Home > Torment : Part One (The Bleeding Hearts #1)(72)

Torment : Part One (The Bleeding Hearts #1)(72)
Author: Dylan Page

Sighing, he takes it back and carefully sets it on my head before adjusting the straps and snapping it into place beneath my chin. “We’re going on a little excursion.”


He rolls his beautiful eyes and laughs lightly. “Geez, enough with the twenty questions! Just go with it, okay?”

Nervously, I shifted on my feet, clutching the handles of my bag hard as I peeked over my shoulder towards the railroad tracks, afraid of Shay suddenly stumbling upon us together.

Keenan reaches out and lightly touches my chin, turning me back to face him. His expression hard and sombre as he murmurs, “You need a break from your home life, from dance, school… all that bullshit. Don’t worry so much, Mina. Enjoy yourself a little.”


“We won’t get caught. I promise.” He grants me his slow, sexy wink that makes my stomach jump excitedly.

I can feel my face gradually break into a smile. “Okay, let’s do this.”

“That a’ girl. Now get your bag strapped on and climb up on the bitch seat. We’re taking the back roads and won’t be coming back this way.”



He takes me to a lake I never even knew existed. Clearly, no one else did, either. The beach is deserted, and the crystal blue water sparkles from the sun. The area is surrounded by beautiful, tall aspens, making me feel like we were in our own little world. I thought he would park his bike so we could walk on the beach, but instead, Keenan drove on, heading straight for the waves. We shifted a little as the wheels slipped slightly on the uneven ground. But when we reached the harder packed sand by the waves, I screamed as the cold spray peppered my arms and soaked through my tights. I clung to him, my hands wrapped around his waist as I held on to his hard stomach. I could feel him laughing beneath my death-grip, and we flew down the length of the beach.

When we reached one end, which ended with boulders, as big as my bed at home, rising up from the sand to the grassy ground of the forest, Keenan turned the bike, managing it smoothly as we faced the way we’d come.

“Hang on, love!” he shouts above the roar of his engine. I whoop and cheer, holding onto him tight as he revs his engine, before we shot forward. I thought my face was going to crack from smiling so much. I cling to him, trusting him completely, as we fly across the sand, sending a spray of water into the air as we break through the waves. I peer over his bulky shoulder to see a flock of seagulls gathered ahead in the distance, pecking away in the sand.

“Key!” I shout at him, but he just laughs again and accelerates. We speed through the cluster of birds, who angrily screech as they take flight, surrounding us in a cloud of white feathered bodies as they rise into the air. Keenan chose that moment to move closer to the waves, sending up a brilliant arc of water, soaking my clothes in the process. I shriek and squeeze his middle, burying my face in between his shoulder blades. For the first time in a long time, I felt so free of anxieties and stress that I felt lighter than air and the usual heaviness I carried around in my heart was gone.

Keenan pulled away from the water, moving out of reach of the waves before stopping us on a soft section of sand. I climb off and step away as he turns off the ignition, then moves the kickstand forward, allowing his beautiful bike to rest. I quickly take off the half helmet, shaking out my hair in the warm breeze. Keenan swung his leg around, still sitting on the seat of his bike as he turns his attention my way. My dark tights cling to my skin from the water, but my hoodie and white t-shirt is mostly dry, save for the bottom hem. My hair is a mess around my face, but I honestly don’t care. In a matter of minutes, he had managed to make me forget my worries, if only for a short time.

He crosses his arms over his chest and I could make out the twisted black vines, skulls, and dead looking rose tattoos that cover them. His skin is tanned, despite how we are only in late spring, which only makes his eyes look bluer. His blond hair was a mess around his face from the wind and water. He is so heartbreakingly beautiful, it almost hurts to look at him.

I turn away, ignoring his intense gaze, and kick off my flats as I head back to the cool water. It swirls over my aching feet, and I can’t help but sigh with relief. God, that feels good. I idly stroll along the beach, not wandering too far from where Keenan still lounges against his bike, giving me time to enjoy myself. Every once in a while, I stop to investigate something in the sand, and I can feel him watching every move I make. I feel a wild thrill race through my veins. When I toss my hair over my shoulder and catch him staring, I laugh and flip him off. “Stop being a creep!” I shout to him.

“Mina,” Keenan calls back. I watch as he lifts a hand, beckoning me to come to him with a simple curl of his fingers. I skip back in his direction, grinning huge as the wind whips my hair from my face. I love how quiet and secluded this beach is, how it feels like we found another secret spot we can share together.

“Hey, old man! You going to just stand there all day?” I laugh as I walk up to him. Putting my hands on my hips, and scrunching up my nose, I say playfully, “Let me guess, hurt your knee climbing out of bed this morning, am I right?” I loved teasing Keenan. It was probably one of my favourite things to do when I’m with him. He always rose to the bait, too, often calling me a whippersnapper or a brat, or teased me right back.

But this time, his impassive expression doesn’t change when I innocently taunt him. My smile swiftly disappears, and I feel a sense of dread pool in the pit of my stomach. What was wrong? Had I somehow managed to offend him? “Key?” I whisper, my brows arched high on my forehead as my chest compresses uncomfortably.

Keenan steadily reaches out, gently wrapping his fingers around my wrist, and tugs me toward himself. My breath catches from the sharp movement as he pulls me so close, our chests are touching. It feels like my blood is singing in my veins as it races through my body, sending a pulsing thrill that had my hands shaking.

“Told you I’d get your smile…” He never takes his eyes off mine as he reaches up with one of his huge, rough hands and cups the side of my face, his palm warm against my cheek. I want to run, and at the same time, I wished I was brave enough to wrap my arms around his neck and close the distance.

Keenan tilts his head a little to the side and moves in so close that the tips of our noses are barely touching, his lips hovering over mine. He keeps his icy stare on me as he gauges my reaction, as though waiting to see if I’ll push him away. But I won’t. I can’t. I’ve fantasized about this very moment for years. Now that it’s here, I’m terrified that something is going to stop him, that something will intervene and this will all be ruined.

Keenan licks his bottom lip before sucking it between his teeth. His blue eyes seem to come alive then, that familiar spark now alive again in his gaze. His lips brush against mine for a moment, our breath intermingling briefly, before he finally presses them tenderly to my own. I melt against him and close my eyes as his arms come up and wrap around me, caging me in his embrace.

His lips are soft, almost pillowy. The dark scruff on his chin scratches a little against my skin, but it doesn’t hurt. I feel lightheaded when it finally hits me that I am having my first kiss. I didn’t know what to do with my mouth, but he certainly does. Keenan leisurely moves his lips against mine, his tongue eventually sliding out to sweep across my lower lip, before taking it between his teeth, and tugging gently. Finally, he pulls back, his face inches away from mine as he opens his eyes again and his lips curl up into that mischievous grin.

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