Home > Shattered Souls(73)

Shattered Souls(73)
Author: B C Morgan

“Practice,” he says for the umpteenth time. It’s the only thing he has said since he admitted it all.

“Were you working with someone? Did you push Daria in the pool? Come on, you fucking dickhead, answer me.” I’m starting to lose my cool, and I’m trying my hardest not to scream at him.

“I did it all by myself. I mean, is that how you would do it? You like to control people, I just took it to the next level. As for Fifteen, I got her once Luna was asleep. Slipped out once everyone else fucked off to get their dicks wet, or asleep. You really should have let Daria stay, maybe Fifteen would have lived for one more night.” He laughs before a coughing fit takes over.

“That’s enough, Emmet, leave it to the professional,” dad’s voice sounds over the intercom, and my spine snaps straight.

“Lucky you. Have fun, you pathetic little man.” I laugh coldly as I leave the room, and meet dad’s gaze.

“Going in there?”

“No, like I said. Leave it to the professional,” A sickening smile spreads across his face as a man steps into the room, and we move to watch the security live stream.

“Why did you attack those girls?” His voice is calm as he takes a seat in front of Bradley, but he doesn’t utter a single word.

“I can make things very uncomfortable for you, or your brother. How does that make you feel? Knowing that I have the power to destroy him. He’ll lose everything, his job, reputation. He’ll never be able to practice medicine again.”

“Leave Cole out of this. He doesn’t know jack shit,” he shouts, and dad tuts as he watches the screen.

“Then answer the questions.”

“For practice, I’ve already said that.” He looks manic as he pulls at his bindings and the man gets to his feet, while rolling up his shirt sleeves.

“Practice for what?”

“To see if I could get away with it. Vanderbilt was the true test. I knew if I could take her down, then I’d be able to move on quickly. Luna was the true test though, until that jumped up guard disturbed us.” He spits at the floor, and my knuckles turn white as I clench them into fists.

“Who was your true target?” The man moves behind him, before placing his hands onto Bradley’s shoulders. He winces, but he doesn’t say anything else.

He strikes him across the face, splitting his cheek, and the light glints off a piece of metal wrapped across his knuckles. He’s wearing fucking dusters.

“Emmet, okay. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it so I could take him down. Happy now?”

“Are you the one who put Twenty up to getting him arrested?

“I needed him gone, so I could have another crack at that slut he’s so obsessed with. Not that I ever got my chance. Fucking bitch couldn’t even drown the way she was supposed to.”

My vision fills with black spots and I move for the door, but dad grabs my shoulder and stops me from entering the room.

“We need answers. Be patient, my boy.” His voice is deadly, but his eyes are manic. I don’t think he likes what he’s hearing, any more than I do.

“Why did you want Luna gone so badly? Why was she so important?”

“Because all she does is hurt people. She’s a manipulative little bitch and she’s going to get hers, even if I’m not the one to do it.” He cries out as the man drives his fist into his stomach.

“What about Miss Lewiston? Why did you attack her?”

“She’s just like the rest of them. Acted as though she loved me, but the minute I got rid of her, well, she showed her true colors. She didn’t care, and I lost it. I never planned to make a move, but I saw her standing at the pool, waiting for Jake. Oh yeah, she couldn't wait to jump into bed with him.” He hangs his head, and the man turns to look up at the camera.

“Did anyone help you? Remember what will happen to your brother if you lie to me, and that’s just to start with. I’ll make sure he meets a nasty little accident, so many thugs around these days. What a shame they jumped the poor doctor, while his back was turned. Of course, they never meant to kill him.” He laughs, and Bradley looks up with wide eyes, pure unadulterated fear, shines through.

“Just Twenty. She was the reason Vanderbilt was even in the maze. She told her that she had some information on a rule breaker, but she was too scared to approach her in public. So, Vanderbilt agreed to meet her there, only she wasn’t the one waiting in the middle. It was so easy, and that bitch deserved it, all the girls did. They’re nothing, their existence is pointless. Unless they're planning on having kids and cooking us dinner. But these girls don’t want that, they want to be trophy wives, or to have power, as if they fucking deserve any of that.”

He just keeps going on and on, about how worthless women are, and it’s sickening. I may be an asshole, but he takes it to a whole other level. How can he think like this? It’s archaic, and something out of the Victorian times. I can’t keep listening to him drone on like this. I shrug out of dad’s grip and walk out. I don’t know where I’m going to go, but anywhere is better than here.






It can’t be real. Bradley never registered as a possibility. Sure, he’s on the weird side, and enjoys manipulating people, but to actually strangle someone?

Me: I don’t know if you’re with Two, but if you are, can you try and do the decent thing and tell her that the Strangler has been caught? It was Bradley all along, confessed to the whole thing according to Emmet. I’m on my way back now, no doubt you’ve told her everything there is to know about Poppy, but if not, then I ask that you give me tonight to explain my side.

Thallon: I’m not with her right now, and believe me when I say that you don’t want me around her any time soon. There’s no saying what she may cause me to do to her this time, stripping in public will be the least of her worries.

Me: What happened?

Thallon: Out of the respect I have for you, I won’t beat around the bush. We got shit faced on tequila and fooled around a little. Nothing happened, but she didn’t know that, and I felt like making her sweat before I put her out of her misery. Turns out, she’s a grade A bitch when she wants to be. So yeah, you don’t want me passing anything along to her, but do you think your conversation will make her happy? Be honest with me, man.

They fooled around? Hang on, does that mean… he hasn’t fucked her yet? That is a surprise, and I no longer feel like I have to drown my misplaced sorrows every time I see her leaving his room.

Me: Doubtful, I’m about to tell her that we didn’t care enough to tell her the truth. That we didn’t think she was worth breaking the rules for. Believe me, she isn’t going to be happy.

Thallon: Fuck me dead. Okay, I’ll give you tonight. But this had better not make its way back to Arthur, I don’t need any more of his threats. It’s bad enough I’m even here, let alone, ignoring a direct order. I mean it, Aer, you’re great at keeping secrets, don’t fail me now.

I’m not surprised that Sir is blackmailing him to get his way, I just wish I could work out his endgame. At first, I thought he wanted Luna for himself, but he wouldn’t have put her in Emmet’s path and made up that ridiculous rule that he has to be married and to a legacy academy girl. Not some sister either, it has to be a daughter, meaning it was always going to be Luna.

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