Author: V L Peters

Alex shot him a menacing look, eyes flashing yellow. Causing the other shifter to cower. I was sure from the way he’d just acted that Alex was higher up than the other shifter. The deep, rough growl that rose from deep within his chest as if warning him that he had gone too far, confirmed it. It was crystal clear he had overstepped his boundaries.

Fuck, I thought, as I stood looking at Alex. I was sure my mouth was hanging open as if I was trying to catch flies. Alex’s whole demeanour had changed in a blink of an eye. The friendly guy who had come through that door was no longer standing in front of me. Shit, I needed to get Alex’s attention back on me before he killed the guy.

I knew that I was going to appear rude, but I didn’t care, not at that moment and there was just something about the other male, that caused my hackles to rise, ‘’Alex, I’ve been cooped up in that room for days. I’ll take full responsibility if you get into any sort of trouble with Lucien,’’ I reasoned with him, placing my hand on his arm. Finally grabbing his attention with a smile upon my lips as he turned his yellow eyes towards me. ‘’Even if it’s only for ten minutes’’ I told him, ignoring the shifter from the side of the room. I knew I was placing Alex in an uncomfortable situation. I wanted out of this room. I felt a sense of relief, as his eyes slowly began to change, from the yellow back to his normal colour. I would deal with Lucien Sinclair. If he found out, I’d disobeyed his orders. I needed to get out. Not only because I’d been in the same room which seemed like forever, I also had to see if I could send a mental link to my family. If not, I’d have to do it the old fashion way. Plus, I needed him to come with me. I didn’t have a blinking clue how to get around this forsaken building. The place was huge. I looked into Alex’s eyes knowing he was weighing up the pros and cons.

He must have decided on the pros, ‘’Fine, I’ll take you outside.’’ he told me placing his hand on my lower back as he escorted me out. Taking no notice of the other shifter sitting there. Who was listening to our exchange and watching us bluntly ignoring him. I felt like giving him the middle finger, as we walked past. I resisted the urge.

I let Alex guide me as I hadn’t a clue where I was going. It was like the Tardis. He took me down hall after hall until we finally got to an enormous black wooden door. Pushing it open, we stepped out into a garden, I couldn’t hide the surprised shock appearing upon my face. It wasn’t something I was expecting, in the middle was a large natural lake and next to the water’s edge stood several different trees, one being a weeping willow, its branches partly hanging over the water, at the foot of its large trunk sat a white, wooden, black, metal, garden seat. It was one of the most peaceful places I had ever set my eyes upon, and I felt as if I was stepping into a fairy tale. I thought back to the other night and wondered if this was the same lake I had seen through the window. He walked with me, up to the seat that was underneath the willow tree. I sat myself onto the wooden seat, leaning till my back hit the back of the seat. Closing my eyes as I let myself sink into the surroundings. In the background I could hear the twitter of birds it was as if I were in the middle of the countryside. It was surreal. In a way, it kind of reminded me of home. Mad, I know, I mean how a place like this could even be in the middle of the city, how was it even be possible? Magic, maybe.

‘’It’s beautiful,’’ I told him, as I briefly opened my eyes to look up at him, he was standing beside me staring down, as if trying to work out what I was. I realised I was a curiosity to him. It didn’t faze me in the slightest. There were worst things that could happen.

Had he ever witnessed witches communicating before? Would it shock him, I thought, with what he was about to witness?






I sat dead still letting my whole body relax. I close my eyes once again, it felt as if my very soul had left my body and resting upon a fluffy white cloud. I felt the warmth within my body begin to grow. The intensity started building up, causing my skin to radiate. My hair would now be changing colour and flickering like the flames of a burning sun. I cleared my mind of everything that had happened to me in the last few days. Opening our mental link, we all shared. I felt the impression of all the others that stood at the edge of that same link. I searched until I found the one, I needed to contact. I felt the relief radiating from her, the minute she sensed me and answered as I reached out.

‘Scarlett,’ I could feel the relief she was feeling, that quickly went out the window, ‘Where the hell have you have been?’ if she’d been standing in front of me it would have been a screech piercing my ear drums ‘I’ve been trying for days to contact you, we all have,’ I could feel how upset she was and the relief she felt as she reached out. As if her arms were wrapping around me, pulling me tight to her.

I reassured her as much as I could, telling her that I was fine. That Lucien had agreed to help us in finding Megan. Which she was suspicious about, but also relieved at the same time. I decided not to tell her about the agreement made between myself and Lucien, nor what happened between us, there wasn’t much to tell, and I decided for the moment, not to tell her about Aria. I knew she’d blow her fuse, which I didn’t need, then she’d tell the rest of the family and they would try to talk me out of staying. It would only cause unnecessary upset. It wasn’t just Megan’s life on the line now, there were so many others that needed to be found. The very thought of what they were going through was daunting. I made up my mind to tell her, what Lucien had told me. They could come to visit me while I was staying here. Which, I stressed, wasn’t necessary. I thought it would be wise to tell her about the others who had been reported missing to the human police. I made her promise to be careful and to tell the rest what was going on. Every single one of them had to be extra careful. They needed to watch each other’s backs. Anyone could be taken. Until we found out who was taking humans and supernatural’s, everyone was in danger. Pamela agreed to tell the others and told me to keep in touch. Making me promise that I’d get in contact with one of them every other day. Then followed on to tell me that they would come to see me next Saturday. No matter how much I protested the idea, she took no blinking notice! Just continued to say that they would come to see me on that Saturday, late afternoon, and demanded that I tell Lucien to expect a few guests. I once again protested at her suggestion. It’s not that I didn’t want to see them, I do. It was just that I didn’t want them here, it’s just too dangerous for them. I didn’t trust anyone here. Come on, I didn’t know them. I didn’t care how kind or nice they might appear to be. I could leave at any time I decided to. The choice was mine. Having my sisters here wasn’t a good idea, I thought it was downright stupid. I decided to keep that last thought to myself. Pamela would not take kindly to it.

After a lot of toing and throwing, I finally gave in and agreed about them visiting. I didn’t really agree, I just had no choice in the matter. Even though Lucien was the one who had suggested it. I could imagine seeing his reaction and those around him when they saw a group of witches arriving on his doorstep. It was laughable really, I wanted to feel a bit sorry for him and the others, but I didn’t have it in me. I just hoped no one lived to regret it. The others would want to come and that would be due to their curiosity and to make sure I was alright and that no harm had come to me. I couldn’t blame them really; I’d be the same way if I were in the same position.

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