Home > Shattered Souls(71)

Shattered Souls(71)
Author: B C Morgan

“I could be a fish,” I reply with a goofy smile, and he chuckles as he pours another glass.

“Here, woman, I want to lick the salt off you. ‘Cause I know you’ll fucking hate it.” He can’t stop laughing.

I roll my eyes, which makes the whole room spin. Wheeeee. Shit, what was I doing? He grabs my arm and pulls me closer, before he grips my hair and yanks my head to the side.

He runs his tongue up the column of my neck, before applying the salt, and a shiver runs through me. I can’t stop giggling, and him shushing me is not helping in the slightest.

He throws back another shot, before licking up the salt, running his tongue over every inch of my neck, before he sucks the lime.

“Your turn,” he says huskily, and I almost fall onto him as I move closer.

He puts the salt on his neck himself, I chuck the shot back and his grip on my hair tightens as he brings my head to where the salt line is. I lick the length of it, laughing as his stubble tickles my nose. He pulls me away, and holds the lime in front of my mouth, I suck on the wedge as he watches me, and then he pulls it away.

He looks at me, and I look at all three of him, damn triplets. I swear they always appear when I have a drink or two.

He rolls his bottom lip between his teeth, and I can’t stop watching, and then… it’s my bottom lip between his teeth. My fingers digging into his shoulders, and a haze dropping down around us. His hands work their way up my sweater and top, as mine fall down and splay against his back. I claw at his shirt, desperate to feel his skin.

Don’t I hate Thallon, and doesn’t he hate me? Ahh, fuck it, that’s tommow Luna’s problem.

Shivers course through me as the calluses on his hands drag over my skin, and his teeth play with my lip. Our tongues tangle, until it’s hard to tell where I end and he begins.



Oh damn, what happened last night? I remember talking to my mom, and then deciding not to talk to her again while I’m here. Then Thallon got the tequila and… everything after that is a blank space in my mind.

I look around to see my clothes scattered across the floor. I mean, that isn’t like me. Although, I guess as long as Thallon didn’t see anything, it’ll be fine.

“Uh, fuck me dead.”

My eyes open wide, and my hangover is all but forgotten as I bolt upright and peer at the form lying beside me.


“Holy shit, did we fuck?” Seriously? That’s the first thing he asks? I mean, it’s all I’m thinking, but I’m not just going to come right out and ask it.

I hope not, I’d never forgive myself if I did. Not after everything he’s done to me, with the outfit, and making me strip in front of everyone. I can’t bear to think that I ever had my hands on him. Memories of him biting my lip, and his hands trailing down my back flash through my mind. Also the way I enjoyed it, my body is a traitor. I don't remember anything else.

I lift the cover and glance down, I’m naked except for my panties. I don’t know if that’s a good sign or not.

He groans as he drags his hand over his face. The cover pools around his waist, and I can’t help but appreciate the way he looks. I know I shouldn’t, but I’m only human. His skin is tanned, and his chest is well defined. His arms are muscular, even without being tense, but it’s not over the top. He has a half sleeve tattoo on his left arm, made up of skulls, a black rose and dahlia, and some other designs that I can’t quite make out.

I’ve always found him attractive, but just like before, he does nothing for me. Unless I’m drinking tequila, apparently.

“Don’t look so worried. If I did screw you, you would have enjoyed it.” His tongue pokes out and I shake my head. I turn my back on him before I stand up, and wrap my arm across my chest to keep myself as covered as I can.

“I’ve never hated myself more than I do right now.” I run into the bathroom and jump in the shower, hoping he’ll be gone by the time I come out.

The door slams open, and I jump as it crashes into the wall. His eyes are narrowed as he stalks towards me. I use my arm to cover my breasts once more, and my other hand presses between my legs, but his eyes don’t waiver from my face, not even for a single second.

“You hate yourself because you may have fucked your owner? Oh, miss high and mighty, you’re lucky I have no interest in you. If it wasn't for the tequila, last night never would have happened. You’re abhorrent to me. Why do you think my eyes never stray? because I can guarantee even a gentleman will peek at least once. You hate yourself? Well, how do you think I feel knowing that I could have lowered my standards far enough to ever touch you, let alone sink myself inside that saggy pussy of yours?” He wrenches open the door and grips my forearms.

His mouth crashes onto mine, and I can’t breathe as his tongue pushes between my lips and ravishes my mouth. He pulls away after a few minutes, and I have to remind myself how to breathe.

“I feel nothing. You have no effect on me. Oh, you may be worried. But you know what? I think even when I’m drunk, I would know better than to ever fuck you.” He slams the shower door closed, making it shake on its hinges and the minute he steps out, I slide to the floor.

He may have been unaffected, but I don’t think I can say the same thing.

I spend twenty minutes just sitting under the scalding heat, before I finally clean myself off and step back out. My room is empty, and a quick inspection shows that Thallon has well and truly left me alone.

Relief courses through me like a tangible thing, and I can’t believe he did that. His words weren’t surprising, and, in all honesty, I do genuinely hate the guy. Shit, but when he took me skydiving, and to that fight ring, I saw him in another light. And then last night, when he let me speak to my mom. I’m starting to understand that he’s an asshole to me because he wants to be, not because that is who he is. Sure, he likes to fight, then again, so do I. I can hate him for how he treats me and all the things he has done, but I can’t keep painting him as the bad guy. He may be in my story, but I’m guessing for a girl like Rosalyn, he was probably the hero. That’s why the kiss affected me. Yep. Nothing else behind it, at all.

My door goes and my shoulders sag as I open it and see D. Phew, nothing to worry about.

“Hey, are you okay?” I tilt my head to the side as she worries her bottom lip between her teeth, and wrongs her hands.

“Luna, there’s something I need to tell you. It’s to do with the strangler.”

My heart stops, as I move back and she steps into my room. She glances around and walks into my bedroom, I follow her in and she closes the door before we sit down on the bed.

“What’s going on, D? Why are you suddenly here talking about that? I don’t understand.” I capture her hand and still it.

“I lied when I said I didn’t remember anything. I didn’t mean too, but I couldn’t risk you telling Emmet, and Aeron, or whichever guy you decided to talk to. I do trust you, but you follow the rules and if they ordered you to tell them, then you would.” She looks almost desperate and I don’t know what to say.

“Then what’s changed?” I don’t want to feel disappointed, or hurt, by this revelation. I understand where she’s coming from, but it’s just another person who has lied to me. I’m tired of it all.

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