Home > Smut University (The Complete Series)(83)

Smut University (The Complete Series)(83)
Author: Kahlen Aymes

“Jax has insisted Bloom sign you as part of his negotiation for his own status. He was adamant about it. I’ve already drawn up the contract if you choose to move forward. I know it doesn’t save this book, but it secures the next one, at least.”

A small bloom of hope fluttered inside my chest. “Okay.”

“How are you and Jax doing? I know it’s not my business, but I had to ask.”

“We aren’t seeing each other. He’s mad because I didn’t trust him. He’s right. I should have, but he’s been with her for so long, I didn’t think my relationship with him would negate theirs.”

“It happens, Addy,” Jeff said sympathetically. “Gloria should be prosecuted for forging his signature, but the bad publicity would be worse for the publisher, for Jax and for you.”

“I can’t believe I made such a mess of things,” I said sadly.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself. He may come around.”

“I know I have no right to ask, but is he in New York?”

“No. He went back to Tennessee to finish his book.”

“I thought he was going to publish my book so someone else won’t be able to.”

“He will, but he feels like hell about it. The only reason he’s doing it is so he can give you the money.”

“I don’t care about the money,” I said simply.

“Obviously, Jax doesn’t either and that should tell you both something,” Jeff added. “Come on by to sign this contract when it’s convenient. After the holiday weekend will be fine.”

His words made my heart start to pound. Could Jax be as miserable over this as I was? “Thank you for doing this, Jeff. I really appreciate it,” I admitted. I was sad about my book, but glad that at least Jeff had convinced Jax not to ruin his own career over my mistake.

“Not a problem, Addy. Have a good holiday. I can have my assistant make arrangements for you to head down to Tennessee.” I could hear the smile in Jax’s brother’s voice. “If you’d like.”

My heart leapt inside my chest. “Really? Do you think he wants to see me?”

“Hell, yes, though he might not admit it. He’s not himself. Don’t tell him I said so.”

“Then…. Yes, thank you, but I can’t leave until Wednesday afternoon.” Even if I wanted to, I had three more days of classes and more importantly, I had to talk to Marcia Goldstein, first.

“You got it. I won’t tell my brother. Better you just show up. I don’t want to give him the chance to prepare in advance. I’ll have Carol make all of the arrangements. Wednesday afternoon, it is.”

I smiled for the first time in a week. “I can’t thank you enough.”

Jeff laughed. “My pleasure.”

When I ended the call, I grabbed my coat, shoved my feet into a pair of ankle boots and headed outside to hail a taxi. I had to speak to Marcia Goldstein, and I had to do so as soon as possible.

The ride to the famous publishing house in Rockefeller Center seemed like it took forever. It was at the end of the rush hour traffic and Manhattan was congested. I was both anxious and excited as I ran my card through the meter and then exited the vehicle in front of the tall brown building. It wasn’t the tallest building in the city, but it was still intimidating, just the same. Some of the greatest books in history had been published here and part of me was proud that mine would live among then.

Inside, and finally at the main floor, I was standing in reception. The building was old; built in 1939, but the offices had modern upgrades.

“Hello, may I help you?” There was a young, professional looking man sitting behind the reception desk.

“Yes, thank you.” I felt conscious of my casual dress. I was blowing off my morning classes to be there, so I hoped this woman would see me. “I’d like to see Marcia Goldstein, please.”

He smiled pleasantly. “Do you have an appointment?”

“Unfortunately, no, but this is urgent.” I realized I was clutching my hands together nervously and willed myself to stop. “Please.”

He shook his dark head. “I can ask her, but she doesn’t usually take unscheduled appointments. May I tell her your name?”

“Yes. Addison Tomms. I’m a friend of Jaxon Michaels.” I didn’t want to spill that my book was publishing under his name in case it was a secret, but I assumed she’d realize and make the connection.

“One moment.” He picked up the phone and pressed a button. “Forgive me for interrupting Ms. Goldstein, but a Miss Addison Tomms is here to see you. She mentioned she is a friend of Jaxon Michaels.” He paused for a second. “Yes, ma’am.” When he replaced the receiver in the cradle, he looked up. “She will see you in a few moments. She’s just finishing something up.”

He suggested I take a seat in one of the chairs off to one side in a small sitting room. It felt like more of a library than a publishing house with books displayed on shelves and glass cases with enclosed posters; which promoted new releases on the walls.

I concentrated on keeping my breathing even as I went over what I was going to say to this woman. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was hoping to accomplish by being here, but I wanted to make sure Jax’s reputation or his relationship with the publisher was intact.

My mind was racing when an elegant, older woman appeared in front of me. “Addison?” she asked.

I immediately stood and offered my hand. “Yes, ma’am.” She took it and shook it graciously. “I’m sorry for the impromptu drop in.”

“This way.”

I followed her down the hallway, past a few tan colored cubicles filled with what I could only assume were junior editors or marketing associates. Many had their heads down reading or marking up something, and several others were on their phones, or working on computers.

Her office was impressive, and she offered me one of the white, upholstered chairs in front of her desk. When she was settled, she spoke. “You’re here about Jax?”

“Yes, mostly. I’m the one who wrote the book being published as his.”

“It’s not being published. Jax has asked me to push back his publishing date so he can get his own manuscript to me. I can’t do it, so he’s writing as quickly as possible and I’ve put my team on stand-by so we can get it edited, the cover done and get new marketing materials out to our vendors.”

“But I thought… that wasn’t possible.”

“Normally, it wouldn’t be, but it’s Jaxon Michaels. He’s been one of our bestsellers, so we made a few arrangements for him. Believe me, it wasn’t easy. I practically had to sell my soul to the devil to get the higher-ups to agree.”

“He won’t be sued over this will he?”

“No. We’re doing our best to mitigate our losses.”

“That’s… amazing.” But what would happen to my book? I wondered. “What happens to my manuscript?” I asked hesitantly. This woman had my future in her hands. “If it has to publish under anyone else but me, I want it to be him. I understand it’s been sold to you by Bloom and Wandough as a ghostwritten piece.” I felt a bit frantic. Somehow, I had to convince her. With Jax in charge of it, he would keep it from being chopped to hell in editing.

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