Home > Shattered Souls(82)

Shattered Souls(82)
Author: B C Morgan

I place my hand on his shoulder as I step onto the foot peg he showed me, and swing my other leg over the bike. I slide my arms around his waist and hug him tight, leaning the side of my helmet clad head against his back.

The bike purrs to life, before it roars. I don’t know how to describe the sounds a damn bike makes, but I think I’m doing a fairly good job if it. He guns the engine, as the front wheel jumps up, and sue me if I squeal a little, and find a way to hold him tighter. The wheel drops down with a heavy thud before we tear off down the road. I have a feeling he's proving a point, I just don’t have all the pieces to be able to tell what that point is.

The bike starts to slow, well, at least it’s not heart lurching fast anymore. I pull back slightly to see the world pass us by in a blur. It’s amazing. A noise sounds in the helmet before I hear his voice.

“Bluetooth speakers. This way, if you crap yourself, I can pull over before you ruin my bike.”

“Thanks for that. Does that mean you heard my little… freak out?” I giggle nervously, actually giggle. I am so ashamed of myself right now, I shouldn’t be giggling. What is this guy doing to me? He’s turning my whole world and sensibilities upside down.

“Oh, Little Mouse. I didn’t need the speakers to hear you squeal.” I’m starting to think I should get used to having him laugh at me, doesn’t mean I have to like it though.

“Don’t worry, I won’t try and scare you anymore. I just missed this beauty and wanted to see what you would do. You were safe, just so you know. I’ll go at a more sensible, and boring, speed from now on,” he drawls out in a lazy voice, and my stubbornness rears to the surface.

I don’t want to be Little Mouse anymore, and the only one I can get rid of it, is to show that I don’t let my fears get the best of me.

“Can we go faster?” I hesitate, and wait for him to remark with something insulting or at least, patronizing, but nothing comes back through the other end.

I feel it the moment he picks up speed, and I close my eyes and just enjoy the ride. Sure my heart is beating a mile a minute, but it is pretty exhilarating once you let yourself go and just enjoy the ride.

It doesn’t take long for us to pull up at his parents’ place, and it’s nothing like I was expecting. No mansion or crests. There’s nothing to say this belongs to the most powerful family around.

There is a gate to drive through, but other than that, it’s rather nondescript, for Harkwrights anyway. A cream colored house, with a grey slate roof. The roof forms a pyramid shape, over each section of the house. With the large garage, and roofed porch over the front door. With three pillars, made out of normal shit, not quartz like Sir’s house. It’s beautiful, and normal.

I’m still nervous about meeting his parents, I mean aside from Tucker’s, and Maria, I haven’t exactly had the best luck. Sir hasn’t been that bad to me lately, and the thing he’s doing for Emmet’s mom is wonderful, but I seem to be the only one who thinks so. No one else thinks it’s great, they’ll worry about his ulterior motive, and at the end of the day, in a messed up way, I do trust Emmet and Aeron. So if they’re worried about his actions, then I am too.

The doors open to reveal a man and woman standing there. The man has salt and pepper hair, with a grey goatee, black slacks, and a pale blue shirt. The woman has golden blonde hair that falls down past her shoulders, with a pale blue maxi dress, that fades to white as it falls to the floor. They seem relaxed, apart from the slight pinching around their eyes, and the way she grips hold of her husband’s arm.

I have no idea why they are nervous, I thought that emotion were reserved solely for me.

“Thal, honey. How are you? How was your flight in?” Her voice is soft and welcoming, and she doesn't even look at me as he pulls his helmet off and nods to his parents. At least, I think these are his parents, they could be a maid and butler for all I know.

“Hey, mom, dad. It was good. we would have come sooner, but Luna got hit with the jet lag pretty bad. Slept for a whole day.” He chuckles and they start to relax. This encounter is getting stranger by the minute.

“Well, come on in. Your dad’s going to get the BBQ on, and we can eat in the garden. I hope that’s okay with you, Luna?” She smiles and I try to return it.

“O-of course. Whatever y-y-you w-want.”

“Don’t worry. They're just worried about me bringing a girl back after Allie. They’re good people.” Thallon places his hand on the small of my back and guides me up and inside the house.

We head straight outside, and his mom pulls out four bottles of beer, before passing one over to me. I guess one won’t hurt. As long as I don’t have any more, I won’t make a spectacle of myself. I don’t have the best track record when it comes to alcohol.

“So, Luna. Tell us about yourself, the floor is yours,” his dad says, as he starts placing meat on the BBQ.

“Um, I d-don't really know w-what to say. I live near the B-bronx, I enjoy archery, and I want to own my own bakery.” Damn, I sound really boring. Can I really cover who I am in such a short description?

“Don’t sell yourself short, Koala. She’s a really good fighter, but she doesn’t do it as often as I do.” He smirks as his mom rolls her eyes, and his dad smirks back. “She does a lot for people, and will stop at nothing to make sure those she cares about are happy. Also, if she’s angry or upset, she’ll go to the kitchen and bake her troubles away.” I stare at him with wide eyes, and my mouth hanging open. I didn’t realize he paid that much attention.

“Is that why you claimed her? You’ve always liked them feisty, but she seems a little quiet for you. No offence, darlin’, just an observation.” His father has a faint southern drawl, and I’m guessing he hasn’t always lived over here.

“It’s okay, I am quiet. M-meek probably c-covers it more, and I tend to stutter when I’m nervous or scared.” I wring my hands as his mom lays her hand on my shoulder, and smiles down at me.

“Don’t worry, honey. I used to have a terrible stutter when I was younger too. It still comes out occasionally, but people don’t really know that about me anymore.”

“I’ll tell you why I claimed her another time, dad.” His tone is harsh, and his dad points his spatula at him.

“Watch your attitude. I know we’ve let you get away with a lot of shit since Allie, but I won’t let you take that tone with me or your mother.”

“I’m sorry. mom, can I help you with anything in the kitchen?”

“That’s okay, honey, I…” She hesitates as they stare at one another. It’s like they’re having a conversation with nothing but their eyes. “...Of course, we’ll be right back.” She pats my shoulder before they disappear inside and his dad stares at me curiously.

“Can I ask you who your mother is?”

“Donna Carter, sir, and I have a sister as well.” I toy with the hem of my top as he moves away from the BBQ and steps closer to me.

“Is she… how do I put this? Is she your biological mother?” He crouches in front of me, and I have no choice but to meet his eyes.

“No, sir. That w-w-would b-be Selene Starr, but I l-lost her when I was f-f-four and I barely remember her now.”

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