Home > Smut University (The Complete Series)(85)

Smut University (The Complete Series)(85)
Author: Kahlen Aymes

“Ughhhh!” I moaned, dropping my arm, and then running and exasperated hand through my hair. “Damn!”

I’d already traveled to Tennessee and back twice in one week and on top of being a bad way to meet her parents, I was a mess from the traveling and going to Rochester would only make things worse. I sighed heavily and sat down on the cold stone steps. I’d have to wait until Monday to speak to her. Classes resumed and she’d be back in the city by then. Four more days of leaving things at odds with her, loomed in front of me. “Shit.”

Disappointment flooded through me. I wanted to see her. I wanted to spend the weekend all wrapped up on her love. Yes, I desired her body, but I wanted to ease her heart… and mine. I wanted us to be… us.

“What are you doing here, Professor Michaels?”

My head snapped up to see Michelle with a young man, who I could only assume was her boyfriend from the way he was holding her hand, standing in front of me on the sidewalk.

“I came to speak with Addison.” I shook my head and stood. “I realized, after I arrived, that given it was Thanksgiving tomorrow, she probably wasn’t here. I didn’t expect to see you, either.”

“No, she’s not. I’m just getting my suitcase. We’re going to Mark’s parent’s,” Michelle explained. “This is Mark. Professor Michaels.” She introduced us.

I shook the young man’s hand. “Pleased to meet you.”

“You as well, sir.” He answered, politely.

I sighed again; resigned to my fate. “Well, enjoy your weekend,” I said, moving away from them down the street. I had to figure out how in the hell I was going to get through the next few days without calling Addison. Still, she deserved to see me grovel in person.

“Professor… wait,” Michelle called after me.

I turned back, my eyebrow cocking in question. “Yes?”

“Addison is on her way to… Tennessee.” A sly smile slide across her mouth, and her boyfriend joined her. Obviously, he was in on our not-so-secret secret.

Joy flooded my heart and soul. I grinned. “What? When?”

“She left a couple of hours ago. I think her flight is about to leave any minute. I don’t think you’ll be able to catch her, Professor. Should I let her know? She’ll get down there and drive all that way for nothing. Maybe she should wait in Knoxville or take a flight right back to New York?”

Joy, like I’d never felt, filled me. If she was going to find me at my cabin, it wouldn’t be to fight. “No!” I grabbed my one small bag and whistled for a cab, rushing toward the street. Maybe my plans for a romantic holiday weekend weren’t lost after all. “I’ll go there. If she calls you, just ask her to stay put. There is a key behind the porch post on the northwest corner of the cabin.” The smile on my face was so wide it literally made the muscles of my face ache. My heart was flying.

“Professor! Why don’t you just call her yourself?”

A cab pulled over and I opened the door and threw my small bag onto the seat. I glanced back at Michelle and Mark. “If she’s already in the air, her phone will be off, and hopefully, I’ll be on a flight before she lands. Plus, considering everything that’s happened, I’d rather surprise her.”

Michelle’s lower lip popped out and her eyebrows shot up. “Okay.” She nodded. “For sure. I’ll figure out a way to convince Addy to wait without telling her you’re on your way.” Her expression twisted wryly. “That won’t be difficult at all.”

I laughed, sliding inside. “Good girl!” I called before I closed the door. “JFK,” I told the driver as he pulled away from the curb.



My stomach was filled with butterflies as I pulled the rental car into the winding drive. It would be my luck that Jax would have me arrested for trespassing. Despite Jeff’s reassurance, I was still remembering how it felt when Jax walked out.

I wanted to see him. I needed to talk to fill him in about my conversation with Marcia and see if I could convince him of the plan. He said he didn’t want to be co-authors on the book for my sake, but maybe he didn’t want to be tied to me. Doubt nagged at me, and it got worse the more miles that rolled by between Knoxville and Maryville.

Thank God, I had Google Maps on my iPhone. The country was beautiful, the mountains rolling all around, and the roads lined with snow-covered evergreens. It was like a beautiful Christmas card. I couldn’t wait to see it in the full sunlight. It was dusk, and I was tired from the trip. The emotional upheaval of the past week had no doubt contributed.

“In a quarter mile, your destination is on the left,” GPS voice instructed.

My heart started to thud heavily inside my chest. I still had trepidation about just showing up on Jax’s doorstep. The dwelling wasn’t what I’d expected. Jax’s New York apartment was so modern and polished, his manner of dress and grooming always so impeccable, this beat-up and almost tiny cabin took be aback.

The phone sitting on the passenger seat of the Subaru Outback, dinged again. It was my roommate. I’d seen her name on the screen along with some words that blurred when I threw the phone back down. The icy terrane required my complete attention even though the vehicle had all-wheel drive that the rental associate had recommended when she found out I was heading into the Smokey Mountains. Apparently, there had been a lot more snow in Tennessee than there was in New York.

“You have arrived at your destination. Your route guidance is finished,” the voice confirmed.

The sun wasn’t quite down, but the trees cast the place in shadows. I glanced at the temperature showing on the dashboard. The green digital numbers showed 29°F. It wasn’t too cold, but there were no lights on in the house and though there were tire tracks in the snow, no vehicle in the driveway. My heart fell. Jax must not be here. I closed my eyes after my car came to a stop, both hands still gripping the steering wheel.

“Ding!” My phone insisted again.

I pulled off my gloves and reached for it and read her messages.

Dr. Michaels isn’t at the cabin, Abby. I saw him in New York, this morning.

I’m sorry.



“What?” I exclaimed. “Ughhhhhh!” I moaned, leaning my head back against my seat in disappointment and frustration. Now, I’d have to turn around and find a hotel in Maryville. I doubted there’d be any more flights from Knoxville to New York yet tonight, and besides, I was tired.

Yeah, I’m sitting in front of his house right now.

I guess I’ll go back to Maryville and see if I can get a hotel, then.



You don’t have to. He told me that you could stay at his cabin. He said those back roads are too dangerous to travel at night.



I frowned. Why wouldn’t Jax just text me himself? I decided to ask my friend.

Why didn’t he just text me, himself?



He said you two weren’t talking and asked me to tell you. Maybe he’s ashamed.



Anger swelled inside at her words. Yeah, right. Jax ashamed? My hope for reconciliation vanished, and like a switch, my emotions turned to sadness. I was so fucked up.

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