Home > Shattered Souls(70)

Shattered Souls(70)
Author: B C Morgan

“What are you talking about? Luna, what’s going on?”

Thallon holds his hand out, and I reluctantly pass it over. He clicks on the speakerphone, before clearing his throat.

“Mrs. Carter, I hereby give you permission to answer all of your adopted daughter’s questions.” Ouch, is that really necessary?

“Y-yes, Poppy went to the Academy. But she was kicked out before the first year was even up, and I’ve been paying off her debts ever since. That’s why I started working two jobs, the monthly payments I receive while you’re away are being used to pay back what she owes.” Her voice sounds defeated, and a part of me feels for her and just wants to hold her close. Although the darker side of myself, the part I try to lock away, oh yeah, that side of me is pissed.

“How did you react when you found out she got in?” My voice is thick with tears, but they’re not falling, I won’t let them.

“I wasn’t happy but… Luna, please, why does this matter? They're just doing this to come between us. Can’t you see that? Baby girl, please.”

“Please? Please what? Don’t ask you questions that make you uncomfortable, and why is that? Is it because they make you a hypocrite? Because maybe you didn’t react as harshly with Poppy as you did with me. Is that it, were you more accepting?” I can’t believe how calm I feel, even with the tears in my eyes, and drowning my voice.

“Yes, I wasn’t happy but I knew there wasn’t anything I could do. Poppy has always been so headstrong and confident, the only option I had was to support her. Please, tell me you can understand that, I was just trying to be a good mom.” She isn’t even trying to hide her tears now, even as the fury pours out of me and spills onto my tongue. Taking command of my words, and I know if I open my mouth, that there will be no coming back from this.

“She was always sure, capable of anything. If anyone could survive those monsters, then it would be our Poppy, but I was wrong. So, when I saw your letter, I knew. If she couldn’t make it, then you didn’t stand a chance.”

A cracking sound fills the air as my hand slams down onto the table, and Thallon sits up straighter as he stares at me warily.

“Oh I see, it was fine for your daughter to apply and give it a go, but when I do it, I get called stupid. I get ignored for so many days that I started to doubt you would ever speak to me. And why, because poor little Luna isn’t strong enough to what, make it on her own? Is that really what you think of me? Thanks so much, mom, for always defending Poppy. It’s because of you that it took me so long to see just how vicious and cruel she really is. She made me fear losing you, if I didn’t act a certain way. Do you know how much pressure that put on me, to always have to be a certain way? I am so tired of always trying to be perfect,” I scream at the phone, as the tears stream down my face. I bat them away furiously, as I pick up my soda and toss it at the wall.

“Luna, please.”

“What are you begging me for? Clearly, you don’t think that much of me. I will always be second best to that bitch I call a sister. Well, thanks, mom. Don’t worry, you won’t be getting any more phone calls from me.” I jump to my feet and start opening and slamming the cupboard doors.

“Luna bean, don’t say that. I’m your mom, and you’re my little girl. I don’t want to lose you. We’ve both lost so much already, you with Selene, your dad, uncle, aunt…”

The line goes quiet as my head shoots up, Thallon is staring at me as though I’m supposed to know what she means. But how can I?

“What aunt? I didn’t think I had anyone? That no one knew who my father was. Mom?” I say it harshly, as I snatch the phone out of his hand and take it off speaker. He doesn’t even object, I’ll have to try and find a shred of respect for him later.

“When you were seven, a woman came to the house, claiming to be your aunt. On your father’s side. She said she didn’t want to intrude and ruin everything, she just wanted to know that you were okay. I wanted to tell you, but you never wanted to know about your m… Selene.” I can hear the desperation, as I grip the phone tightly in my hand. My knuckles turn white as I walk over to the window and stare out over the grounds.

“That excuse would have been enough, if it came before me asking you to tell me anything you may know. You said you didn’t know anything, you lied to me. It’s nice to know I keep putting my trust and faith in the wrong people. Bye, mom.” I hear her scream my name as I disconnect the call before I chuck the phone on the sofa and whirl around.

I plant my hands on the counter, and just try to breathe. I can’t believe this. She knows something about my birth family, and yet she chose to keep it from me. I can’t trust her, I can’t seem to trust anyone.

“Luna, sometimes our parents make mistakes. But it’s usually to protect us.” His voice comes from right behind me, as my hair flutters from his breath.

“Yeah, well, sometimes people are just fucking morons.” I laugh bitterly, as he spins me around and cages me in with his arms.

“Oh, they really are. But you don’t swear, I know that for a fact. I’m all for finding yourself, but don’t run before you can walk.” He smirks, and I have the strong urge to slap it off his face.

“Is that an order?” I jut my chin out, and he pinches it between his finger and thumb.

“Fancy a drink?” He releases me suddenly, before he walks out of my room and I stand here barely breathing.

Did I really just say goodbye to my mom? If I don’t have her out there waiting for me, then what do I have?

“Miss Carter, is everything okay?” Darius asks, as he leans through the door and all I can do is shake my head, as my bravado falls away.

“Can I do anything?” He takes a step closer, only inches from entering my room, when a hand lands on his shoulder and he jerks out of the way.

“That’ll be all. I’ll make sure to lock the door.” Thallon brushes past him, before closing the door in his face. He holds up a bottle of something yellowish in color, and two shot glasses.

He sets the glasses on the table, before filling them to the top. I pick mine up and we throw them back. It burns on the way down, and he laughs as he pulls out a bottle of salt and… a lime? Oh fuck, this is tequila.

“Family drama is never fun, but I am starting to think that I can’t punish you for what Poppy did anymore. You were way too fucking clueless to be held accountable.” He throws another back before licking the salt, and sucking on a wedge of lime.

“Yeah, but you’ll just find another reason,” I throw back, as I copy his actions and shake my head at the combination.

“I can already tell that you’re gonna be a lightweight. Look, woman, we are not supposed to get along. And I have no reason to like you. I just need a new reason to torment you.”

“How about, because you want to?” I cock my head to the side as he laughs, slapping at his thigh.

“That’s as good a reason as any. Thanks, chick. Cheers.” He holds out his shot glass and we clink them together.

I lose count of how many shots we’ve taken, but the bottle is… well, it's not full.

“Surfing, we should go surfing.” He jumps up, before falling back down, and I can’t stop laughing.

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