Home > Shattered Souls(19)

Shattered Souls(19)
Author: B C Morgan

“I don’t want to be with you,” I cry as I slap at his chest and all he does is laugh as Thallon comes to stand behind me, grabs my hands, and holds them behind my back.

“I don’t recall asking you. You agreed to give yourselves to the Harkwrights, don’t forget what my surname is, little girl. If I want you then I’ll have you, it’s as simple as that.”

“I’m sorry, Luna. We warned you. Don’t rock the boat and stay under the radar, but you wouldn’t listen and now you’ve lost us all. Goodbye, Star.” Emmet smiles sadly as they continue to step backwards and all I can do is watch them retreat over Sir’s shoulder.

Just wake up, if it means I wake up drowning. I’d rather experience that then whatever my mind seems to be conjuring!

“I told you, the fun was only just beginning, welcome to year three.”



Rapid Reaction






Sharing Luna, how the fuck did I ever think that would be a good idea? I never really saw myself as a selfish bastard. I’ve shared more girls than I can count, but Luna is different, and not just because I love her. But because of the risk we pose to her. The more we act as though she matters, the more attention she’ll draw. If we treat her like everyone else, then we’ll push her away. We'll have to fuck every skirt we see, and not give a shit. But if we treat her like we actually care, as though she’s precious, then people are going to notice. Arthur will notice.

Although, I’m thinking in terms like he hasn’t already, and I doubt we’re that lucky. Why else would he force Tucker to marry Rachel? There’s always a way out, and if he really wanted to do this then he would have stepped in long ago. Not left it until the court papers were served. No, he’s doing it to prove a point. That doesn’t explain Thallon though, what is the point in him? He’s going to be even harder to control than Shane. Ironic really, seeing as Shane would have done anything for his father, he just couldn’t leave Luna alone.

I always thought it was strange that he kept going after Little Zero considering how smitten he was with his fiancée, even though I know the truth. That he was never going to fuck her, I don’t regret what I did. The only thing I regret is being stopped, they should have let me kill him. Not something I’d usually go in for, but I really wanted his blood, I still do.

Fuck, I have to go back. She just doesn’t get how hard it is to be around her. How can the others stand it knowing what we do? The secrets we keep, the things we know about her past that could possibly help her. I really need a joint.

That’s back at the cabin though, guess I’m going back. I just have to decide how I want to play this. Be the jackass she knows I can be. Or the guy who asked her to help him to be a better man. Because I do want that, to be better. And if I can do that without relying on Tucker or anyone else, then even better.

It doesn’t take me long to get back, and my fingers are twitching to get a paper between them. I open the door, and come up short. I thought she would have wandered out here by now. At least the door is open, so I guess she isn’t in need of any privacy. Should I check on her? Yeah, I guess so.

I wander over to the bedroom door, but the room is empty. I look in the bathroom, but there’s no sign of her in there either. Where the fuck is she? My eyes track the ground and stop when the light glints off something. My stomach drops as I pick it up and slip it into my pocket. For the love of God, Luna. Let me find you before anyone finds out.

I walk back outside, and wander around the cabin, but I can’t see her anywhere, and the sun is too low to make out much in the distance. I turn to see someone duck inside their cabin, but I can’t give two fucks about that. I need to find my sneaky little woman.

I walk down to Tom’s cabin, seeing as it’s the closest one to mine, but there’s no one in there. Great, he’s never around when you actually need him. Why can’t he be lurking like he usually is? Come on, Tom, you’re letting the team down.

I don’t know where to go, Tucker is probably long gone by now and Maddox will be with Daria. That just leaves Emmet, oh God, do I have to be me right now? He’s going to blame me for this, I know it, and I kind of blame myself too. If I hadn’t stormed out, she wouldn’t be missing. Such a disappointment. Great, and now I’m hearing my mother’s voice. This day just keeps on giving.

I hesitate at his door, but the longer I wait, the longer she’s out there on her own. Unless she’s with one of the others. I guess I’m about to find out.

His door pulls open in one swift movement, and his stare would have any man cowering, but I’m not any man. I grew up with Victoria, I don’t cower or wither to any measly stare down.

“What do you want, Aeron?” He glances over his shoulder and I want to roll my eyes. If he has a girl in there, I will drive my fist into his face and welcome the consequences. He can’t keep pursuing Luna and fucking every skirt he sees.

“Luna’s missing.” Yeah, I’m not really known for my tact. Bring on when I can tell her that her doctor boyfriend is no longer welcome at the Academy.

His eyes widen, and his hand falls from the door. It opens a little further and I catch a glimpse of his mom sitting on the sofa. Ahh, so not some skirt then. Okay, that’s alright.

“What do you mean she’s missing? I thought she was with Tucker. You know, the guy who fucking claimed her,” he all but growls. Michelle stands up and comes over, and he sags as she places her hand on his shoulder.

“Calm down, it never pays well to shoot the messenger. Let him explain.” She gives me a soft smile and I return it, but I have to make a conscious effort not to look at her scars. I should be used to them by now, but I hardly see her.

“Speak, and make it fucking quick,” he orders and I want to refuse out of principal, but it would defeat the purpose of me even coming here.

“Tucker was forced to leave. Your father has decided that he has to marry Rachel.” I pause to let that sink in, Michelle doesn’t react, save for placing her hand on her chest. Whereas Emmet has gripped onto the door frame and is white knuckling it. “He dropped her with me and I popped out. I wasn’t gone for long. I just needed some air. It was thirty minutes tops. But she’s not there, and I can’t find her. I don’t know where she is, Emmet.” My stomach bottoms out and it’s taking all my strength not to hunch over.

“Thirty minutes. She could have left at any point, but why would she? Was anything said to make her leave?” he asks with a pointed look and I hold my hands up in front of me.

“Woah, no. The issue was mine. She was fine, sad that Tucker was leaving but I don’t think she would have just gotten up and left. What if she didn’t leave Emmet, what if she was taken?” I feel so fucking paranoid, it has to be said though, I’m sure it does.

“Who would take her? We’re in the middle of nowhere, and we have guards around. Hang on, where are the guards?”

“I don’t know, you’d have to ask your father,” I snarl, and Michelle takes a step back before grabbing her coat.

“Mom, where are you going?” he asks, as he stops her from putting it on.

“We’re going to look for her. What good does standing here getting angry about it do? Use your heads, and let's go.” She pushes past me and we watch her walk before we shake our shock off and charge after her.

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