Home > Ashes (Devil's Boneyard MC 7)(15)

Ashes (Devil's Boneyard MC 7)(15)
Author: Harley Wylde

“He’s hungry,” the nurse said. “Better give him to his mom.”

I nodded and carried him to Nikki. She dropped the front of her gown and reached for Oliver. Seeing her nurse our son was probably the most beautiful thing I’d ever witnessed. I reached out to stroke his cheek as he suckled.

“Baby Oliver was six pounds seven ounces,” said the nurse. “And he’s nineteen inches long.”

“He’s perfect,” Nikki said, her voice choked from unshed tears.

“Yeah, he is,” I agreed. “And he looks just like his mom.”

“I’ll leave the three of you to bond. There are diapers and wipes provided by the hospital, as well as some other goodies you get to take home with you. Just buzz the nurse’s station if you need anything. The doctor will be around shortly to check on you.”

Oliver greedily sucked at Nikki’s breast before she switched him to the other side with a grimace. He was in a gown the hospital had for every baby born here, and I didn’t like it. He had clothes at home, things we’d picked just for him. It bothered me that his bag was back at my house, along with Nikki’s. I pulled my phone from my pocket and shot off a text to Dixon.

Get the two bags just inside my front entry. Bring them to the hospital. Oliver is here!

I got a thumbs-up emoji as a response, but I had no doubt he’d tell everyone our son had been born. It wouldn’t be long before the club would stop by, hopefully not all at once. If Renegade made an appearance, and I knew it was likely, he’d better damn well behave and not start shit.

I sat on the edge of the bed watching my woman and kid, my heart feeling full. They were beautiful, and mine. When Oliver was done eating, and Nik had covered up again, I settled on the bed and pulled her against me, our son in her arms. I might not remember my life, or this woman, but I doubted I’d ever been happier than I was right now. I hoped that Oliver would be the first of several kids for us.

The doctor stopped by and explained Oliver hadn’t been breathing at first, but they’d managed to clear his airway, given him some oxygen, and he was now able to breathe on his own. It had been a scare for everyone, but not as serious as they’d first feared since he was born too soon. I knew I’d be watching him like a hawk, probably from now until the day I died.

The door opened a short while later and Dixon came in, a smile on his face as he saw little Oliver. He set the two bags down at the foot of the bed and came closer. Slowly, he reached for Oliver, stroking a finger down my son’s cheek.

“He’s cute,” Dixon said.

“How long before the others show up?” I asked.

“Scratch, Cinder, and their women are downstairs right now. I’m sure the others will be along soon enough.”

Nikki yawned and nuzzled closer to me, her eyes heavy.

“Sleep, baby. You need to rest,” I said.

She murmured something and fell almost immediately asleep. I smiled, admiring my beautiful family.

“You did good, man,” Dixon said. “Listen. Renegade is on his way here. I can’t promise he won’t be an ass, but he wants to come see his nephew.”

I held back a growl, but just barely. I didn’t know what the fuck his problem was, but the bastard hated me. “If he upsets Nikki, I’ll personally remove him from the room.”

Dixon nodded. “Look, the guy’s my friend, but when it comes to Nikki he can be a little… overprotective. And I think the fact that she was in such dire straits and he didn’t know…”

Wait. What the fuck did that mean?

“Dire straits?” I asked.

Dixon’s expression shut down.

“Dix, start talking. Now.”

“Shit,” he muttered. “Look, Nikki was living in an apartment across town. You found out she was being evicted and brought her home with you. Renegade lost his shit, and that’s why he’s such an ass to you. Because you got his little sister out of trouble, saved her, when it should have been him.”

I looked at Nikki and Oliver. Something was off. If Nikki was mine, and Oliver was mine, why hadn’t they been living with me. How long had she been in the apartment? No, the right questions was how long had she been living in my house? Had I not wanted her for some reason? I tried to remember, but it just made pain spike through my brain. The headaches were fewer now, but still hit hard when I tried to force the memories to come back.

“I know you have questions,” Dixon said. “But I think I’ve said more than enough.”

Or maybe he hadn’t said quite enough.

I didn’t get a chance to question him more before the room door opened again. This time the Pres and VP came in with their women.

“We aren’t staying long. Left the kids with Jordan and Havoc,” Scratch said. “Those two will have them trained as assassins within the hour. I kind of like that my kids are sweet. Too much time with that hellion of theirs and my sons might change from angels to the Antichrist.”

I coughed to cover a laugh, but I knew he wasn’t wrong. I’d only been around Lanie a few times since I came home without my memories, but that kid would scare Lucifer.

Clarity smacked his arm. “Be nice. You know you love that little girl. She’s going to be fierce just like her parents.”

“God help us,” Cinder said.

“Your son is beautiful.” Meg smiled at Oliver. “Makes me want another one.”

Cinder tugged her against his side. “Fuck, woman. I’m too old to chase after another kid.”

Clarity looked sad for a moment. “At least you have the option of having another one. Poor Jordan and Havoc.”

What did that mean? I had a feeling it was something else I’d forgotten. Clarity seemed to notice the confusion on my face and decided to elaborate.

“Jordan had a miscarriage with their second child. Because of complications during her recovery, the doctor suggested they not try for more kids so Havoc got snipped,” Clarity said.

“That sucks. I don’t remember that happening.” Then again, I didn’t remember anything before waking up in that warehouse. Everything before that was just a blank canvas. Nothing. Empty space.

The door slammed open and Renegade stormed inside, a dark look on his face. My body tensed as I prepared for whatever fight he might start this time. He looked at Nikki and Oliver, his gaze softening a moment, before turning back to granite when he faced me again. Why did he hate me being with Nikki? I adored her, and I could tell she was happy with me. I supposed I could understand to a point, but Nikki and Oliver were mine. Why was that so hard for him?

“You shouldn’t be in here,” he said. “They’re not your fucking family.”

Cinder cursed and tried to shove Renegade from the room.

“What the fuck does that mean?” I demanded. “She’s mine, and so is Oliver.”

Renegade sneered at me. “You may have claimed her, but that kid isn’t yours.”

My heart nearly stopped, and everything went still as I processed his words.

“Would you shut the fuck up?” Scratch demanded. “If you’re going to start shit, you need to leave. We talked about this.”

Oliver wasn’t mine? I looked down at Nikki and the baby. Was that the secret I’d seen lurking in her eyes several times? I’d decided I was imagining things. Had I known before losing my memory? Or had Nikki cheated on me? She didn’t seem like the type. I scanned the baby’s face, looking for any sign that he might be mine. He felt like mine.

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