Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(16)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(16)
Author: Crystal Bella

After showering I head back downstairs unsure of what to do, I seek out Annett, who is doing some laundry and ask if I can help. She let me help with folding the sheets then tells me to go out for a walk.

As soon as I get out the heat hits me and I realise most of the clothes I brought are not appropriate for this weather, heading back inside I ask Annett about clothes shops in the town and ask If there is a car I could borrow for a couple of hours, she lets me borrow her truck, which is smaller than Kenni’s, thank god.

The small town a few miles away from the ranch is fairly well stocked and has pretty much everything that I need, I buy a handful of light sundresses and a straw sun hat in one of the shops and I end up sort of making a friend, one of the shop assistants is my age, called Coral, she asks me questions, but isn’t intrusive.

I like her immediately and we get chatting, she asks me to meet up for a drink in town tonight, I give her a non-committal maybe and take her phone number. I come across a gorgeous little lingerie shop and have to go inside, unfortunately the owner recognises Annett’s car and asks me if I’m staying at the Bennet ranch to which I replied yes.

“You’re British, that’s so cute, what brings you to Texas then darlin.” Nosy bitch, I can’t think of a good lie so I tell her the truth.

“I’m a guest of Kenni’s, I’m staying for a few days on the ranch.” Her eyes shine bright as recognition hits.

“He’s quite the catch isn’t he? And gorgeous, you done well there girl.” I smile politely not wishing to confirm her suspicions, I buy a couple of sets and then leave. I spot a diner across the road and decide to get a drink to cool down a little bit, so I walk in, big mistake!

I have the Spanish inquisition from practically everyone in there, obviously coming to town in Annett’s car has roused a lot of suspicion and I instantly regret coming into the diner. I eventually make it out of there, alive, barely. Heading back to the ranch I was a little longer than I intended and Kenni comes out to greet me when I pull up.

“Where the fuck have you been?” He shouts across the yard, he hasn’t even reached me yet and I can already tell that he’s spiting mad and I don’t understand why.

“I told your mum I was going into town to do a little shopping, what’s the problem?” He pulls me into a tight hug, I know he is taking comfort from this. After a couple of minutes he eventually replies, releasing me, he looks into my eyes.

“Nothing babe, I just panicked, mum said you should have been back by now and I got worried. She also said the phone has been blowing up this morning, it seems the, and I quote “pretty English girl” is causing a stir in town, apparently 15 people have already called mum today.” As if on cue the phone rings again.

“Oh god, I shouldn’t have gone, everyone kept speaking to me and I couldn’t be rude, it was a mistake to take your mums car.” He kisses me and then releases me, I go to the back of the truck and get a couple of bags out and we head into the house. As we walk into the kitchen I once again feel all eyes on me.

“Ignore his jealous ass Luci, did you get everything you wanted.” I expected Jed, but it was actually his mum.

“Yes thank you, I’m sorry if I caused trouble for you, but everyone kept talking to me and I couldn’t be rude.” I plop down into a chair and huff, putting my head in my hands.

“You have nothing to be sorry for sweetheart, you just got the whole town talking is all, and while there talking about you they’re leaving other folk alone.” She is obviously finding the whole thing amusing, I’m glad she is, because I certainly am not.

“They just honed in on me, it’s like they sniffed that I was new blood or something.” Everyone is laughing now and I can’t help but join in.

We all eat lunch together and I am so lost in the moment I forget my promise to Kenni last night but he’s quick to remind me.

“Come on darlin, there’s something we need to do, let’s go to the office.” I hesitate briefly before he pulls my hands, he must off discussed what we are doing with his parents because his mums parting words are a little terrifying.

“Good luck sweetheart, it’s the right thing to do.” Heading to the office, I grab my tablet, which is in my handbag, on the way through, Kenni sets me up on the wifi and I pull up the Skype app, my heart is literally pounding, I don’t think I have ever been this scared.

“It’s going to be fine darlin, just be honest. I’ll give you some privacy for a few minutes, but I’ll be just outside the door if you need me.” I don’t really want him to leave, but I know I’ll never have the courage to tell them if he is in the room. He kisses me goodbye as I set the tablet in the right position. As the call rings, I think I am going to die, I am so scared in my entire life.

“Luci, what’s going on, were not expecting this call.” Great it had to be my dad that answered.

“Hi dad, nothing’s wrong, is everyone there? I need to speak to everyone so I don’t repeat myself.” He seems a little worried but goes to gather everyone up. Eventually everyone’s faces are on the screen, my dad, mum, brother and sister. Ruby is giving me a knowing look.

“So we’re all here now, what have you got to tell us?” Hmmmm, where to start.

“So as you all know, I went to Canada, well I kind of met someone in New York before I left and we ended up travelling to Canada together and he invited me back to Texas for a few days, I agreed. So I’m calling to tell you of my revised whereabouts.” Everyone, but Ruby jumps straight in shouting at me, there all speaking at the same time and I can’t make out anything that they are saying.

“Guys, one at a time please.” I have to shout it so loudly to get myself across. It seems to work as only my dad’s voice can be heard now.

“So where exactly are you now Luci?” I have never heard my dad sound so pissed.

“Just outside of Austin, Texas” I squirm as I say this, I must look like the immature little girl that I feel.

“What in the hell possessed you to do this? You’ve always been such a sensible girl.” My dad has never sounded angrier.

“Dad, I met Kenni in New York and we hit it off, as I said we ended up on the same trip and we got closer, when he offered me to visit his ranch, I couldn’t say no, I have to see where it’s going with us, I owe it to myself to pursue this.” And let’s not forget I am an adult, I want to add but think better of it, he is mad enough without me adding fuel to the fire.

“Do you love this man Luci, are you going to come home?” He had to ask the one question I didn’t want to answer.

“Dad it’s too early to say things like that and I’m only staying a few days. I’ll still be on the same flight home.” At least I’m pretty sure I’ll still be on it.

“He lives on a ranch you say, like a cowboy?” My dad sounded like he may be softening a little.

“Yes dad, like a real life cowboy.” Everyone goes quiet for a few seconds, I need something to break the ice so I offer an olive branch.

“Would you like to talk to him dad? He’s just outside the door.” I know instantly that this is the right thing to do, my dad smiles at me affectionately.

“Yes I think that is a good idea.” Opening the door, Kenni is right where he said he would be, smiling at him, I quickly fill him in, whispering the whole time. He comes over to the table with me, sitting in the chair, he places me on his lap and openly wraps his arms around me, I don’t even have time to be embarrassed about it.

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