Home > Between Heaven and Hell(34)

Between Heaven and Hell(34)
Author: Erin Trejo

“You’re a monster!” She cries out from the pain that I’m inflicting on her.

“You got that right.”

From the time I tossed Amber out on her ass until now everything is in a haze. I don’t remember how I got here. I don’t remember much of anything. All I know is that she’s been found.

I had the plane fueled and on the runway in the matter of minutes. I don’t give a shit that I’m pulling people away from their families for my own selfishness.

I called Sinclair also, to let him know that I was on my way out of town. I didn’t give him much information though, just that we had a lead I was following up on. I brought Romero, Nikolai, Jordy, and Felix with me, since they mostly know the layout of Italy. They know what areas are off limits and where I am free to roam.

“I called Luciano. He’s going to reach out to family in Italy. Let them know that we are traveling there. He will add extra security.” Nodding my head, my heart hammers in my chest. The only thing that we know is that Ava is in a hospital in Italy. No other details were disclosed to us. I fidget with my hands, trying to ease some of what’s floating around in this head of mine. Dark thoughts creep in at every turn, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. As much as I’ve tried to, they will always be there.

“Do we have an address?” Romero nods, passing me a piece of paper with an address and the word hospital scribbled onto it.

“Do you know of this hospital?” Directing my attention to Romero, he nods before lowering his head.

“Unfortunately, I do. My mother died in that hospital alongside my uncles. It’s not a good place if you’re very ill.” All the color leaves my face; I can feel it. I instantly pale from his words.

I swallow the bile that rises in my throat before Nikolai passes me a bottle of water. I give him a grateful nod before taking the cap off. So much is running rampant through my head right now. I can’t focus, and the not knowing is killing me. Is she already gone? Are we going to view a body once we get there? Romero said that isn’t a good hospital. If she’s truly hurt, I won’t allow her to stay there.

“Call around and find a better hospital. One that will accommodate our soldiers.” Everyone’s eyes land on me and I know exactly why. We don’t use hospitals for the simple fact that the police will be brought into the middle.

“Do I look like I give a fuck about the police? I won’t have her in a shit hole! She will get the best care that I can provide for her!” Watching them visibly jolt back calms me. My authority still means something to them. In the states we would never go to a hospital. We have a doctor on call that works for the family. He always takes care of us. Romero pulls his phone out and starts making calls. My nerves are beyond controlled right now. I just need to see her. I need to see that she’s okay with my own eyes.

“What are your plans, Cord?” I pull my gaze to Nikolai.

“When she’s well enough to travel, I will bring her home. Until then, someone stays by her side.” He nods his head knowing that if he tried to argue with me right now, I’d kill him without a second thought.

“And Gambino’s?” Ah, now that is a good question. If the Gambino’s played any part in this, I will kill them. One by one.

“You’re losing your authority,” Felix says. My eyes jerk to his before I’m on my feet. Crossing the plane in a few short strides, I have him around his throat, my fist slamming into his ribs.

“You question my authority!” Blow after blow, I show him who’s in charge. No one moves to stop me either. Wise choice. I’d say that is authority enough. I reach into my holster, pulling my knife free.

“You will never fucking question me again.” Pulling back, I grab his mouth, prying it open. He tries to fight me when I glance at Jordy. He moves quickly to stand behind Felix, holding his mouth open.

“Never again!” Grabbing his tongue in one hand, I slice through it with the other.



Chapter 34



As soon as the plane landed, I was in the awaiting limo within minutes.

“Here.” One of Luciano’s men, that he had put in place for us, hands me a wet wipe. I clean my hands of Felix’s blood as the men all watch me.

“Did you make preparations for another hospital?” My tone is harsh much like my attitude at the moment.

“Yes, sir, Mr. Vitale. As soon as we know her condition, we can make that transfer if necessary.” Nodding my head, I refuse to listen to any more from them. It will be a necessity to move her. She isn’t dying, I won’t allow it. The ride to the hospital is silent. I’m not sure if I like this sort of silence or not. It’s unnerving. Jordy claps a hand on my shoulder as we pull up to the hospital.

“This is it?” I ask. The man across from me nods his head.

“We have men set up inside. Her room is secured as well. We have a deal with a few of the doctors here, so there shouldn't be any problems.” I don’t thank him. There is no need. He’s doing his job and he better thank his ass that he’s doing it correctly. When the door of the limo opens, I instantly climb out. I head straight inside, toward the main desk.

“Ava Sinclair. Where is her room?” The small woman at the desk looks around at all of the men that now surround me before she gasps.

“You need a visitor’s pass.” Jordy sees the way my jaw clenches. I know he does. He steps forward as well as one of Luciano’s men.

“Roberto Luciano says otherwise. Show the man to her room.” Thank God, one of these men has some kind of sense. The nurse nods quickly before motioning for me to follow.

My stomach flops around inside of me. If she’s already dead or close to it, I don’t know how I’m going to handle it. My mind says to close off my emotions, but my heart bleeds for her. She’s owned a piece of me since the day I first laid eyes on her.

“Right in here.” I steady my breathing before I push the door open. My steps aren’t as hurried as I thought they would have been. All I can imagine is Amelia’s little face. What if I would have been able to get her to the hospital? Would she have had a chance? Shaking the thoughts away, I look up from the floor that I’ve been staring at. My heart ceases to beat. The air is sucked from my lungs. Machines chime, but the silence is eerie. Her face is covered in purple and blue bruises. Her head is wrapped, her eyes are swollen. Taking a few steps closer to her, I almost lose myself at the sight.

“Ava. Mia bella Ragazza. I will find out who did this to you. I will fucking kill every one of them for you.” I start to reach for her hand before I notice that it’s wrapped too. A lump forms in my throat when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

“The doctor wants to speak to you, Cord.” I nod to Jordy before I turn to leave the room.

“Don’t you dare leave her side.” He nods his understanding before I walk back out.

I listen to the doctor ramble on about what happened to her. All I fucking care about is when she will get better.

“What the hell does all this mean?” The doctor turns his gaze to me.

“It means that she doesn’t remember everything. She remembers bits and pieces. We feel that with time and patience, she will regain her full memory.” She doesn’t know me. She doesn’t remember what we had. How the hell is that possible?

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