Home > Lady Gouldian(48)

Lady Gouldian(48)
Author: Calia Read

Louise nods. “Yes, consider this your first warning, Ms. Claiborne. If there is a second warning, your pay will be docked. And if there is a third, I’m afraid you will be let go.”

I can feel my cheeks getting hot as I absorb her words. This is all centering around a ribbon.

A simple ribbon.

I wasn’t being fired but would this infraction be put on the warning board? The very thought that the rest of the ladies could read what I did makes my heart race with embarrassment. I could see them talking about how ridiculous that girl had been to put a colored ribbon in her hair.

“What’s the problem, Ms. Walker?” Asa says behind us.

Louise pulls her shoulders back and looks over my shoulder. She points to my hand as though my ribbon is a bomb about to go off at any moment. “I’m afraid Ms. Claiborne has a dress code violation.”

Asa approaches. His gaze moves to the ribbon and then to me. His brown eyes scan my face for no more than a few seconds, but I feel those looks as though they’re caresses. When his gaze moves back to Louise, his eyes are blank.

“It’s a ribbon,” Asa bluntly states.

“Yes,” Louise replies, undeterred. “Ms. Claiborne knows that while she’s working, we appreciate the girls to wear muted tones, and yet she had this red ribbon in her hair. I was in the process of telling her I needed to write her up when you walked down here.”

“Since I came in the middle of the conversation, why don’t we all go to my office and talk?”

Judging from the way Louise’s eyes widen ever so slightly, I know this is something that doesn’t often happen. But still, she doesn’t object. And neither do I. I don’t know what Asa’s doing. Or what he’s going to say. His face is impossible to read at the moment.

Asa gestures for Louise and me to walk ahead of him. Although I would’ve preferred for him to go first. The entire way to his office I can feel him staring at me. His eyes are on my back. I can feel them trail down my legs and slowly back up my body.

I take a deep breath and grab the handrail to my left for balance. We reach the second floor and Asa takes the lead. He walks past me, but not before his shoulder brushes against mine. My skin tingles in the spot our bodies touched.

Once the three of us reach his office, Asa closes the door. Louise and I take the two seats in front of his desk. He sits in the large leather chair, looking like a king observing his kingdom.

Asa moves closer to his desk, bracing his elbows on the surface, and looks to Louise. “All right. Tell me from the beginnin’ what happened.”

Louise, in her curt voice, does just that. The entire time she speaks, Asa’s face remains impassive. I think someone could confess to murder and he would keep a straight face. He has the ability to absorb anything. No matter how big or small.

Louise finishes and Asa turns to me. “Is that what happened?”

I can lie to him, and he’ll believe me over Louise. I can see it in his eyes, in the firm set of his jaw that he doesn’t want to write me up, but if he has to, he will. He always follows the rules.

“Nathalie?” he pushes.

I take a deep breath before I answer. “Yes.”


“Because I forgot I put a colored ribbon in my hair,” I answer truthfully.

Quite honestly, I still cannot believe we’re talking about a ribbon.

Asa nods and sits back in his chair. He regards me carefully. “Are you perfect every day?”

Is this a trick question? Hesitant to answer, I look between Asa and Louise. “No,” I start out slowly. “I am not. If that’s a requirement for Southern Bell then I’m afraid I won’t suffice.”

Louise lifts both brows. Asa merely blinks, taking my reply in stride.

Asa turns his attention to Louise. “Nath-—I mean, Ms. Claiborne has been a dutiful employee since she started workin’ at Southern Bell, correct?”

“Yes. However, her call rate remains low, and—”

“That will come with time. She will learn as she goes,” Asa impatiently cuts in. “I’m referrin’ to her overall work ethic.”

At that, Louise hesitates. I hold my breath while I wait for her reply. It’s apparent I have to earn Louise’s respect and trust. Lasting longer than a slew of girls isn’t going to cut it. I need to show her I intend to go nowhere.

“Ms. Claiborne works hard, yes.”

Briefly, I close my eyes and sigh with relief. Asa nods and looks down at his linked fingers before he looks at me and Louise. “Given she is still relatively new, and that it takes at least a year until the girls are one hundred percent confident in their jobs, I think we can let this red ribbon debacle go for now.”

“The rules are in place for a reason. We don’t need colorful finery to become the backdrop of our workplace. It will surely distract the ladies and—”

“She didn’t mean to,” Asa barks, causing Louise’s eyes to widen. “Don’t bring the issue up again.”

From the way Louise sits straight in her seat, I’m positive she’s never seen this side of Asa before. To be honest, it’s a rarity for me, too.

Louise swallows, knowing if she says anything further, she places her own job at risk. “The matter will be discussed no further Mr. Calhoun.”

Asa nods. “That’s good to hear.”

After a few seconds, Asa turns to me. His gaze is cold and dismissive. “Do you need anythin’ else?” Asa’s always kind and gentle with me. When I see him at work, it’s in passing, but people have spoken of his shrewd like tone and manner. I’ve simply never been on the receiving end. I don’t know why he’s behaving this way. I want to ask just that. But we have an audience and I’ve clearly just been dismissed. “I don’t believe so,” I reply, my tone stiff.

“Excellent,” he looks away. “Now would be a good time to take your lunch.”

Without another word, I stand and walk out of the door.

As I walk to the first floor, my heart is furiously beating. I know I should be grateful. Asa made sure I wasn’t written up. But it’s this one minor contribution that will potentially change how people view me here, and I didn’t want that. If I earned respect here, I wanted it to be based on my own merits, not given out of fear of the boss.

My anger doesn’t dissipate as I walk into the lunchroom and put together a measly lunch to eat. I find Leaf at one of the tables and place my plate on the table.

“What did Louise need?” Leaf asks, as she reads a Life magazine and eats her lunch.

“She wants me to answer calls faster,” I lie.

I chew my food slowly, seething. I don’t want anyone to think differently of me here, and if they discovered Asa came to my defense that is sure to garner attention.

Leaf pauses, mid-turn on a page and looks over at me. “You’re truly upset.”

I don’t say a word; I’m afraid that I might tell her the truth.

Leaf reaches out and pats my hand. “Oh, Nat, don’t worry. It’s happened to all of us.” She turns in her seat and looks at the girls in the room. “Right?”

They nod and murmur agreements.

“I once got a write up because I laughed at a caller’s joke,” a nameless lady says.

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