Home > Between Heaven and Hell(31)

Between Heaven and Hell(31)
Author: Erin Trejo

“He seems to be shook up. A little messy.” Nodding my head, I finish with the other sleeve.

“Good.” I know it’s a good thing he looks like that. That means he’s more than likely being truthful about the whole situation. I run my hand through my disheveled hair before walking out of the bedroom, Jordy close behind me.

I take in the hallway as I walk toward my office. So dark and silent. The eeriness is almost palpable. There are so many stories that have begun and ended at the hands of the Vitale men. So many memories that were both good and bad, that haunt these halls. As I round the corner and head into my office, I’m taken aback. Jordy didn’t lie when he said Sinclair looked a mess. I can’t even begin to rationalize that this has anything to do with the daughter that he betrayed.

“Sinclair. You better have good news,” I grunt brushing past him to walk around my desk and sit in the leather chair. Clasping my hands together in front of me, I rest them on the desk.

“There are a few things I’d like to discuss with you,” he says softly. His old eyes seem older in a way. It’s been several years since I’ve actually laid eyes on him. He’s aged, and not in a good way.

“You have your own men, do you not? Why do you need me?” Watching him squirm gives me a high. It hardens my cock knowing that the good old Governor had to come to me with his problems.

“I do have my own men. My reach isn’t as far as yours, though. I’m sure you've heard by now that Ava is missing.” Just hearing her name rips me apart inside.

“I have. Has it occurred to you that maybe, she just doesn’t wish to speak to you? You did kill her mother after all. That’s aside from the fact that you worked closely with Gambino.” His nostrils flare as his face reddens. I’ve struck a nerve. I like that.

“I thought you might care.” Before he can finish, I must cut him off.

“Care? Do I strike you as the caring type of man?” That’s almost an insult. Nikolai stands guard at the door with a grin plastered across his face.

“You’re right. I shouldn’t have come here.” He stands to leave as I pull out the bottle of bourbon.

“Sit!” The cold harsh demand has him dropping quickly back into the chair like the good little governor he needs to be. I reach into my desk drawer and pull out a bottle, pouring myself a drink as he watches. Pouring the amber liquid down my throat, I compose myself for what’s about to come.

“I need answers. Why wasn’t she being watched by your men, Sinclair?” His head lowers, the sign of a coward. I didn’t need to see him like that to know what he is. I’ve always known it.

“I had men on her for a few months. She slipped away from the few that got close to her. I just gave up after that. She’s an adult; I didn’t need to keep eyes on her.” He didn’t think he needed to keep eyes on the only child that he had? The one that he took so much from?

“Your family values seem to be lacking, Sinclair. How is it that you can take so much from someone, and give nothing in return?” Shaking my head, I want nothing more than to climb across this desk and snap his goddamn neck for him.

“You know nothing of my family life, Vitale!” I can’t help myself; I chuckle. Knowing more than he thinks, I feel the need to enlighten him.

“I know that you killed your wife, and your daughter overheard the whole fucking conversation. I also know that you forced her to live in filth. To work in filth. Why? All because you kept her money from her when she turned of age. What kind of man does that make you, Sinclair?” Gritting my teeth, I can barely control my rage. Fire ignites in me and the devil’s horns work their way free.

“You know nothing! She didn’t hear anything!” He is worse off than I thought.

“Let me explain things to you, since you seem to lack the necessary tools to understand me,” I growl. Licking my lips, I lean onto the desk, resting my elbows there.

“Your little girl ran into the arms of danger. Over and over, I fucked her little body until she couldn’t see straight. I took what I wanted from her and all because daddy was too busy to see it happening.” Sinclair’s face reddens further before he stands and slams his fists against my desk. There is always a breaking point and I just hit mine. Lunging out of the chair and straight for him, I wrap my hands around his throat before slamming him onto my desk in a flash.

“Now you listen, Governor, and you listen good. You will locate Ava, and you will report to me. Every little thing you find out, I will know. If there is even a breath of a chance that they found one of her pretty little hairs, you will bring it to me. You are in no position to come to me, asking for help. You are mine now. I fucking own you, and all that comes with you. You may utilize my men and my reach, but when she’s found, She. Is. Mine.” Growling the last few words, his eyes widen in shock. The look on his face doesn’t hide the truth from me. I can see it. He doesn’t want this. He doesn’t like this, but that means nothing. He will do as I say.

“Do you understand?” Nodding his head, I release his throat. He coughs and gags trying to catch his breath before looking at me.

“And what do you intend to do with my daughter if you get her?” Did he just say if? I think it would be wise to say when I get her because I will get her.

“When, I get her, she will be mine. There is nothing left that you need to know. Get the fuck out of my office and be thankful that I didn’t blow your brains all over my wall.” Sinclair looks as though he wants to say more. He should be thankful when he doesn’t. I don’t think my mind could have taken anything further.

“Make sure that scum leaves without another word. Get Mike and Antonio on his ass. I want to know his every move. If he pisses, I want to know for how long. If he fucks some whore, I want know about it.” Nikolai knows I’m not playing around on this. The look on his face says as much.

“Understood. The plane will be ready first thing Thursday morning. Luciano is expecting you.” With a quick nod, he walks out to handle business.



Chapter 31



Depraved and in the dark. That’s how I dreamt of her last night. She was alone and lost. She didn’t understand anything that was going on. I hate that I don’t know where she is and if she’s okay.

“The car’s here.” Jordy stands in the doorway of my office. I nod before shaking out a few aspirin into my hand.

“You chasing those with vodka?” His teasing tone makes me smile. If only it were a real smile.

“That isn’t the correct way?” Swallowing the pills down, I push out of my chair, making my way to the door.

“I worry about you, Cord. You’re my best friend. I feel like you’re wearing yourself down, though.” I stop next to him and place my hand on his shoulder. Jordy has known me since I was young. He’s always had my back and been by my side. I don’t need him to worry about me.

“Some days I feel like I am, Jordy. When does this shit end? When does the fighting and bloodshed cease?” He drops his head knowing what I mean.

This is the life of the mafia. There is no escaping it. This is what life will always be for me, for us.

“It never ends. We’re running in circles, Cord. Like a fucking dog chasing its tail.” With those words, he spoke the truth. The truth that I needed so much to hear.

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