Home > Shattered Souls(77)

Shattered Souls(77)
Author: B C Morgan

A sound comes from the hallway and he stands up, which is the exact moment her smile falls away. She looks around the room as though it’s nothing more than a gilded cage.

“You should have left him years ago,” Emmet says flippantly, although he wisely keeps his voice low.

“I can’t do that,” she whispers, her eyes fall on me and the fear is alive within her. I don’t understand it, he just did something amazing. Why would that make her afraid?

“Well, I hope you fuckers are in a better mood than the old man,” comes a husky voice from the doorway.

“Alexa, there is no need for such vulgarity. You’re a woman, remember to act like it every once in a while.” Sir is turning red as he reclaims his seat at the head of the table and Alexa drops into the chair opposite mine.

“Ooh, fresh meat. How exciting,” she practically purrs, as she gives me the once over.

“Hello, sweetie, how was your drive in?” Maria asks, her voice sounds a little choked, and the tension is stifling. Especially as Alexa pushes the chair back and rests her biker boot clad feet on the table.

“Alexa, show some decorum,” Sir shouts, and she smirks as she drops them back down.

“Sorry, daddy dearest, I must have forgotten the rules.” Alexa bats her lashes, and I watch as Emmet coughs and covers his mouth. But his eyes tell me all I need to know, he’s biting back a smile, he really approves of his sister’s behavior.

“Emmy! I’ve missed you, baby brother.” She blows him a kiss and he purses his lips at her.

“There’s only ten minutes between us, you’re not that much older.”

“Oh, but I feel ancient.” She throws her head back, with the back of her hand pressing against her forehead. “Although, compared to dad, I’m basically a baby.”

He slams his hands down on the table, and both Maria and I jump.

“That is quite enough of the old jokes, Alexa. I don't need a reminder of my age.”

“Sorry, daddy, I was just having fun. You’re so easy to rile up, almost as easy as Emmy.”

“Food, now!” he bellows, and it isn’t long before it’s being brought out on, no doubt, sterling silver trays.

A giant turkey, bigger than my head. Yams, a roasted ham, mashed potato, even roast. Plus more vegetables than I can count, and so many variations of casseroles. That’s not even to mention all the things they have pickled.

“There is no way we’re going to be able to eat all of this,” Emmet points out.

“That’s fine. Whatever we don’t eat can go down to the homeless shelter,” he replies easily, which causes Alexa to choke on her wine.

“What’s wrong now?”

“Nothing, daddy, that’s just really generous of you. It’s like you’re a whole new person.”

I don’t know why, but it feels like everyone is looking at me right now. All I can do is duck my head and start eating. Hopefully, they’ll follow suit, and stop staring sooner rather than later.






No End in Sight






First of December, one more month and then I’ll be married to Rachel. Fucking bitch, she really knows how to sink her claws into someone. It’s been amazing spending all this time with Isabelle, but I’m not happy, and she’s picking up on it.

It doesn’t help that I’ve had to put a lock on my door at night, to stop Rachel from coming in. She really thinks I want to go anywhere near her. She’s a walking STD, the type of girl all the sex ed classes should warn you about.

“Daddy, you not happy?” Belle wraps her arms around my neck, and I squeeze her to me.

“I’m fine, baby girl, don’t you worry your pretty little head about me.” I ruffle her hair and she squeals with laughter.

“Where’s Elsa? She made you smile.”

“Luna, baby, her name is Luna.” I can’t help but laugh, as I pull out my phone and show her a picture that I took on the sly.

“She bakes. Mommy don’t bake.” She shakes her head and I bite back my smile.

“Trust me, sweetie, that’s a good thing. Maybe one day, Luna can come and bake with you.”

“I don’t fucking thinking so,” Rachel scoffs from the doorway and I narrow my eyes at her.

“Mommy, language.” Belle puts her hands on her hips, as I stand up. She points at the swear jar and Rachel rolls her eyes.

“Your daddy can do it, he’s got plenty of money to spare.”

“Go and play, sweetie. I’ll be there in a sec.” I give her a kiss and she runs off to her room.

“Don’t you ever speak like that in front of her again.” I stalk towards her, and a glint hits her eyes.

“Maybe if you showed me a fraction of the attention you gave her, I wouldn’t be in such a foul mood all the time.” She splays her hands over my chest and I grip her wrists, before forcing them down to her side.

“You’re hurting me,” she forces out through her teeth. “Don’t stop, baby. I like it.”

I push her against the wall, and press my arm against her throat.

“You think you’re so clever, forcing my hand into this marriage. Well, you'll never get to have me, and you won’t get my money. If you don’t sign the prenup, the wedding is off, and Arthur is in full agreement. So, either sign or fuck off. I really hope you choose the latter.” I put pressure on her windpipe, until she starts to choke. I release her and step back, as if nothing happened.

“Remember, Tucker, no court would ever give you that little girl. You make me do this and I’ll take her somewhere you’ll see her again, who knows the type of people she could be introduced to.” She blows me a kiss before she walks out and my blood boils in my veins.

I would give anything to be rid of her permanently, if only it wouldn’t cost me the only person who is worth everything Rachel can throw my way. I will face it all, if it means I get to keep Isabelle by my side.



Two days since she made her threat, and it’s been nothing but petty arguments and me wanting to wring her neck. I had to get Isabelle out of the house, and she’s definitely my daughter by how much she loved the theme park.

“Can Elsa come next time?” She’s eating cotton candy as we drive back, and her question makes my smile grow.

“I’ll see what I can do. mommy might want to come though.” It’s funny how she doesn’t ask if her mom can come. If she gets hurt, it’s me she wants, same if she has a bad dream.

We pull up outside the house, and walk in. It’s quiet, too fucking quiet. No music blaring, or stomping around. I know I told her to fuck off before we left this morning, but I didn’t expect her to listen.

“Where’s mommy?” She looks around, before shrugging her little shoulders.

“Maybe she’s gone out,” I say, as I ruffle her hair.

“No, daddy, car.”

Good point, her car is still outside. It isn’t like she’s going to walk anywhere.

“You go play in the living room, and I’ll find mommy.” I kiss her cheek and she giggles.

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