Home > Rixon Raiders : The Collection(220)

Rixon Raiders : The Collection(220)
Author: L. A. Cotton

She looked like a girl out to impress.

My stomach knotted.

“What do you want from me, Kellie? In case you didn’t get the 4-1-1, me and Asher are over. I’m only here to celebrate, just like everyone else.” I moved around her to leave, before I said or did something I would regret. But she caught my wrist, demanding my attention. “You should do Asher a favor and just leave. He doesn’t need you anymore, not now that he has me.”

My eyes widened, just for a second, before I schooled my expression. But she saw it and she was about to go for the jugular. “Oh, you didn’t know? I’ve been helping him through this difficult time. Even spent some time with him and his dad. Andrew is such a lovely man. Good taste too.” She smiled but it looked more like a snarl. “He’s so relieved Asher decided to get rid of the trash.”

“What the fuck did you just call me?” I stepped into her space, all rational thought flying out of my head.

“You heard me, Latina. Trash.”

Clenching my fists at my side, it took everything in me to walk away when all I wanted to do was hit her right in her pretty, perfect face.

“That’s right,” she called after me. “Run back to whatever ghetto you came from.”

I hurried through the Bennets’ house, desperate to get away from Kellie and her poisonous words. I needed air. I needed to—

“Mya?” I collided with a wall of solid muscle, and Asher’s hands steadied me. “What happened?” His jaw clenched.

“I’m fine, I just need... air, I need air. I have to go but I’m so happy your mom is awake. It’s great news.” The words spilled from my lips as I tried to gently shuck him off my arms. I couldn’t stand him touching me, holding me with concern in his eyes.

We weren’t those people to each other anymore.

Spinning on my heel, I took off again, pushing and jostling bodies out of the way.

“Mya, wait,” Asher called, making me move faster. I couldn’t do this with him. Not here, not now.

I never should have come here. I knew that now. There would always be people like Kellie Ginly waiting to strike, to act like their white privilege made them better than me. More worthy.

More suited to be by Asher’s side, living in his world.



Chapter Thirty-Four






“Mya, wait a second, please,” I said, snagging her wrist. My touch stopped her dead, her gaze going straight to where our skin met. Heat flowed between us and I wanted nothing more than to pull her into my arms and hold her. To feel her body pressed against mine.

But I’d lost that right, and it hurt something fierce.

She turned slowly, letting her eyes drift to mine. “Please, let me go,” it came out a strained whisper, as if saying the words caused her physical pain.

Immediately releasing her, I stepped back, raking a hand through my hair. “I’m sorry. I didn’t… You came.”

“You know how persistent Felicity can be.” She gave me a weak smile. “I’m so happy for you, Asher, and your mom.”

“Thanks.” The air cooled between us, the fleeting moment when I’d grabbed her wrist long gone. “She has a long road to recovery, but the doctors are pleased with her progress so far.”

I couldn’t even begin to describe the sense of relief that had hit me when Mom’s eyes finally flickered open; how good it had felt to feel her fingers squeeze mine. She’d been disorientated and groggy and was barely able to string a syllable together, but she was awake.

It was like all my prayers had been answered.

All but one.

Dad was the biggest surprise of all though. He’d burst into tears, collapsing at the side of the bed when he had entered the room and seen her. In all my eighteen years on the planet, I don’t think I’d ever seen him cry or show an ounce of emotion toward us. His sudden change of heart didn’t erase the past, but it gave me a smidgen of hope, that maybe, just maybe, they could figure their shit out. That almost losing Mom would make him realize that he needed to atone for the sins of his past. Even if we never found solid ground again, I would breathe easier knowing Mom was happy and healthy and cared for.

“I’m so happy for you.” Mya smiled again, a real honest-to-God smile. One that wasn’t tainted by all the pain and heartache between us. It meant a lot.

It meant every-fucking-thing that she was here.

That even after the way I’d treated her, how my father had treated her, and Kellie and Vaughn, and the kids at school; she still cared enough to come and celebrate our good news.

But her smile quickly faded as something caught her eye behind me. I glanced back, narrowing my gaze as Kellie hovered nearby, watching us like a hawk. “What is she—”

“I should go,” Mya rushed out. “Send my love to your mom.” She spun around and took off down the hall toward the front door.

Kellie’s eyes burned holes into the back of my head as I tried to piece together what the fuck had just happened. Mya was running, but I wasn’t sure she was running from me. And if she wasn’t running from me…

Marching up to Kellie, I said, “Did something happen with you and Mya?”

“I’m surprised she was here in the first place.” Kellie twirled a strand of hair around her finger, a flash of contempt crossing her expression. “I mean, doesn’t she realize how sad it makes her look? Not to mention desperate.”

“Excuse me?” My jaw clenched, my teeth grinding together.

“Well, it’s obvious she’s only here because she still wants you. Like that is ever going to happen.” Her shrill laughter filled the air, making me flinch.

“I’m going to ask you one more time, Kellie. What. Did. You. Say. To. Her?”

“Asher, I…” Panic flared in her eyes, but she quickly recovered, smiling at me like I hung the moon. “I was just making sure she knew she wasn’t welcome around here anymore. Your dad would—”

“My dad… what the fuck does my dad have to do with this?” He was at the hospital with Mom. He’d barely left her side since she’d woken up yesterday.

“He came over for dinner the other week, remember? We got to talking and he said he was glad you finally came to your senses about her.”

“That’s all he said?” I gave her a pointed look.

“Well, yeah, I mean, he was upset, and you know how men get when they’ve had a drink or two.” Her laughter was strained now.

“Kellie…” My patience was wearing thin, my good mood quickly turning dark.

“Fine.” She huffed as if I was the one inconveniencing her. “He told my father he was glad you’d finally taken out the trash, okay?”

Anger rippled up my spine, my hands curling into tight fists. “And let me guess, you thought you’d pass the message on?”

“I didn’t… I was just trying to help. You can’t honestly want anything to do with her after what she did.”

“Mya didn’t do anything. Fuck.” My eyes frantically searched the hall, but Mya was long gone.


He’d called her trash, and Kellie had reiterated the words like a mindless puppet.

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