Home > Shattered Souls(84)

Shattered Souls(84)
Author: B C Morgan

Aeron, he’s too easy to read. He may hear everything and store it away, but we people watch differently. He collects it for ammo, I do it for sport, or to simply understand people better. He uses pot like a mask, hides behind his mask of his always high state and being the epitome of sin. Although, he isn’t the carefree, fuck the rules guy, I remember. He’s different now. It’s because of her, everything always comes back to Luna, and I don’t understand it. What is this hold she has over everyone, what will happen when everything comes together? Will it implode and burn them from the inside out, or explode in a fiery inferno? Damaging everyone who gets in the crossfire. Because there will always be casualties, even if they don’t have a single part to play in this fucked up production we’re supposed to call life.

Tom was an entirely different kettle of fish. Driven by the need to gain more power, to be better than us all. Now, he’s nothing, the lowest of us all. By the time the year is up, he won’t hold a position of any worth. He failed his task, and no doubt disappointed Arthur. No one ever wants to do that, there’s no telling how he may react, and what he could do.

“Your head looks busy.” Her eyes are half hooded, as she peers at me. Her pupils are wide, and her cheeks hollow out every now and then. I wish I could get a better read on this girl, by everything I’ve heard, it shouldn’t be this hard or take this damn long.

“Just thinking about you and your ‘boyfriends’. It must get confusing. Do you ever call them the wrong name?” Yeah, I air quoted when I said boyfriends, just in case she missed the heavy dose of sarcasm that laced my words.

“It isn’t like that, and you know better than I do how that place works. We’re not exactly in a relationship. It’s not rainbows and sunshine. It’s double-edged swords and sharp tongues that most of the time cut deeper than the swords ever could. But, the heart wants what it wants. I can’t do anything about it, no matter how hard I try.” The look I don’t want to question has left her eyes, and now, she looks like she wants to slap me. I wonder what it would take to actually get her to try?

Do I really want to though? It’s been nice pretending that we’re, I guess friends is the only word that comes to mind, even if it doesn’t quite fit.

“Sounds like a life full of happiness is just waiting for you, aren’t you a lucky girl? Which guy do you think will crack first? Because even you can see where this is heading, surely. In blood and carnage, as they tear each other apart, until one comes out victorious. If you really think they will share you permanently, then you’ve got one hell of a wake up call coming your way.” Patronizing, check. Sarcasm, double check. Her nostrils are already starting to flare, as she grips one tighter to the tumbler.

“You don’t know anything. Things aren’t as clear cut as they seem, you of all people should know that. I mean, how often have you changed your tune when it comes to me? With your ridiculous nicknames that barely hit their mark, and punishing me for Poppy’s actions, have you made up your mind there? I mean, I know you said you won't anymore, but how long will that last?” She scoffs at me, as her words start to slur, but a tipsy Luna is a hell of a lot more forthright with her thoughts.

I pour her another glass, and she takes a large mouthful, being swiping the back of her hand across her mouth. Her red lipstick is long gone, and I can’t tell if the color in her cheeks is from the booze, or her mounting anger.

“Oh no, don’t try and change the subject. Come on, how long do you think it will last? A week, a month, a year? What magic number is in that little brain of yours?”

“I don't know,” she shouts at me, as she throws back the last of her glass and gets to her feet. She sways to the window and looks out to the sky.

“Not good enough. Surely you’ve thought about it. I’m almost disappointed in you, Luna.”

“Go on, mock me. Mock the girl who can’t choose one guy. Who broke the only rule that mattered, the one I gave to myself. I said I’d never give any of them my heart, and yet, I gave it away freely to two of them. Lord only knows that it won’t be long before I give it to the others. I don't want to be weak, but it isn’t easy. They all call to a part inside of me. With one, I’d be happy, but with all of them, I’d be almost whole,” she whispers that last part but I don’t miss it.

I push to my feet and walk over to her, she doesn’t bother to look my way, but her shoulders tense up at my nearness.

“What did Tom call to?” I really want to know that, I just can’t picture those two together. It doesn't make sense.

“I don’t think he did, but he was my first for so many things, and he was always there when I needed someone. I think…” She presses her hand to her lips.

I capture her wrist and pull it away, drawing it down to her side before spinning her around to face me, until I’m staring down at her.

“What do you think, Koala?” I know she wants to know why I call her that, but it will never make sense. She probably thinks it’s a new insult, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

“I think he was the only one who didn’t make sense. Not that he had to, but now, I wonder if my love for him is only because I lost it to him. It’s horrible to admit, but this isn’t the first time I’ve thought it.” Her teeth capture her bottom lip and I pull it free with my thumb, and watch as it pops back into place.

Her eyes move rapidly from side to side as she stares at me. “Thallon,” she breathes my name and I move my head closer, in case she plans on whispering any more.

“Ahh, screw it. I blame the whiskey.” Her words make no sense, not until her mouth connects with mine, and her tongue slides into my mouth.

I can’t move, that’s how fucking shocked I am. She should hate me, want me as far from her as possible. So why the fuck is she kissing me?

She pulls back, and her eyes fall to the floor, before she races out of the room, shouting out, “sorry,” on her way.



Three days since she kissed me, and we haven’t spoken about it. She’ll barely look at me, and I’m not about to bring it up. I’m calling the man card right here and now. Clearly, she regrets it, although I’d love to know if it really was the whiskey. Not now though, right now, Luna is about to finally take to the water. The waves are calm enough that I feel confident I’ll be able to get to her if the worst should happen.

We paddle out onto the sea, and she paddles in place as I take to the waves, and show her how it’s done. She looks at me with rapt fascination, and a heavy dose of fear as we go out together this time.

“Remember what I taught you and you’ll be fine. I’m right here.” I have her face in my hands, and she nods against them.

The next wave is ready for us, and we get to our mark, before climbing to our feet. She lasts about five seconds, before the wave takes her under, and I can barely breathe until I see her resurface. She’s spluttering, but she’s okay.

We try again and again, but she goes under every time. It’s when she takes longer to resurface that I call it a day, and she looks more than a little relieved by this.

“I’m not sure boarding is really for me.” She laughs freely, as she drops on the sand, and leans back on her elbows.

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