Home > You Loved Me Once(39)

You Loved Me Once(39)
Author: Corinne Michaels

“Leo,” she groans.

A tear drifts down my cheek at the sound of her voice calling out to him. “Leo walked her to the store, and then carried her groceries to her home. Unfortunately, her father did not take kindly to the handsome soldier.”

I remember watching her as she told the story that made me believe that real love does exist, even if it’s eluded me. Her father was not a good man, and he forbid them from being together. He was a high-ranking military officer and would not allow his daughter to be with a soldier.

“He threatened Leo, but Leo loved Dorothy the moment he saw her.” Her hand tightens slightly. “She loved him too, so each night, she’d sneak out of the house and meet him at the river bank. After weeks of sneaking around, her father became suspicious. Dorothy and Leo made plans to elope before he was shipped out.”

Her eyes open, locking with mine. I gently squeeze her hand and finish the rest. “They met that night, with plans to run away, but her father followed her. He threatened them both, but their love was so strong, it couldn’t be severed. Leo put Dorothy in his truck, and took her away, marrying her at first light. They were married for a long time, and loved each other until he took his last breath.”

Mrs. Whitley starts to gasp and I sit on the edge of her bed, my tears falling freely. A love like that was worth every risk. “Go to Leo. He’s waiting for you, his arms are open, he loves you. Go to him.”

The monitor shows that she’s in her last moments, and I turn the sound off and repeat Leo’s name, his love, and tell her she’s not alone.

I hit the call button, then the nurse enters and I shake my head. She stands on the other side of Mrs. Whitley, monitoring her pulse.

Mrs. Whitley’s eyes open one last time, and then close. And then she drifts away peacefully and I hope she’s with her Leo again.

“Time of death, twenty-forty-three.” My voice cracks on the last number and so does a part of me. I wanted to talk to her again, tell her about Westin and me starting to really become serious. She would’ve smiled when I let her know we were going to go to my father’s house.

“I’m sorry, Dr. Adams,” Martina says. “I know Mrs. Whitley meant a great deal to you.”

I close my eyes, trying to hide my emotions. “She was a great woman who I cared for very much.”

“She was like mother and grandmother to the entire staff,” she sniffs. “I looked forward to coming in here and visiting.”

“Has anyone called her son?”

The nurse’s eyes shift down. “Yes, he was on his way.”

“I’ll notify him when he arrives,” I let her know.

I glance over at my friend’s still form and another tear falls. She was a part of my day that I’ll never have again. She made me smile when I felt like I couldn’t because she was just that person. There was so much love in her heart, you couldn’t help but feel it when you were around her. I feel as though I’ve lost my mother all over again.

She loved me in her own way, treated me like her daughter. I saw how proud, and at times how disappointed, she was in me, but she was always kind. Mrs. Whitley was a part of me, and I just lost her.



Chapter 20



Fourteen Years Earlier


I turn down the dirt road. The lawn is a beautiful green with little patches of wildflowers. As a little girl, I always loved going out there, picking them and bringing them to my mother. She would gush about how lovely they were and put them in a vase. To the left is the big oak tree where my initials are carved and the tire swing sways. This house is my safe haven, the place I call home.

My brother sits on the porch, his head in his hands. “Everton,” I say as I walk toward him. He looks so much older than the carefree kid he was just a year ago. His features are sharper, and he’s not a kid, but a man.

His eyes meet mine, filled with unshed tears, and he doesn’t have to say anything more. There is only one thing that could bring both of the men in this house to their knees, and I just need some time to set things right.

Everton gets to his feet and pulls me into his arms. “You can save her, Ren. You’re almost a doctor, you can do this.”

“Is it bad?”

Tears fill his eyes and I feel his chest heave. I can count on one hand the times I’ve seen Everton cry. He’s more like my father than I care to admit. He’s over six feet tall, has broad shoulders that carry the weight of the world, and kind eyes, unless you piss him off.

“Serenity,” Daddy’s voice is soft, but I can hear the sliver of relief when he sees me.

“Dad, where is she?”

“She’s in with the doctor, but sweetheart, it’s not good.”

“No, you’re just saying that because you don’t know. I’ll get in there, look her over, and talk to the doctor.”

Everton comes behind me and places his hand on my shoulder. “Ren,” he sighs and I look back.


A tear falls down my father’s cheek and he shakes his head. “Don’t make this harder on her.”

I won’t, I tell myself as I enter the house. I’m just going to do what I can to make her fight. We just need more time for the chemo to work, damn it. They’re both giving up and I’m not. My mother never gave up on me, and you’ll have to take me with her before I do.

When I push open her bedroom door, the words escape me. I realize that God wasn’t willing to heed my request. There are dark purple bags under her beautiful blue eyes, and the word frail almost seems too strong to explain how she looks.

All the hope I was feeling as I stepped through here is gone. My mother is dying.

“Serenity,” she croaks and my heart breaks. “You came.”

“Mom,” my voice shakes. “Please, just . . .”

My thoughts are jumbled.

“Come,” her smile is soft. I do as she asks, making my way to her. Her hand rests on mine and the light in her eyes returns just a little. “My sweet girl, it’s time.”

“I should’ve been here earlier. I should’ve left school and been here.”

She shakes her head and sighs. “You got here,” her words come in soft breaths, “when you could.”

“There has to be something we can do. Talk to another oncologist? Maybe we can . . .”

“Shhh,” she squeezes my hand. “There’s nothing else to do now. I just want my family here.”

Losing her will destroy me, my father, and my brother.

“You can’t stop fighting, Mom.”

“I can’t keep going, Serenity. I’m tired now.”

I look over and see my father and brother in the doorway. All three of us have tears streaming down our faces. My mother smiles at my dad, and he comes forward. All four of us hold each other in some way, connected around my mom.

Time passes, but none of us care, we just hold my mother’s hands, letting her know that we’re here.

Most of the time it’s quiet, but every now and then someone speaks words of encouragement. My father leaves the room, and Everton and I stand on each side of her. Her breathing is softer, and less frequent. I lean down, press my lips to her cold skin, and whisper, “There was this beautiful woman named Harmony and she met a man named Mick. Mick wasn’t the kind of man she envisioned, he was gruff and rode a Harley. He had tattoos and a beard that hung low off his chin.” I wipe the tears as I recount the story of their life. “Harmony was soft, sweet, and her outward disposition was the opposite of Mick’s, but that was the thing, she saw through to his heart.”

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