Author: V L Peters

Before ending the mental link with Pamela, I told her I was looking forward to seeing them. Opening my eyes, I saw that Alex had been staring at me the whole time, there was a look of wonder written across his face. I knew what he’d witnessed. I had seen my family to the same very thing. I wondered had he ever seen a witch. We were after all completely different from the ‘old witches. As a Witch, Omega, Supernatural, Human, blood mix. Our powers were……. different. When we made a mental contact with someone our whole bodies set off a glow. We lit up like a beacon that was glowing in the darkness.

I gave him a reassuring smile; I know I had to remark on what he’d just witnessed ‘’was I glowing?’’ I asked him with a light laugh trying to put him at ease.

He nodded, eyes gleaming in wonder as if he were a young child looking at their first toy, the nervousness radiating from him in waves ‘’I’ve never seen a witch before.’’ He admitted, with a slight smile. ‘’You’re the first. Your body lit up; it was like a shining star. Your hair was like at a ball of electricity’’

‘’Mm first witch. Well, we’re human, mostly,’’ I told him shrugging my shoulders returning the smile, ‘’I’ve gotten so use to it and I do tend to forget what kind of reaction it can have on anyone who hasn’t witnessed it before.’’ I sighed, I didn’t want to go back in. If truth be told, I’d rather stay out here in the open air and with the feeling of peace surrounding me, but I didn’t want him to get into trouble either. I would come out here again I decided then and there. This would be the place where I could relax and write. I was going to start to take close scrutiny of how to get to my room from here and anywhere else in the building.

‘’Well I suppose you’d better take me back to my cell,’’ I huffed, as I walked over to the door that led us back into the building. I pulled open the door and waited to one side, so he could take me back to the room I’d only left a few hours ago, though it felt like a lifetime. I hoped that the items I had written down were waiting in my room. At least I could check my emails.

‘’Are you hungry?’’ he asked as we headed down one of the hallways. Smelling the aroma of food, I heard my stomach rumble, I realised with surprise that I hadn’t eaten since that morning, after someone had brought me breakfast

‘’Actually, yes I could do with a bit to eat,’’ I confessed ‘’I’m starving,’’

He grinned at me, ‘’the kitchen is just up here,’’ he told me with an indication of his head, ‘’we mostly eat there through the day. Dora’s the cook. Her foods fantastic,’’

I stopped beside him, as he led me through a door into a kitchen, the place was huge. There were three women working away and I wasn’t sure which of the women where Dora. Sitting at the large kitchen table was another woman and two men eating what looked like a beef stew.

‘’Dora,’’ Alex called over to the women, ‘’this is Scarlett, she’s a guest of Lucien’s,’’ Was it me or my imagination, for I’m sure he seemed to exaggerate on the word guest and Lucien. On hearing his voice one of the women turned around, a smile across her face in greeting. She was stocky in build with black hair with grey streaks running through it. I wasn’t getting any vibes off her to tell me if she was a supernatural, so I knew straight away she was human. Which I was surprised at knowing what I knew of his dislike of humans.

‘’So he let her out at last ’’ it wasn’t a question, ‘’don’t hide behind him girly, let me have a good look at you,’’ she told me with a slight Irish hint to her voice, with a wave of her hand indicating for me to come forward.

Bloody hell, I hated to be in the spotlight. All eyes turned towards me, assessing me. Even though I wasn’t here to make friends, I didn’t want to admit it to myself that I would care if they liked me or not. I couldn’t forget that I was here for one reason and one reason only. I shouldn’t care, but deep down, for some reason, I did, I had to shake off that feeling and let the witch in me take over slightly. I could hear her, saying with a sign and a shrug of her shoulders ‘if they liked us fine if not tuff shit,’ I sometimes wished the human part and the Omega could have the same attitude as my witch.

Dora nodded her head, in what seemed like approval, as she looked me up and down. ‘’You’ll do. Take a seat,’’ she told me nodding towards the table, ‘’I’ve got some beef stew on the stove. I’ll expect you’ll want some?’’ she asked Alex with a smile as he pulled out a chair for the both of us.

‘’Of course, you know that’s the only reason I come here,’’ he called out to her as she started filling the bowls she’d laid out in front of herself ‘’To see your beautiful self and eat your divine food,’’ he told her with a cheeky grin which lit up his whole face.

‘’That charm will get you in trouble one day,’’ she told him with a smile lighting up her plump rosy face, while waving the wooden spoon in her hand, towards him. I sat there in silence as I listened to their batter. The two and throw of it. It kind of reminded me of family. My male cousins had the gift of the gab, just as it appeared Alex did.

‘’So you’re the witch that everyone’s talking about?’’ an ugly voice came from the side of me.

That one question stopped all the friendly banter, and everyone stilled around me. Seven pairs of eyes waited for my reaction. I turned towards the voice; it was one of the women who’d been helping Dora. Her long blond hair was loosely tied back, her lips were full with bright red lipstick, her eyes dark blue and tall with a willowy figure. She stood there staring at me, with loathing, looking at me as if I’d just run over her pet cat, not again, I groaned. This was getting beyond a joke.

‘’Well, I must be if that’s what you’ve been told,’’ I replied as I gave Dora a smile, with a thank you, as she placed the bowl of stew in front of me.

‘’Well,’’ she huffed, her attitude towards me stunk, her face was all screwed up as if she’d just sucked a lemon ‘’are you a witch?’’ she demanded. Everyone was waiting with bated breath for my reply.

‘’Julie don’t be questioning the poor girl, just leave it be,’’ Dora told her, shaking her head. Frowning at her, as if sending her a warning.

‘’Its fine,’’ I assured Dora with a smile, as I sat there looking at everyone in the room. Meeting their gaze as I went from one to the other. I had nothing to hide in that way, not now. ‘’yes, I’m what you would call a witch, as are my family,’’ I told her meeting her eyes.

‘’Witches are not welcomed here,’’ Julie informed me with a curl on her lips slamming her cup onto the wooden table, spilling her hot drink. Disgust in her eyes, the hate she had no problem in showing to everyone in the room written clearly across her face,

‘’why are you here anyway? I know there is no way Lucien would let you stay,’’ she informed me, his name falling from her lips as if she was licking a lolly pop. She carried on not giving me a chance to even answer her ‘’where did you come from?’’ she spat out, grinding her teeth together, making her sound as if she was interrogating me, her chest heaving.

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