I resolved that the past shall remain in the past.

She is my future now. Sergei be damned.

She hadn't said she loves me, yet at least not to my face.

Her body spoke volumes though in the midst of passion.

I know that, she would tell me she loves me as long as she's here as long as she knows that she's about to go away.

She senses that the time is up she must go to Dimitri soon what choice do she have. Her father calls. I wished he would stop the calls.

He tells me he has the money. He wants her back. He asks for my help. But why should I? Why should I give Irina up? I know he is her father but I must protect her now. I realize we are playing with fire but it is better to burn after living than to live a burnt out life.

I know I must get Irina away from here.

Dimitri is probably suspicious of my motives by now. My time with Irina is up in his mind. Plus her father is not helping maters demanding for her return.

Especially when he has that crazy man Blake hanging around him. I start to think maybe I should let her go. I turned towards her and say, "I'm going to let you go I'm going to get you out of this so you do not have to be with Sergei."

She stops stunned by my words and says she doesn't want to go she wants to stay.

“I thought you were just joking? I don’t want to go.”

She says the only way she can be with me is by staying close to me.

I pull her close and kiss her lips.

Then I tell her that that is not going to be possible. I will make sure she's safe far away from here .

Or I will have to turn her into Dimitri's bride. Besides he will kill us once he finds out that she's no longer virgin.

She shakes her head and tries to resist.

But I tell her this is for the best.

I've called a car to take her away.

The guy is a friend. He would not betray me.

He would get her to her destination safe. At least she would be safe for now until I can get us far away from here. That is if she wants me to join her and if I am still alive.

She's free to go.

“You can go now Irina…”

She looks at me shocked and says “Go?”

“Back to your Mother’s.” She becomes pale. Her eyes widened. She stares at me shocked. Then she says in a trembling voice:

“My mother Lars no?” I say to her, “Irina please you must go… your mother will keep you safe.”

It is true, I spoke with her mother but I could not guarantee her safety.

Plus I wasn't sure if her mother would actually hand her back to Dimitri. But I knew one thing for sure an that is, I would not be the one giving her up to an evil man.

The tears welled up in her eyes.

She shook her head and said, “No.”

My device starts to buzz. The guy was outside to take her away. She stared at me in disbelief. What? I was actually sending her away? She couldn't believe it.

“Why are you doing this Lars?” She cried.

I love her but I have to let go. It is for her own good.

I told her she needs to leave now because Dimitri could send Blake and the others over. Blake sent me some stupid texts;

“You should have her dressed by now. Dimitri is not playing games Lars.”

I sigh and say, “Irina he wants you. I know him. He is vicious. He plays to the cameras when in public and puts up this air as though he is a great guy but we both know the truth. You have to go. At least one of us as to be free from all this!”

She gasps and starts crying.

I keep a straight face, even though my breathing betrays my emotions. I wanted her to stay. I needed her but what I feel and what must be done are two separate things!

She pulls back and refuses to leave.

“I will not leave you Lars. I don't know why you're doing this time. but I must tell you, it can't work. I'm not going to leave you.”

My device buzzes.

I pick it up and then I say to my friend on the line, “she will be out in the minutes.”

I turned back to Irina and say to her “listen I know you don't want to leave but you have to it's for your own safety for your own good.”

The sooner you leave the better.

She pushes up on my chest and then I push back.

I clasped her hands in mine

. She looks at me and says “I thought I meant more to you then this?”

I swallow.

She's not making it any easier, is she?

She needs to go now. I shake my head and say “Listen you need to go. I know it might seem like I'm doing this crazy thing.but we are wasting time, the clock is ticking. you need to go now."

She shook her head once more and ran to the other side of the room I said are you gonna make me carry you out or you going to go.

She stared into my eyes and said well “I guess you never loved me did you?I was just an easy lay!”

Her words cut like a fucking knife. I pulled her close and pushed back.

I growled: “Go!”

She gasped, wiped her tears and said “okay fine, I will go.” She pushed me aside and without looking back she stepped out into the light. I look up at my body he smiles and says she's gonna be okay I'll make sure she gets to where she needs to go said yeah I do that and hurry.

I start panicking.

What if Dimitri is actually surveilling us right now? He has never done that but you never know!

How will I justify what's happening? But I couldn't worry about that right now I need to stay focused I watch as she gets in the car and the vehicle moves away. And run my hands to my hair thinking oh my gosh whatever done of the woman I love go away. But then I start to think let something go and it comes back to you then it's meant for you.

I know the only way if she truly loves me she will come back so I set her free I let her go I watch as she stepped out the door free into the shed right and drives away. I crumbled to the floor I'm devastated I've never done anything like this before. I'm in love with this woman and she might say she loves me someday.

The moment the car moves out of sight keep staring at the window then I realize she's gone. I'm totally broken and there's nothing I can do about it.

I break down in tears. What will I do now? I send a text to Blake that I need more time. Then I shut off my phone. I almost expected Blake and the others to show up at my door but they didn’t. I got a text that Irina was over at her mothers. I relaxed. A few days went by and silence not a word or visit from Dimitri.

Maybe all was clear? Maybe Dimitri does not want her after all. Maybe he has found a new fuck toy? Boy was I wrong!






I was quite surprised he let me go. The moment I got into the his friend’s car.

I balled my eyes out.

I kept looking back hoping he would change his mind and say stop. but he didn't he didn't say stop. Instead he just stood there watching us drive away.

His friend noticed and said “it is going to be okay Irina. Lars knows what he his doing.”

I nod.

I should be relieved I've escape Dimitri. But I'm not relieved how can I be relieved when I left the man that I love behind?

How do I know what would happen at my mother’s place?

He drops me off at my mother's home. She is pleased to see me and hurries me into the home. But she cannot protect me here. I sigh.

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