Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(37)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(37)
Author: Crystal Bella

We discussed a few things, mainly work related, given that this is my NQT year I need to be successfully signed off for at least two terms, which should just about be doable given that Easter was early this year, meaning that the winter term was shorter. I was optimistic for a positive outcome with relation to work.

The day passed in a baby haze as I contemplated several scenarios. After doing a few things in my classroom after work I headed home for the evening. I really needed to speak to Ruby but she had already left for Uni. When I arrived home, my mum already had dinner on the go so I headed up to my room to face time Ruby. I headed into my bathroom so I definitely wouldn’t be overheard, I was nowhere near fessing this up to my parents.

Holding my tablet in front of me I call my sister, she picks up eventually.

“Shit whatever it is, it must be good because you’re in your bathroom.” She knows, she always knows.

“Rubes don’t be a dick, I do have some news for you though.”

“Oh this sounds like it’s going to be good, spit it out then.”

“Once again Ruby I have to swear you to secrecy, I am in no way, shape or form ready for this to get out.” She looks at me with worried eyes then and starts crying. I felt bad for drawing it out but I needed her word.

“Promise me Ruby.”

“I swear it ok? Brownie promise.”

“Ok fine, right so I’ve been a little unwell this last week….”

“Fuck you’re sick aren’t you, you’re gunna fucking die and leave me?” She starts to screech then.

“Ruby for fucks sake I’m not dying, I’m pregnant.”

“WHAT? Oh my god! This is huge news, when are you going back to America then, have you even phoned him yet?”

“Ruby slow down, I found out today I am having twins, I mean twins, can you believe it? And to answer your question, no I haven’t phoned him yet and I have no current plans to go back to America in the immediate future, nothing has changed on that front.”

“Luci you cannot be serious, these are as much his children as they are yours, why are you denying yourself happiness?”

“In all honesty, I need to get my head together, concentrate on work and work things out from there. I’m not going to rush into any decisions. I’m excited, is that ok to be excited? When everything else is a clusterfuck?”

“Oh Luci of course you’re excited, you’re going to be a mummy. Do you have any due dates yet? Of course twins very rarely go full term you know, so it could be any time. This is so bloody exciting.”

We end up talking for a while longer before we say our goodbyes, I once again swear her to secrecy but I wonder to myself how long I’ll be able to keep it from my parents as I’m going to get quite big, quite quickly carrying twins. I’ll have to cross that bridge when I get to it. I head downstairs like nothing has happened and spend the rest of the evening with my parents and brother.

I am fortunate to have a private bathroom, so I don’t rouse the suspicions of my mum and dad in the mornings as the next few weeks pass by. I am getting bigger each day and managing to hide it well, fortunately for me floaty tops are in fashion at the moment, people at work are still none the wiser.

Half term is rapidly approaching, when I am due to have my three month scan. It’s a Sunday afternoon and my parents are out to dinner with friends of theirs and I am alone with my brother, I decide it’s time to tell him. Picking up the remote I press mute and watch as he spins his head around at me expectantly.

“So there is something I need to tell you, but I have to ask you to keep it to yourself.”

“Not this again Luci, you know what secrets do to families?”

“It’s not really a bad secret, it’s just something I’m not happy to share with everyone yet.”

“Ok” he says and I reach for his hands before speaking.

“So I found out a few weeks ago that I’m pregnant, not just pregnant though, I’m having twins.” He sits there deathly quiet, not saying one word. As the minutes pass I become more and more agitated.

“I’m going to be an uncle?” He smiles widely.

“Yep, an uncle to two precious babies, I am nearly three months pregnant.”

“Wow, my little sister is having babies, when did you grow up? Shit the last I knew you were still a fucking virgin.” He has the decency to look embarrassed after saying it.

“I know, I’m a little scared though to be honest.”

“What are you going to do about Kenni?” Of course he had to ask.

“I don’t know yet, I know I’m not going back, of that I am certain. I haven’t made my mind up yet what to tell him, if anything.”

“I don’t agree with this Luci, he is their father and has a right to know he is going to have two children, plus he has a legal responsibility to financially support you. Have you considered how you’re going to manage financially?”

“No I haven’t and in Kenni’s defence he is a multi-millionaire and I know for a fact he wouldn’t have any issues supporting me if that’s what I wanted. Half of his money is mine if I wanted it, you know?”

“No, I didn’t know that, I’ve never really considered what the financial arrangements were when you were married, I did wonder if you had to sign a pre-nuptial agreement, which I guess you didn’t as you say you’re entitled to half of his money. Sorry I’ve got to say it, I like that man more and more.” I ignore his bromance with my husband and carry on.

“Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you would come to my three month scan this week as I don’t have anyone else to ask and I would like someone with me. I know it’s a little weird to ask your brother but I want you there.” I didn’t realise it but my knee is shaking waiting for his response, he gently places his hand on my knee stopping my movement before replying.

“Luci, enough, of course I’ll come with you, when is it?” He is actually looking excited.

“Friday at 10.00am, thank you so much, I love you.” Much to his displeasure I kiss him on the cheek before he shoos me away.

“No problem, I’ll just request a day off at work, maybe we could go out for lunch after and do a little shopping. Do you find out the sexes at this one?” He asks me, looking hopeful.

“I don’t know to be honest, I intend to do some reading up this week.”

“When are you going to tell mum and dad then?”

“I don’t know, I want to stretch it out for as long as possible, I’m getting big really fast so I won’t be able to hide it for much longer anyway.” I proceed to lift my top a little and show him my quite sizable bump, he gasps loudly.

“Jesus, seeing that makes it a reality, are you sure you’re only three months?” I’m laughing my head off at him while he turns me to my side so he can have another vantage point.

“Of course I’m sure you dummy, it’s because it’s two of them.” I hear my parent’s car pull up outside and I hastily lower my top and unmute the T.V as they walk in. We of course act like nothing has happened and just carried on chatting away about nothing in particular, we both enquired if they had enjoyed themselves. My brother pipes up.

“Dad is it cool if I take Friday off? Me and Luc would like to have a day out together.” My parents both look at us sceptically as if they see through us and know one of us is covering for the other but they can’t determine which way around it is.

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