Home > Ashes (Devil's Boneyard MC 7)(12)

Ashes (Devil's Boneyard MC 7)(12)
Author: Harley Wylde

My stomach rumbled and I had a sudden craving for peanut butter cookies. From what I’d seen of Ashes’ kitchen, there wasn’t a cookie in sight, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t make some. I got up and rummaged through the cabinets and pantry, hoping he’d have all the ingredients I needed. Other than crunchy peanut butter and eggs, Ashes didn’t have the other stuff the recipe called for. I was dressed and I did have my car here. My bank account was pretty much empty, but maybe I had just enough room on my credit card to buy the few groceries that were missing for my culinary plans.

I grabbed my purse and keys then went out to my SUV, only to find a Prospect leaning against it. I froze, not sure if I should go back in or just tell him to move. I hadn’t really spoken to Jin before, even though I was aware of who he was. He’d worked the gate a few times when I’d come to visit Renegade.

“Going somewhere?” he asked.

“I need some things from the store.”

He nodded and looked down at his boots. “And you’re going to buy those things with what money? Your brother said you’re so broke you lost your apartment and that’s why you’re really here.”

My heart felt like someone had just stuck a knife through it. That’s what my brother thought of me? That I’d let Ashes claim me just to have a place to stay, or money to spend? Did he really think I was that mercenary or shallow? My purse hung limply from my fingers and my keys dropped to the ground. Tears burned my eyes and made my throat tight as I turned to go back inside. Why would he tell someone that?

“I’ll just…” I pressed my lips together as I reached for the door, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

“Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“It’s fine. I just didn’t realize my brother thought so little of me.”

Jin sighed and turned me to face him. “Look, I know Ashes pretty damn well. I’ve known for a while there was some woman he was hung up on, and since I heard he claimed you, I’m guessing it’s been you all along. Don’t let your brother fuck with your head. He’ll come around.”

I nodded and wiped at my cheeks.

“If you want to go to the store, I’ll take you. But we’re stopping at the clubhouse first to get some cash. I don’t think Ashes would want you spending your money on food. He’ll see that as his job.”

“Fine. I just wanted to bake some cookies and I don’t have everything I need.”

Jin smiled. “Cookies are always a good reason to go shopping.”

I snorted, then laughed. If he truly felt that way, he’d make some woman very happy whenever he settled down. Jin led me over to the SUV and helped me into the passenger’s seat before he took the keys and got behind the wheel. He stopped for the cash like he’d said, then hit the road into town, not stopping until he reached the nearest grocery store. I’d thought maybe he’d stay in the car, or at least trail behind me. Not Jin. He took control of the shopping cart and walked beside me, reaching the items on the top shelf and even throwing in some extra stuff like fresh fruit.

“Do you know what you’re making for dinner?” he asked.

“No, but Ashes had some ground beef in the fridge and a bag of frozen chicken breasts in the freezer.”

He arched a brow and looked at me, clearly not impressed with the selection. Yeah, I wasn’t too thrilled with either option. But at the same time, I didn’t want to spend money if it wasn’t necessary. I didn’t know if Ashes would have to pay the club back for whatever I used right now, and since I didn’t know about his finances, I wasn’t about to spend a lot of money without talking to him about it first.

Jin seemed to sense my hesitation and led me over to the butcher. I chewed my lower lip as I looked at the pre-seasoned meat, the fresh seafood, and steaks so thick that I just knew they’d be good and juicy. When I didn’t make a selection after a few minutes, Jin gave me a nudge. I ended up getting two chicken breasts rubbed with a lemon pepper seasoning, a large salmon filet, and two of the steaks.

After picking up some side dishes, the ingredients for the cookies as well as for two pies and a cake, I let Jin load the cart up with grape juice, apple juice, and sweet tea. It seemed all Ashes had was tap water, milk, beer, and coffee. The doctor had already limited my caffeine intake so I’d stopped drinking coffee most days. By the time we checked out up front, I was a bit worried over the total. Jin didn’t seem concerned and peeled off a few hundreds to pay. It didn’t escape my notice the cute clerk was checking him out.

I turned to hide my smirk. Sure, we could have been a couple, but we weren’t so I didn’t see the harm in her eyeing him like a piece of candy. Now if Ashes had been with me, then I might have given her a piece of my mind. After he got his change, I led the way back to the SUV in the parking lot. Jin loaded the groceries while I waited in the car.

The last thing I anticipated when we got back to the compound was for him to not only unload the car, but help put everything away. I eyed him, wondering who had taught him to be so considerate. Or domesticated for that matter. Most of the bikers I’d met were a rough sort who only remembered their manners after the fact, or just didn’t care to begin with. Even my brother was the same way. I knew our mom had taught him the proper way to act around women, but Renegade had seemed to think women were there for the taking, and should be bent to his will. Until he’d met Darby.

“Thank you,” I said.

“I’ll be outside if you need anything else, Nikki. Phantom asked that I stick close until Ashes gets back.”

I gave him a nod and as he walked out of the kitchen, I began gathering the ingredients for the peanut butter cookies. Working in the kitchen kept my mind and my hands occupied. I’d made two batches before I heard the front door open and the scuff of boots. Smiling, I turned to greet who I hoped was Ashes, but the smile quickly fell from my face.

Ashes had returned, but… not in the same condition he’d left. Blood trickled from a wound on his forehead, more covered his knuckles, and he staggered as if he were barely upright. I rushed toward him, wrapping an arm around his waist and staring up in eyes that looked back with confusion.

“Ashes, what happened?” I asked.

The confusion quickly turned to anger and he shoved me away from him. His gaze dropped to my belly before he snorted and turned toward the fridge.

“You can leave. Go back to the clubhouse.”

My jaw dropped. “Wh-what? What do you mean go to the clubhouse?”

“I don’t want a whore in my house.”

It felt like ice had been dumped over me, chilling me all the way through. I stumbled back and stared at him in horror. Why would he say such a thing to me? Did he blame me for whatever happened? Did he think it was my fault that Renegade had attacked him? “Ashes, please… what did I do wrong?”

His mouth twisted as he glared at my stomach again. “From the looks of things, you must do something pretty damn well to have gotten knocked up. Don’t try to pretend that brat is mine. Get the fuck out!”

I gasped and nearly fell in my haste to run from the house. Havoc, Cobra, and Ripper pulled up on their bikes as I tumbled from the house and landed on my knees in the grass. Ripper rushed over and helped me up. I didn’t see Jin and figured he must have left when he saw Ashes come back.

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