Home > The Complete If I Break Series(226)

The Complete If I Break Series(226)
Author: Portia Moore

“Do you want me to ask him to leave?” I keep my voice cool and even because I want her to know that I’ll ask in a way that won’t lead to an altercation or emotional breakdown, like my counterparts would.

“No, no it’s his home too. We’ll share it until I decide what it is I’m going to do,” she says quietly and stands. She walks past Lauren who is almost frozen in the doorway. She looks over at me, her wide hazel eyes full of confusion—the same eyes that both Cal and Chris fell in love with, eyes that can light up a room, or be clouded with sadness depending on which man chooses what action. I’m grateful for Lauren. She was the connection, the bridge that both needed, someone that they both could love. I was skeptical if Chris would, since she was so different from Jenna. Not that I didn’t like Jenna, but she would’ve never been the one that Cal would sacrifice the life he built for. He detested her, or better yet regretted the chance he gave her to slip in.

I remember the day Cal had given up, resigned to letting Lauren go, doing the most selfless thing he’d ever done, or so he thought. It’s not unusual that Cal’s actions tend to backfire because he acts in the moment, strictly out of emotion, without envisioning the long-term effects. Passionate to a fault, the same thing Lauren loves about him is the same thing that causes her so much pain.

“Do you think we should go down there?” She looks to me nervously.

“No, I think they need to work things out themselves. Whichever way it goes.” Her eyes narrow in on me, full of curiosity, as if she’s still trying to figure me out.

“Do you think she’ll forgive him?” she asks, and I sit beside her. She rubs her hands across her thighs.

I make her nervous, and not because she’s scared or uncomfortable, but because she isn’t and she feels like she should be.

“I think that she will,” I tell her honestly and she raises an eyebrow. “You disagree?”

“How can she trust him after something like this? I don’t know if she could get past a betrayal like that.” She takes her time with her words, putting herself in Gwen’s situation.

“I don’t think Gwen is motivated by certainty. Love drives her. If he can convince her that he still loves her, that the family can survive this, she’ll take him back,” I say fairly confident.

“You sound so sure,” she looks at me perplexed and slightly annoyed.

“Once you find out what motivates a person, you can usually figure out the outcome of the decisions they make fairly easily. For instance a woman whose driven more by certainty and routine would never be able to take a man back who has broken her trust—it breaks down her core motivation. A woman like that would never be able to have any peace not knowing if he will go with the wind so to speak.”

She smiles and her eyes narrow in on me, studying me. “How do you know all of this? How did you have the time to become so intuitive?”

“Not intuitive, observant,” I correct her and she rolls her eyes.

She shifts her body toward me. “Well, Dr. Scott, no Dr. Crestfield, that would be more appropriate right?” There’s a challenge to her voice but it’s laced with a tad of flirtation, and I’m intrigued. I shift toward her.

“You and Gwen are one in the same,” I tell her with a smile. She gives me a dismissive grin.

“Well let me tell you, if you or any of you decided to cheat on me with one of Caylen’s friends when she gets older, I will kill you.” She looks me in the eye and for the first time in so long they are wide and bright and playful. A look she’s never given me, and for a second I forget that she’s their distraction, not mine, and for a moment it’s as if she forgets she’s in love with them and not me. Then she remembers, tearing her eyes away from mine.

“I’m okay with leaving tomorrow afternoon.” She stands and I do as well. “I think your treatment takes priority over anything else right now.”

“Goodnight, Collin.” She waves before leaving the room, and I ignore the feeling that I’ve never felt, can’t quite describe, but I am pretty certain is disappointment.



Chapter 23






We’re all up early though I got up earlier than everyone else. I’m not sure where Mr. Scott slept last night, but it wasn’t in his room. Mrs. Scott left her door open and she’s the only one there, and his truck hasn’t left its spot from yesterday. My phone rings and I see that it’s Hillary. I can’t help but roll my eyes because I’m super surprised that she’s up before dawn after seeing how drunk they were last night. Hillary and Aidan together just seem odd. Well not that odd,—they’re both single, the same age, and attractive. I just sort of cringe at the havoc of them being serious with each other would cause. I hope Aidan knows what he’s getting into. I’m surprised when it’s his voice on the phone and not Hillary’s.

“Hey Lauren, my phone died so I just used Hillary’s.” His voice is deep like he’s just gotten up.

“I figured that,” I am still slightly annoyed at how they acted last night. I expect things like that from Hillary, but Aidan could have been a little more mature under the circumstance. Those two can be like fire and gasoline.

“I was calling to apologize about yesterday. I was a jerk, and it was stupid. I know you guys didn’t need that, and I don’t take my best friends condition as a joke.” Well, he’s hit all of the marks I was going to check him for.

“I’m just glad it didn’t escalate to something terrible,” I say watching Caylen turn over in bed.

“I saw Mr. Scott’s truck out back. Is everything okay?”

“As far as I know.”

“Do you need any help over there… is he… still that guy…” He says the last part with apprehension and almost disgust.

“Yes he is and we’re actually going to be leaving soon. Could you check in on Mrs. Scott every once in a while? We offered her to come to Chicago with us, but she says she’s going to be fine here.”

“I will. Are you going to be okay with prep school Chris?”

“His name is Collin, and yes he’s harmless,” I giggle.

“When did Chris check out? Was it after all the stuff with Lisa?”

“Yeah, but he came back… it’s a long story. It’d probably be better for Chris to tell you… when he comes back,” I trail off.

“Do you know when that will be?”

I shake my head in response and realize he can’t see me. “No, I’m sort of as clueless as everyone else is,” I admit with a chuckle.

“Have you talked to Lisa?” I ask wanting to change the subject. She has been running through my thoughts lately. I haven’t talked to her since the day she had me meet her at the restaurant and told me she had something she had to tell Chris. I hate that all of this happened. I actually considered Lisa a friend. We were growing close and now… I guess I can’t really judge her. She was so young and I wasn’t a part of the story then, but as a wife I feel obligated to take Mrs. Scott’s side.

“Yeah I’ve been over there. She went and dropped Willa off with her aunt yesterday morning,” he reveals and I’m reminded that Lisa and Mr. Scott have a child together. The fact that she named her daughter after him, it makes it so much more real, and for Mrs. Scott it has to be even more hurtful. I think of the night she cried in my arms on the bathroom floor and feel myself becoming emotional.

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