Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(39)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(39)
Author: Crystal Bella

“I can’t believe I’m going to be a grandma, I’m too young to be a grandma.” Everyone around the table laughs and she looks at me seriously.

“I can’t believe you waited this long to tell us, are we really that unapproachable as parents that you feel you can’t come to us with things?” It kills me to see my mum hurt so I jump down of my stall and hug her.

“It’s not your issues mum it’s mine, I couldn’t stand the thought of more disappointment directed at me. I’m sorry I didn’t come to you sooner though.” I lift my top up and show them both my bump in the hopes of cheering them up, my mum start crying and my dad has a few tears in his eyes.

“Oh my god Luci I can’t believe how you have hidden this from us you’re massive already.” No female likes being told that they are massive and I feel my face drop.

“I’m going to be huge, kill me now.” Once again everyone laughs at me.

“I’m serious, I’m going to get stretch marks and everything.” A depression washes over me and my mum returns the favour by hugging me. My dad jumps up and opens the fridge, grabbing a bottle of champagne out.

“Let’s celebrate.” He hands me a small glass.

“A couple of sips won’t hurt.” He winks at me before pouring everyone else a glass as well. I’m glad everyone is happy for a change. I plaster a smile on my face as I know deep down I have some other decisions to make, mainly what to do about Kenni.

On Saturday me and Ruby head over to watch Caleb play football in the afternoon before heading home for dinner and then going out for the evening. I make the plunge and wear a dress that highlights my bump. After getting ready I head downstairs and go into the lounge where everyone else is.

“Luci if you wear that dress everyone will be talking about you, you can very clearly see your bump, and there won’t be any going back.” My dad informs me, always my hero.

“I know dad but the reality is, I am pregnant, with twins and I can’t hide from it anymore.” They all seem to accept my reasoning and after I put my coat on we head out to the local pub.

Caleb has arranged to meet some friends out but has assured us he will stay with us all night. Ruby seems a little quiet but as selfish as it sounds I have my own problems and she is not forthcoming with information and I just can’t be bothered tonight.

After walking in and taking my coat of it seems like all eyes are on me tonight. I spot a couple of girls I went to school with and wave at them, they wave back and head over to me. We hug each other lightly before I feel their eyes on my stomach.

“Go on I know you want to ask.” I can’t help but smile.

“Sorry Luci, this is quite direct but are you pregnant?” It seems like at that moment the whole pub went silent, taking a deep breath I answer.

“I am pregnant, I am three months along with twins.” Both girls look at each other before looking back at me a smiling widely.

“That is so cool, rumour has it you’re married now as well.” They both eye my hand sceptically as I’m not wearing a ring.

“Yep guilty of that one as well, he’s still in America, that one is a little more complicated.” I laugh in the hope that humour will get me out of the awkward topics and it seems to work with these two as they laugh along with me.

I show them my ultrasound pictures and photos of my wedding which were now safely saved onto my phone, they both dutifully sighed and had puppy dog looks on their faces.

“He is bloody gorgeous Luci, you can see from the photo’s how much he loves you. Does he have any brothers?” They laugh together and I shake my head indicating no.

The evening actually turns out quite pleasant, it appears I only needed to tell my two friends and then the whole pub knew, which I was happy about.

Some of my brother’s friends came in and joined us, I could tell the moment each of them found out my news because I felt different sets of eyes on me all through the night.

I’m not ignorant, I know that if they weren’t friends with my brother most of them would try their luck with me, oh well I guess I really am of the market now.

It was funny watching people get drunk, Ruby was well on her way to being plastered, after saying our goodbyes we headed back to the house. Ruby is gently leaning into me.

“What’s going on Ruby? You seem a little distant.” I ask her, genuinely concerned.

“Don’t be disappointed but it’s Jed, I fucked him whilst I was at the ranch. Not very romantic so don’t ask for details. We’ve been emailing each other and I’m not sure where things are heading.” Panic sets in, she was slurring her words a little and she was in no fit state to talk properly tonight so I hug her tightly and make a mental note to speak with her tomorrow.

Ruby was officially dying for most of today, swearing of alcohol I eventually tracked her down to her room when she was pretty much back to herself. I knocked on her door and entered. Sitting down on her bed I was determined to tread lightly.

“So I wanted to talk to you about the chat we had last night.” She attempted to feign ignorance, fine if she wanted to play these games I would go along with it.

“The conversation about Jed and fucking him, ring any bells?” She was as red as a Coca-Cola can.

“Yes I thought that would jog your memory.”

“Luci keep your voice down, it was one time, we’ve been emailing each other and stuff but I don’t see it heading anywhere, even more so with your current predicament.” I felt guilty as soon as she says it.

“Well that’s what I wanted to speak to you about, does he ask you about me?”

“He only asks me if you are well, he never snoops and vice-versa, I would never tell him your secret I promise.” She looks so lost, of course I believe her.

“Ruby I know you wouldn’t tell him, I’m just worried about it getting out. I had to delete Coral of my Facebook today, I just couldn’t risk it. I was starting to get people posting congratulations on my wall, I guess word has officially got out.” She smiles and then grabs her phone.

“I’d better do the same.” I watch as she removes Coral as well, I truthfully feel terrible but I can’t risk the truth getting out.

“So tell me more about Jed?” She goes into a little detail and I can’t help but feel like I will be keeping them apart even though Ruby assures me she had already made that decision on her own. We go on to discuss my grandparent’s reaction to me being pregnant, they were surprised but supportive.

On Monday Ruby heads back to Uni and everyone else heads of to work with the exception of me, I still have another day off as we have an inset day, due to a local tradition called feast, where basically they have a hunt and local people get drunk.

Unfortunately for me this means I am left alone with my thoughts and I stupidly think it would be a good idea to call the ranch, what I am going to say baffles me but I still decide it’s a good idea. Picking the phone up I dial the international dialling code and then the ranch number, someone picks up after a couple of rings, to my relief it Annett.

“Bennet Ranch, can I help you?”

“Hi Annett its Luci, I just wanted to check in, I hope that’s ok?”

“Luci is it really you, I’m so happy to hear your voice, you can call here anytime you want darlin, you know that. How’re you?”

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