both of us found it hard to leave the kids for the evening but Annett assured us they were in very capable hands, we left them sitting on their grandpa’s lap listening to him reading them a story. Kenni drove us into town to meet at the restaurant or steak house as he kept telling me it was called. It’s a proper man’s place, I’ve never seen so much food served on one plate.

The two men talked the night away, as old friends do and me and Jessica got to know each other a little more. We stretched it out for as long as possible before we needed to make an appearance at the party.

Jessica and Jake came with us in Kenni’s truck, I had already said I would drive as I’m still breastfeeding. The party was in full swing when I pulled up to the barn Kenni had directed me to. The country music that was being played was loud, we all jumped out and made our way inside, Kenni and Jake both being stopped on the way by people to talk.

Me and Jessica kept together the whole time, I had already expressed my feelings about Christie to Jessica, she didn’t know her so couldn’t form an opinion. Unsurprisingly she was the first one in my face.

“Luci you’re finally here.” The fake smile was back again as I felt Kenni come up behind me and wrap his arms tightly around my waist, taking comfort from his touch I became bolder.

“Yeah sorry we’re a little late, we had dinner in town first.” Take that bitch, she looks like I physically violated her judging by the expression that came over her face.

“There is food here you know, I’ve gone to a lot of trouble.” Get over yourself love, my tolerance for this woman was draining rapidly.

“I’m sorry but we don’t get to go out much with having the children so we killed two birds with one stone and double dated with Jessica and Jake for dinner.” I’m a bitch and going to hell but I just can’t help myself.

“Oh, we still need to arrange something as well.” She tells me, like hell, you would need to drag me through hot coals before I readily agreed to that, I felt Kenni’s grip on me tighten and I knew he was silently telling me to rein it in a bit.

“Sure.” I give her the same fake smile she gives me, I know she sees right through it but that’s my intention. Stepping away from Kenni I put my arm through Jessica’s and we walk away together towards the drinks.

“Now do you see what I mean, god I wish I could drink, I think I need it to settle my nerves, bloody woman.” Jessica laughs at my side.

“Yes, I can see her for the bitch that she is, she has her hand on your husband by the way.” Looking over I see her hand resting on his left pectoral, then she moves it on to his upper arm before Kenni takes a natural step back and her hand is left raised awkwardly in the air, she pulls it down quickly.

“I swear I’m going to punch her by the end of the night, I’ll bet money on it right now.” I downed the coke I had poured for myself in two gulps, subconsciously hoping that there was a vodka or two in it but of course there wasn’t.

“She better take her slutty hands off of my husband before I do something myself.” I look up to see her hand on Jakes upper arm, Jake is fairly good looking so I can see why she would try, he, like Kenni takes a step back and both men look towards us in a plea for us to help them. Both of us stand there and shake our heads both our eyes sparkling with humour.

An hour and half later the party is in full swing, Kenni has tried to teach me how to two step in between many introductions to people from town.

He introduced me to the birthday boy, who was actually ok. I’m currently dancing with Jessica and I really need to find a toilet soon. Once the song is over I tell Jessica I need the loo and she comes with me, there is only one toilet and like a true friend she lets me go first.

I quickly do my business and flush the chain and then come out as Jessica slips in, after I’ve washed my hands I’m tidying my hair and makeup in the mirror waiting for Jessica to come out when Christie walks in. She comes right in my face.

“I bet you think you’re really something? Trapping the most eligible bachelor in town, your pretty I’ll give you that but you don’t hold a patch on me, he was always supposed to have been mine.” There was actual spit flying out of her disgusting mouth.

“Excuse me, what are you implying? I believe I was already married to him when I got pregnant, not that it’s any of your business.” She doesn’t need to know I conceived before the wedding.

“You don’t deserve him, you’re not even from here and you’ve tainted his offspring now. Not to worry that can be taken care of.” Oh no she didn’t bring up my kids.

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