Home > Love & Deception (Beautifully Twisted #1)(15)

Love & Deception (Beautifully Twisted #1)(15)
Author: Colbie Kay

Lifting my head with confidence and not one ounce of regret, my hardened stare meets his. “What did Ghost tell you?”

“Said you were giving him a hard time, and before he knew what was happening, you shot him.”

I gape incredulously, my anger surfacing. “Of course, that’s what he fucking told you. And you believe that?”

His shoulder lifts in a shrug. “You’ve been around this club since the day you were born. Over the last several years, I’ve noticed the change in you, and so have others. You don’t wanna be here, but you choose to come around anyway. Maybe you thought it was your way out even if you didn’t need one.” His eyes narrow on my face. “What happened to your fuckin’ face?”

Tears blur my vision. “What are you going to do to me for shooting Ghost?”

“Christ, Shug, you’re like a fuckin’ sister to me, and I’m probably the only one you ain’t fucked around here. I just wanna hear your side before any decision is made.” His voice rises with growing frustration. “Tell me what the fuck happened last night!”

Releasing a deep breath of air, I begin my tale, “Ghost was already wasted when I got here. He said he had been waiting for me, and before he took me to his room, I had words with Lilly. Once in his room, he started in about me not being better than the other girls around here, and that I should know my place. I told him I wasn’t having sex with him, he pushed me against the wall and had me pinned. He was going to rape me, Hanger!” My vision is blurry as I stare at him in the eye. A shiver races down my spine at the memory of last night and being terrified. I’ve never felt that kind of fear in my life. “I had to fight him off! I was fucking scared!” Hanger’s face begins to turn a deep shade of red and his nostrils flare the more I disclose. I continue, “Ghost punched me, but I kept fighting, and somewhere in there, I got his gun and shot him in his leg. I’m not sorry I did it. I won’t apologize, don’t ask me to.”

Hanger’s quiet for a few moments. “He tried to rape you, and he put his hands on you?” He releases a pent-up breath.

“Yes.” I nod.

“C’mon,” Hanger orders in his deep, powerful voice. He leads me out of his office all the way to Ghost’s door. My pulse and heart are pounding harder than ever. My body trembles with nervousness, and I’m terrified to see Ghost again. Hanger doesn’t bother knocking; he throws the door wide open.

Ghost quickly sits up the best he can without moving his injured leg. “Hanger?” His eyes connect with mine. “Why the fuck is that bitch here?”

“Seems you left out some details from last night, Brother.” Hanger spits the last word as he sits down on the edge of Ghost’s bed. Hanger’s hand lifts and comes down hard on Ghost’s thigh, squeezing until his knuckles turn white, causing Ghost to wail in agonizing pain. “Did you try to rape Shug, and did you do that to her fuckin’ face?”

“Hanger.” Ghost grits through his clenched jaw.

Hanger squeezes harder. “Answer the fuckin’ question,” he growls.

Ghost hisses, “She’s nothing but a whore, and whores can’t say no. She needed to be put in her fuckin’ place, and that’s what I did.”

Hanger releases his leg but quickly wraps his hand around Ghost’s throat. “You ever touch her or any of the other girls around here again, you’re out of this club, understood?”

Ghost spits out, “Understood.”

Hanger releases his hold, and Ghost begins to suck in air, coughing and hacking from being choked. Ghost’s glaring eyes snap in my direction, but he doesn’t say a word.

Hanger reaches for my arm and hauls me out of the room, slamming the door behind us. “He had no business doing that shit to you.” He tugs me back into his office. “You’re more than just a whore, Shug, I want you to know that. Ghost was wrong. You did what you had to do to escape. If it had been my Ol’ Lady, I would have expected her to kill the motherfucker. You spared his life, and he should be grateful for that.”

“Thanks.” I wrap my arms around myself. “What now?”

Hanger puts his hand on my shoulder. “That is for you to decide.” He pulls me in for a hug. “I’m fuckin’ proud of you for standing up for yourself.”

“Bulk taught me well. He always told me to never take shit off a man.” Bulk was a great man, but he had a dark side, too.

“Yeah, he was a good man, and he ran this club right. Or I thought he did.” Hanger’s words drift away, and he doesn’t expand on his utterance.

“What’s that mean?” I question with concern. Has Hanger found out things about Bulk? Has Hanger found out the reason I insist I’m indebted to the club?

“Never mind, Shug. I shouldn’t have said that.” He shakes his head as if clearing his thoughts. “Get Chayser to take you back to your friend’s place.”

I know the conversation is over, therefore, I won’t try to push him any further. I step out of his office and go to search for Chayser.



Pudge has the apartment door already open by the time I make it up the stairs. “Oh my God! I’ve been worried.” She takes my hands in hers as she checks me over.

“I’m fine, Pudge. Hanger really only wanted to talk to me. I told him my side of what happened.”

She pulls me into the apartment and shuts the door. “Everything’s okay? No one’s going to come after you?”

“No, no one is coming after me. I could really use that pint of ice cream now, though.”

Pudge shakes her head. “How can you eat? I’m too stressed to eat, but you go right on ahead. Did that guy bring you home?”

“Chayser?” I ask as I step into the kitchen and open the freezer.

She follows behind. “Yeah, him. He’s really good-looking. Do all of them look like that?”

“I guess he is.” I shrug my shoulders. “They get a lot of attention from women; I guess most are hot.”

Pudge’s brow lifts, wrinkling her forehead. “You guess? Shit, if I wasn’t into Jake, I would be begging you to take me to that clubhouse. If they all look like that man who picked you up…” She stops and waves her hand in front of her face as if she’s fanning herself.

“You would get yourself into trouble.” I burst out laughing.

She smiles with a mischievous glint in her eye. “Yes. Yes, I would.”



I enter Lady Sinner’s Monday morning feeling drained after everything that transpired over the weekend. Ever is here waiting, which is unusual since Mondays are my long days. I work from open to close. “Hey, Ever!” I smile at my boss.

She lifts her gaze from the paper she was staring at. “Hey, Shug! How was your weekend?”

My elbow lands on the counter, and I rest my chin in my hand. “It was amazing. I met someone.” I bite my lip, trying to hide my smile.

She leans over the counter. “Tell me more!” Her eyes shine with happiness.

“He’s really great, Ever, the sweetest man I’ve ever met.” The last word trails off. I love being able to talk to Ever now that she has her cochlear implant. It wasn’t a burden to write everything on paper for her because I didn’t know sign language; however, being able to have her understand what I’m saying and me being able to understand her, has definitely made us closer. Besides Pudge, Ever is the only female I would really consider a true friend. And I will always be grateful for the chance she gave me.

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