Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(17)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(17)
Author: Crystal Bella

“Everyone this is Kenni, Kenni this is my dad Ted, mum Rita, Brother Caleb and my sister Ruby.” Awkwardness fills the air as everyone sizes each other up.

“Howdy folks, sorry I stole her for a few days, completely my fault, I’ll see to it that she makes her return flight.” Bless Kenni for trying, my dad and brother are both giving him daggers. Ignoring Kenni completely my dad speak to me.

“Luci can you give us a couple of minutes alone please sweetheart?” This is what I didn’t want to happen, but I can’t really argue. I hear him asking my mum and Ruby to give them some privacy.

“Please don’t embarrass me dad.” He laughs lightly, turning to Kenni I give him an apologetic look and he whispers into my ear that its ok, kissing him on his cheek I leave the room.

Unfortunately, it’s a heavy door and I’m disappointed that I can’t hear anything being discussed, saves any awkwardness I suppose. Time seems to drag as I wait outside the door, walking around in circles. Eventually Kenni pokes his head out motioning for me to come back in, giving me a smirk, sitting back down on his lap, all of my family have returned and my dad and Caleb seem calmer.

“Right sweetheart glad that’s all sorted, remember your calling on Sunday when your grandparents are here, have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” His casualness is scaring me, I expected a tongue lashing and I’m spooked not to get one.

“Ok dad, I’ll call home on Sunday, are you ok with all of this?” He scratches his chin before speaking.

“I’m ok with it Luci, strangely I’m proud of you in a weird way, don’t ask me how that works. Enjoy your time there and please keep in touch with us.” What the hell has happened? Kenni must have brainwashed him or something, that’s the only explanation I can think of.

“Ok dad, Ruby has the details for Kenni’s ranch, don’t be mad at her, I swore her to secrecy. I love you all.” My dad gives Ruby an irritated look but doesn’t say anything to her.

“We love you too.” Everyone blows me kisses, even Caleb. Hanging up the call I don’t really know what to say, so I stay quiet relaxing into Kenni’s chest.

“So your family seem ok, your dad’s a little scary as is your brother.” I kiss him on his lips and then look into his eyes.

“I hope they didn’t embarrass me too much. I’m sorry about my dad and Caleb, they mean well and are both very protective. What did they say?” He squeezes me lightly in understanding.

“Babe I have a younger sister and I would be the same with my daughter, they didn’t embarrass you and as for what they said, I’m not telling you.” I actually accept his answer. Thinking about meeting Coral earlier I decide I could use a drink and a friendly ear so I take the plunge.

“I met a girl in town earlier and she asked me to have a drink with her later, would you mind if I borrow your car tonight? I really liked her and I think I’d like to meet up with her.” He eyes me suspiciously.

“What’s she called?” He seems on instant alert, always my protector.

“Coral” He must recognise the name because he smiles and I let out the breath I’d been holding.

“Yeah, Coral is a sweetheart, she’s a friend of my sisters actually. Why don’t I drive you and pick you up? I’m glad you’re making friends, I want you to feel settled. Not sure how I feel about you being in a bar on your own without me though.” He’s adorable and I actually expected him to argue with me and try and talk me out of it.

“Ok I’ll go and call her now and arrange it, thanks for today babe. I know my dad wouldn’t have been easy on you.” Kissing him I jump up to use the phone in the hall. Coral was very happy to hear from me.

We’re going to eat out and we arranged that she would come and pick me up as she lives in town anyway and Kenni can pick me up at the end of the night, he didn’t seem happy about Coral picking me up but couldn’t really argue about it because it was already arranged, he headed back out to work as I got myself ready for going out.


Ok, so I may have slightly over-reacted when Luci didn’t come back to the ranch for ages, but, in my defence I’ve never had to worry about anyone else before now. I had mixed feelings to her going into town with Coral tonight, but I couldn’t outright say no could I?

She’s not even technically mine yet. I wanted to take her myself, I knew she would be creating a storm, I’m no idiot. She’s a beauty and wouldn’t be without male attention. Hell, I’d nearly punched a ranch hand in the face today because I’d overheard him saying she was pretty. What the hell was happening to me?

I’m figuring I need to stake my claim on her once and for all, show every man this side of Austin that she’s taken and more importantly that she’s mine. I needed to get a plan in place, and I had just the thing in mind to show her how much I loved her and I have a promise to fulfil to her father and brother.

She’s going to fight me all the way, but there is nothing sexier than her breathing fire at me, bring it on, let the battles commence, that and the flaming hot sex that was sure to come after.



Chapter Six


After spending the best part of the last two hours getting ready I stand looking at myself in the mirror, finally happy with what’s staring back at me. In the end I went for a black formal dress and wedge heels, which somehow manage to elongate my legs, which are very shaky as I make my way downstairs.

I can hear the men in the kitchen and I suddenly become extremely self-conscious. Coral will be here in ten minutes and I still need to find Kenni to say goodbye.

Walking through the door, into the kitchen I am greeted with wolf whistling and cat calling, my face blushes and I don’t really know where to look. Unfortunately with my head down I fail to see or hear Kenni approaching and I’m shocked when I’m thrown over his shoulder, squealing loudly because I’m not sure what’s happening.

Everyone is now laughing loudly as I am removed from the kitchen and taken back upstairs into our bedroom. He sits me on the side of the bed and stands in front of me with his hands on both of his hips, I’m pretty sure there is steam coming out of both of his ears

“You are not leaving this house looking like that, get some more clothes on, preferably some pants and a turtle neck. You’re going to drive me fucking crazy woman.” I cross my arms over my chest and refuse to budge. Inadvertently shoving my cleavage practically in his face. I am not backing down on this, I am 24 years old not 50.

“Kenni I’m not changing, this is what I picked and this is what I’m going to be wearing. Don’t fluster me, I don’t want to have to do my make up again.” He’s still staring at my cleavage. I’m unsure if any of what I just said registered with him.

“Luci, please darlin, put some pantyhose on and a jacket at least and I’ll be happier.” He has finally raised his line of vision and is currently giving me his pleading eyes, that would normally work but I don’t want to back down. If I give in to this he will forever dictate what I wear, no way is that happening.

“Do you know how hot it is? I’m not putting tights on in this heat. You’re not being fair. I’m 24, this is the kind of stuff I wear. I haven’t done it to aggravate you. Please can I just go now?” Pulling me up, he wraps his arms around me before kissing me to within an inch of my life, completely stripping me of my peach lip gloss in the process and I can already feel my lips beginning to swell.

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