Author: V L Peters

‘’I’ll do everything in my power to keep Aria away from you,’’ he promised me with a look of satisfaction on his face, as if he’d gotten everything he’d ever wanted ‘’you will have my protection while you’re in my care. You must do your part and make sure you don’t run into her when she’s here,’’

‘’Err I don’t intend to seek her out, so you have nothing to worry about that side of things,’’ I tell him, with a wrinkle to my nose. Did he really think I’d go looking for her? Please, what was this guy on for heaven’s sake? I sat there watching him. I honestly didn’t think he was taking me seriously enough, ‘’if she attempts to attack me don’t think I’m going to just sit there and take it because I won’t. I will have no choice, but retaliate,’’ I warn him.

Witch or not, I can’t see this slip of a woman sitting in front of me, harming Aria. She would seek Scarlett out. No matter how many times I told Aria not to and no matter how powerful Scarlett might think she was. She wasn’t a match against Aria, she was a powerful Demon in her own right and one of the best fighters I had ever seen and for that reason Scarlett didn’t stand a chance in protecting herself against Aria. Scarlett was safer here than being back at her own home, no matter if she thought differently.

He shrugged, bluntly ignoring what I had just told him, idiot! ‘’Stay out of her way when she’s here and there shouldn’t be a problem,’’ Talking to me as if I were a bloody two-year-old. I’d let it pass for now. I could see he didn’t believe a word I was saying. To him, I and I had no doubt he thought the same way about my family, were just a silly witch, and I wasn’t going to turn blue in the face trying to convince him differently. He could believe what he wanted, he obviously thought I was exaggerating. If that’s what he wanted to think then so be it. He had been warned. He sat there stony faced, his dark eyes staring at me, ignoring my reply as if I’d never spoken, he carried on speaking ‘You’ll stay in the same bedroom as you have been. I’ll make sure that one of my men will be at your side when you’re out of your room, for your own safety,’’

My safely, ok ….so either he was full of wind or he wanted to make sure I wasn’t up to no good. If he wanted to play it that way let him go ahead ‘’that’s fine,’’ I told him, with a shrug of my shoulders. Thinking over my options. I needed to work, I had a deadline to meet and I couldn’t miss it, plus I needed clothing, a laptop and some shampoo, conditioner, body wash to name a few things. I had no intentions of telling him to get anything from our home. I didn’t want anyone I didn’t trust going there. He’d just have to get someone to either go to the shops to get said items or he could get someone to take me. Either way I didn’t care, as long I got what I needed.

I told him what I’d need if I were going to stay here, there wasn’t much of a reaction to my requirements. He raised an eyebrow waiting for me to explain. I signed, I hated having to explain myself to anyone, let alone strangers. Only my family and a few close friends knew what I did for a living. I was lucky I made enough money to live on and enough to buy a few luxury items if I choose to. There was no way out of explaining why I needed my laptop, but I wouldn’t tell him everything. ‘’I work from home, so I need a laptop,’’ I explained with a shrug of my shoulders ‘’I don’t have a money tree I can just pick money from when the need arises. Plus, I need more clothing. Not just the ones I was wearing or the ones you have supplied for me,’’

‘’That’s fine. I will get one of my men to pick up anything you’ll need, write out a list and I’ll get someone on it. You’ll have your things by this evening,’’ he told me as he stood up. Ok then, I’m guessing our little talk is done.

He strolled to the door calling out for someone called Alex, as I grabbed a piece of paper laying on the desk and quickly wrote out a list of the items I’d need. I’m guessing this Alex would be the one who would be constantly at my side. I was shocked to see a young shifter enter the room; I’d say he was about my age. He was tall standing a good 6 foot plus, with light blonde hair and friendly pale green eyes.

‘’Scarlett this is Alex,’’ I was told, as he introduced us to each other ‘’Alex, Scarlett Winters.’’

I gave him a small smile as he nodded towards me in greeting, closely watching me out of those pale eyes, as if I were suddenly going to weave a magic spell out of thin air. He stood to one side waiting to hear why he had been summoned, he didn’t have long to wait.

‘’Scarlett is going to be with us for a while, as a guest of mine. She’s asked me for the help in finding her sister which I’ve agreed to. You are to be her…….’’ He paused, turning those black eyes towards me sending shivers down my spine ‘’bodyguard. You’re to be with her twenty-four seven, unless my orders change,’’

I watched as Alex nodded, listening. It was obvious that he knew not to question him.

‘’I have an upcoming appointment that I can’t miss,’’ Lucien informed me, as he glanced at the watch on his wrist. As if he’d spent enough of his valuable time on me already ‘’I except I’ll catch you later at some point. Alex will show you back to your room. Give me the list of what you need, and I will make sure it’s delivered to your room later today’’ he tells me. I hand the list over to him. He glances at it with a raised eyebrow, before turning on his heel and walking out the room without a word.

Charming, I wasn’t even worth a Goodbye. Err, I just knew that my life was going to be so bloody hard while I was staying here. Could things get any worse? Yes, yes, yes, I screamed out to myself. I had no doubt in my mind that I was going to be looking over my shoulder the whole time I was here.

I turned my attention to the young male in front of me. We stood there looking at each other, like two idiots, as if saying what the hell do, we do now. I didn’t want to go back to the room I’d been staying in. I needed some fresh air.

‘’I’m not going back into that room,’’ I told him, breaking the silence ‘’I need some fresh air and a change of scenery,’’

There came a huff from the male sitting in front of the TV scenes. I’d forgotten that he was in the room with us. Listening in on our conversation. It was like he could blend into the surroundings around him.

‘’Lucien won’t like it. You should just do as you’ve been told,’’ he tells me, as he swung the chair, he was sitting in towards us. He stares at me, through those beady black eyes of his, making me shiver. He gives me the creeps. Alex, at first didn’t even acknowledge the fact he was in the same room as us. It was as if he was below him. I wondered what the hell was happening. I know a bit about shifters through our cousin Melissa. She had lived with a group few years ago. We never completely knew what had happen while she had been there. She hadn’t ever been the same since. Whatever had happened, that’s her story and not my tale to tell. We all know through her that there is like a kind of level of command. From the Alpha who was the leader, right down to the lower soldiers. I had the feeling snake boy there was on the lower side. He started to tell me in uncertain terms what he thought of me when I took no notice of his comments. It wasn’t anything to do with him. I really wished he’d shut the hell up, he hadn’t said one word while Lucien and Aria, had been in the room, now it seemed he couldn’t shut his mouth.

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