Home > FURY (Rosewood High #6)(45)

FURY (Rosewood High #6)(45)
Author: Tracy Lorraine

“We... uh... we really need you back, Rubes. Nationals are next weekend.”

“I know, I know.” I really don’t need her to tell me this. I’m well aware that time is not on my side here.

“I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go. Chelsea is giving me her best death stare. I’ll call you later, okay?”

“Yeah. Thanks, Har.”

“Anytime. Speak soon.” She blows me a kiss before hanging up.

I put my cell away, make use of the toilet now I’m in here before pulling the door open with the intention of fixing my makeup and going back out there. Only I don’t get that chance because when I look up, my world falls from beneath me.

“Mom?” Her brows lift. “How much of that did you hear?”


Disappointment and disbelief drip from that one word. My stomach clenches and I pray that the ground will swallow me whole and put an end to this whole day.

My heart races as she continues staring at me, and I replay that brief conversation with Harley over and over in my head.

“Ruby,” she says slowly as if she can’t even believe the words that are about to pass her lips. “Please tell me you didn’t... that you haven’t...” She can’t even say the words.

I hate the way she’s looking at me, like I’ve done something so dirty, so forbidden that she doesn’t even want me standing in front of her.

Everything inside me screams to lie, to tell her it wasn’t true that nothing has happened. But why should I cower down because she thinks it’s wrong?

Yeah, things between Ash and I are... complicated. He hates me, and I’m pretty sure I still hate him... maybe. But when we’re together, it’s... different. He’s different. He’s let his walls down, he’s allowed me in, even if for the briefest moment. I refuse to let her judgment ruin what’s grown between us, even if it ends up being nothing.

“Yes, Mom. I slept with him.”

She gasps, her eyes narrowing to the point I wonder if she can actually see me. “But... but... he’s your stepbrother.”

“Right, step.” I roll my eyes at her. “We’re not related. Stephen isn’t my dad. Ash is just a boy I met recently just like I do with new kids at school on almost a weekly basis.”

“But... you can’t. He’s Stephen’s son.”

“So because you’re sleeping with his dad, Ash and I aren’t allowed near each other? That’s bullshit and you know it.”

Her face reddens with anger.

Turning away from her, I twist the faucet with more force than necessary and wash my hands while she stands there fuming.

“Where are you going?” she snaps at me when I step toward the door.

“Back out there to support your husband.”

“You need to stay away from him, Ruby. He’s bad news.”

“Oh come off it. You don’t even know him.”

“I know what Stephen has told me.”

“Pfft, you think he knows Ash?” I shake my head. “You’re delusional.”

My hand is on the handle, ready to pull it open to storm away from her judgmental eyes when her words stop me.

“He’s not a good person.”

I spin on my heels and pin her with a look. “He’s angry, I get that. I even understand it. He had a happy life here and then his dad left Leanora for you. He moved halfway across the country and abandoned him.”

“Stephen didn’t abandon him. His and Leanora’s relationship was long over before he left.”

“He was a child, Mom. That shit doesn’t matter. In Ash’s eyes, his dad left and shacked up with you, with us.”

“Your dad left, and you never joined a gang.”

I throw my hands up in frustration.

“Not even the same. Not even close. Dad lives on the other side of town.” When he’s actually in Rosewood, that is, and not away with work. “I can see him whenever I like. He can take me out, we can do things together. You two still talk, you’re still friends. We have a nice house, a comfortable life. Ash didn’t have any of that. He’s watched Leanora struggle to keep a roof over their heads. She—”

“Was an alcoholic,” Mom interrupts.

“Is it any wonder? Have you even seen where they live?”

“No, but—”

“No, Mom. I don’t want your excuses and for you to tell me all the things you think you know. You don’t know Ash, you don’t know what it was like for him.” I mean, I don’t really and I’m going out on a limb here, but I refuse to allow her to judge us like she is. We did nothing wrong. We are doing nothing wrong.

So what if our parents are married?

“You’re seventeen, Ruby.” She tries changing tactics.

“Maybe so, but not for much longer. And in case you hadn’t noticed. So is Ash, so don’t pull the age card on me. And plus, are you really going to stand there and tell me that you and Stephen didn’t do anything until you were both eighteen? I already know you were together at thirteen.” I raise my eyebrows, reminding her that she tells anyone who’ll listen that they were childhood sweethearts.

Her lips part but she has no words. She doesn’t need them though, the answer is written all over her face.

“Right, so shall we continue this conversation when you can be less of a hypocrite?”

“Ruby,” she warns, her voice low and angry.

“No.” I hold my hand up to stop her. “All you need to know is that I know what I’m doing.” I don’t, I don’t have a fucking clue but like fuck am I telling her that. “We’re being careful, I’m on birth control, so you don’t need to worry about that.” I pull the door open as a thought hits me. “Oh, and... we didn’t do it on your bed. That was a prank that Ash pulled on me. So don’t worry, we haven’t dirtied up your space.”

I blow out of there before she has a chance to respond. My legs feel like jelly as I race down the small hallway and back to the party. I have never stood up to Mom like that before. To be fair, I’ve never had to. But there was no chance I was allowing her to look at me like that. Like I’m an idiot being corrupted by Ash. I walked into all of this with my eyes open, I can’t help it if I never stood a chance against him.

I scan the room, looking for Stephen. I fully intend on giving him my apologies and getting the hell out of here. Something tells me that Ash isn’t going to show his face, and I really can’t deal with Mom again right now.

Spotting him across the room, I make my way over but I can’t be halfway there when someone else catches my eye.

“Willow?” I breathe, my brows pulling together. Her pixie cut hair looks as perfect as it did last night and her makeup is on point, making me feel even more of a mess than I already did. And like most people in this room, she’s wearing black, but I have a feeling that’s not because she had any intention of attending a funeral. The rest of Ashton’s friends didn’t show up, so I’m assuming the church was it for them.

“You need to come with me.” She reaches out and takes my hand, pulling me from the room without a second thought.

“Wait, I can’t just leave,” I argue, but it’s weak at best.

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