Home > Love & Deception (Beautifully Twisted #1)(19)

Love & Deception (Beautifully Twisted #1)(19)
Author: Colbie Kay

Ghost steps closer to Hanger. “Yeah, I got a fuckin’ problem. I’ve basically been put on bitch duty as if I was a prospect again, and she gets to walk in here as if she’s some goddamn queen.”

“Step down, Ghost,” Hanger warns.

I jump in, “This was a mistake. I should go.”

Hanger’s gaze meets mine. “You’re not fuckin’ going anywhere. You’re not going to let someone run you out of your home.”

I sigh and tilt my head to the side. “This isn’t my home anymore, Hanger.”

He closes in on me and wraps me in his arms. “It’s always your home. Ghost can go fuck himself if he can’t deal with it. He was in the wrong, and he needs to be held accountable for his fuckup. So, you’re staying and having some drinks.”

Ghost storms out the front door. As I’m watching the door slowly close, I reply, “Alright, I’ll stay.”

“Atta, girl!” Chayser nudges my arm, chuckling. “Let’s get some drinks.”



The door slams behind me, and I mumble under my breath, “Fuck this shit! Fuck Hanger, and fuck the Satan’s Sinners.” How the fuck are they going to let that whore back in there and treat me like I’m not a member of the club? I’m supposed to be their brother; they’re supposed to take my side. I see where their fucking loyalty lies. I stomp toward my Harley, and after starting her up, I spit gravel as I hightail it out of the gate.



It’s been hours since I took off on my bike, I’ve been riding all this time, trying to calm the rage burning inside of me, but I’m not any less pissed off. I park in a motel lot and go inside to get a room for the night. Once I’m settled, I lay on the bed, thinking about my options and where I want to go from here. Do I continue to deal with their shit and get treated like a little bitch, or do I show them what turning against one of their own will get them? Pulling out my phone, I scroll through my contacts. I don’t know why I kept his number in my phone, but right now, I’m glad I did. I text to Deuce.

This is Ghost. You want help bringing down the Sinners? Text me back.



I don’t expect a reply right away and set my phone down on the nightstand to grab the remote, intending to flip through channels on the television. My phone pings from an unknown number.

Deuce: How do I know this isn’t a setup?



Me: You don’t. Hanger needs to be brought down along with the rest of them. You want help or not?



Deuce: I’ll text you in a few days with a location and time.



Me: Ok.



Three days later, I have the time and location to meet, which is a couple hours ride away from Wichita. I park my bike in the desolated area I’d been told to go to and climb off. I take a few steps, staring down the side of the cliff until I hear a car coming my way. Spinning, I wait for the vehicle to stop. Someone steps out, but it’s not Deuce.

“Where’s Deuce?” I snarl at the man approaching me. The man doesn’t respond, and he moves in closer to pat me down. “The fuck you doing?”

“Get in the car.” The man’s voice is a low baritone growl. He’s huge in stature, and I’m assuming a bodyguard of some sort.

Following behind, he opens the back door for me to slide into the seat. Deuce is sitting in the opposite on. “Ghost.”


“I’m assuming since you came alone, and Don didn’t find anything on you, then you were straight with your offer. Tell me why you want to bring down your own club brothers.”

My eyes narrow. “They took the side of a whore instead of their own brother. Treating her like a fucking queen after she shot me. Ever since Hanger met his Ol’ Lady, the way he runs the club is shit. He’s lost focus of what the club is and what we do. He needs to be taken down. They all do.”

Deuce nods in understanding. “Snake thought I was supposed to sit back and be alright with one of them killing my son. Crawler didn’t do right, but I should have been the one to handle my son, not one of them.”

“I agree. The Satan’s Sinners and Cobras were supposed to be allies, not two clubs acting as one. Shit started going wrong because of Bear’s Ol’ Lady being Snake’s daughter. The two clubs are too entwined, and we need to do something about that. You have the insider knowledge to bring down the Cobras while I have the ‘in’ with my club.”

Deuce holds his hand out for me to shake. “I think we will make great partners.” His lips begin to lift in a wide smile.

“I agree.” I grin. “They’ll never suspect a thing.”

“Keep the burner number in your phone. Call me if you have any important information, and I will check in every so often with you.”

“Deal.” I step out of the car, feeling a rush of excitement wash over me. I’ll show them fuckers. I straddle my Harley and begin my ride back to Wichita.



I slowly slide down onto the bull and grip the rope as tight as I can, taking a deep breath. The bull bucks, but my flank men get the bull under control. When I feel ready, I give the nod and yell, “Let’s go!” The gate opens, and the bull rushes out.

The bull bucks to the left and to the right, attempting to knock me off of his back. I hold steady as the clock winds down. My heart beats like a drum, and my pulse races like a wild horse. I’m so focused, I hear nothing except for the sound of that buzzer, letting me know the eight-seconds are over, and I made it. I quickly jump off the bull and run until I’m out of the danger area. Jake and the other rodeo clowns coax the bull back into the gate and secure him inside as my eyes travel around the crowd that’s going crazy and shouting my name. A smile lifts on my lips. “92.8 ladies and gentlemen! Give another round of applause for Cody Sterling and Brutus.”

Running up to Jake after I’m done with pictures and autographs, I shout, “92.8! One step closer to Vegas, baby!”

“Congratulations!” Jake throws his arm around my shoulders. “You about ready to get the hell outta here?”

“Fuck, yeah! We have a couple girls to surprise.” The show this weekend happened to be in Oklahoma, and Jake and I decided we would make a trip to Kansas before we head back to North Carolina.

Jake and Pudge have stayed in contact since our weekend in Kansas, but Sonya and I…it’s been a little more difficult. It seems like every time one of us calls the other, we can’t talk, and then the show was coming up, and I had to spend every waking moment training. By the time the sun went down, I was exhausted and practically fell into bed. I hope she’ll be happy to see me and not pissed off that we haven’t spoken.

After the long ride, Jake and I finally enter the parking lot of the apartment complex. Quickly shutting the truck off, we race to get out and begin running up the stairs. Neither of us stops until we’re standing in front of the door.

“My heart’s gonna beat outta my chest, man.” Jake wipes his palms on the back of his jeans.

“Mine too,” I respond, releasing a pent-up breath. “I’m fuckin’ nervous,” I mumble. I can’t wait to see her, yet I’m terrified. I’m always in unknown territory when it comes to her.

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