Home > Shattered Souls(69)

Shattered Souls(69)
Author: B C Morgan

“Little M… Luna, people aren’t allowed to speak about the Academy. Your mom wouldn’t have been allowed to tell you.” Why am I trying to comfort her? I mean, I think that's what this is.

“No, I don’t believe it. Do you know how many girls here boast about having other sisters who have come before them? Believe me, that isn’t the reason.”

“I’m going to forget I heard you say that, because that is a whole other issue. To be fair, the guys will claim the same bullshit. That they didn’t tell you because their hands were tied and it would be breaking the few rules we have to follow, but I can tell you for a fact, there isn’t a single rule they wouldn’t break if it suits them.” My hands grip her forearms and she inhales. “I came here to torture you and to revel in your misery, but it’s not as fun as I thought it would be. I can’t help you with the guys, but if you want to have it out with your mother, then I can make it happen. Just say the word, Luna.” Her eyes search mine, and are no doubt trying to see what game I am playing this time.

Although it’s dawning on me, that I’m not. I don’t know why I’ve suddenly changed my angle, I’m just winging it right now.

“Yes, please, but can I wait until the brownies are out of the oven? I don’t want them to burn.” She bites her lip and I shake my head with a laugh.

“You are unbelievable, but sure. I need to work out how to pull this off anyway. Does she have a number you can call?”

“The diner where she works. There’s also a phone, but I don’t know the number. Tucker does, but that’s only because he used to torment me with it when he claimed me. Threatening to tell her all the supposed stuff I got up to.” She looks down at the floor as she steps away. I never knew Tucker had it in him. I know he’s a bastard, but to come between a mother and a daughter, that’s definitely not something I would have expected.

I pull my phone out and bring up Tucker’s number, before placing the phone to my ear.

“What do you want? Seriously, haven’t I got enough to deal with? Rachel is shopping for fucking wedding dresses, and everyone seemed to think this is a brilliant idea. How are you planning on making this craptastic day even worse?” His voice is clipped and I can feel his frustration bleeding through the phone.

“I want Luna’s mom’s number. Seems you're nearly as twisted as me, which I guess is a given considering your performance at the Halloween party.” I laugh, and Luna’s eyes stray in my direction.

“How do you know about that?” His voice is calm, but it’s more like that calm before the storm. He’s one wrong word from going off like a firework, and it’s almost a shame to not ignite him.

“She told me you used it as leverage against her. Threatened to tell her dear old mom all the shit she’s been up to, or make it up, the truth rarely matters for us, does it?”

“What can I say? I’m a bastard. Fine, I’ll give you the number, but this is a one time deal. If you start harassing her, I’ll make sure she has a new number before your dyed head hits the pillow tonight.” He disconnects the call and I chuckle to myself. Poor fucker, you’ve gotta feel sorry for him, being tied to that slut.

The number comes through a few moments later, and now all we have to do is wait for the brownies to cook.

She pulls the tray out after God knows how long. I’m not about to time it for her. She nods her head before settling it on the side to cool and… oh for crying out loud. She’s doing the dishes. Doesn't she realize this offer is only going to last so long.

“I thought you wanted to speak to your mom? You’re eating up valuable talking time.”

“Unlike some people here, I believe in cleaning up my own mess. Baking or otherwise. This won’t take long,” she snaps out, and my patience is starting to wear thin.

“Drop the attitude, or your punishment will be something truly spectacular. Especially as I now have your mom’s number. Maybe I should follow through on Tucker’s little threat.” I step closer, as her shoulders go rigid.

“I’m s-sorry. P-please, just let me wash up. It isn’t f-f-fair to the c-cooks to do it.” She doesn’t look at me, but she doesn’t really need to. Her voice is filled with her pain, she’s damn near drowning in it.

She really can’t catch a break, can she?



We go up to her room once she’s finished tidying and cut the brownies into squares. She carries them close to her chest, almost as if their precious and not just some baked shit that she threw together.

She places them on her counter, before she pulls out two sodas from the fridge, and hands one to me.

“You may as well go and get changed. You’ve made me wait this long,” I say dismissively, as I collapse onto the sofa, and relax back against the cushions.

“Okay, I can do that,” she mumbles, before she disappears into her bedroom and it isn’t long before the sound of the shower running hits my ears.

I look through her things, but it’s all fucking boring. There’s a cookbook with her name engraved on the front, and a charm bracelet made up of stars and moons that sits on top of it. I don’t know why she’s left it on the counter, but it’s not really any of my business. I find some more jewelry in her bedroom, there seems to be a theme when it comes to the night sky. So her name is Luna, so what? Couldn’t they come up with something a little more original?

I walk over to the bathroom door, and put my hand on the door knob. I may as well enjoy the show, but my hand falls away as the sound of crying filters under the door. It’s soft, but just loud enough to be heard over the running water. I guess she isn’t dealing with it as well as she’s trying to appear to. I could have told her that one.

I move back into the living room and reclaim my seat. I don’t know how I feel about all of this anymore. Although, I’m starting to think that I really don’t want to know anything about this girl. What if she manages to sink her claws into my shrivelled heart like she has with the rest of them?






Even Best Friends Keep Secrets






I scrub my face before I step out of the shower, wrap my hair in a towel, and throw on a towel robe. I walk into the bedroom and make my way out of the room and over to the sofa, where Thallon is relaxing on my sofa.

“Ready to make the call?” His eyes follow me as I sit down beside him, and keep as much distance between us as I can muster.

“Yeah, I’m ready.” My voice sounds squeaky, almost like I’m auditioning for the role of a cartoon mouse. It’s embarrassing.

“It’s ringing.” He smiles wide as he chucks the phone at me. I only just manage to catch it, as the call connects.

“...hello, is anyone there?”


“Luna bean, oh honey. I am so glad you called, I haven’t heard from you in so long. Are you okay?” I can hear her getting choked up, and I hate myself for doing this.

“Was Poppy an Academy girl?” I’m trying to sound calm and measured, but I doubt I’m pulling it off.

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