Home > Making It Right(17)

Making It Right(17)
Author: Helen Wilder

“Miss Stewart, nice to meet you.” I shake his hand then sit in front of his desk, pulling Charlie onto my lap. “Hi, Charlotte my name is Dr Gibson.” He only gets a small semi-smile from her while she plays with the doll she brought along.

I had to try and explain the best I could to her about why I’m bringing her to see a doctor today but she is too young to fully comprehend it. As far as she knows you only go to see the doctor when you’re sick and need medicine.

“Thank you for seeing us.”

“Not a problem. How can I help you today?”

“Charlotte’s father recently told me he’s a carrier of a heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. He advised me that it can be hereditary. We’re here to find out if it has indeed been passed on to her. What would that involve exactly?”

“Right. Well, the condition, also known as HCM for short, is associated with the thickening of the heart muscle, most commonly at the septum between the ventricles, below the aortic valve. This leads to stiffening of the walls of the heart and abnormal aortic and mitral heart valve functions, both of which may impede normal blood flow out of the heart.

“Many people with HCM have no symptoms or only minor symptoms, and live a normal life. Others develop severe symptoms, which progress and worsen as the heart function worsens. We can determine and check for the condition in a variety of ways. For starters we can take a chest x-ray, a physical exam or stress test and ECG. There is also the option of a blood test but due to her age I would prefer not to have to draw any blood, at the most extreme a CT scan or MRI is performed.” He continues to explain it to me pointing to various posters and pictures, somewhat putting my mind at ease.

“Okay, I understand, so how long will it all take?”

“A couple of hours, three at the most and you’ll have the results straight away. Tell me, she has ever shown any of these symptoms or complained of any chest pain, fatigue, fainting, shortness of breath or heart palpitations?” I think back but there has been nothing of sort.

“No, never, she’s always been fine.” I examine my daughter who seems no different than she did two weeks ago. Has it really only been two weeks since Nick showed up? It feels like a lifetime has passed.

“Well in that case you probably have nothing to worry about so let’s hope today we’ll be able to rule it out altogether. Let’s get started shall we. Please follow me.”

Stepping out of the doctor’s office and into the corridor to head to the examination room I notice a tall figure turn the corner and hold Charlotte’s hand a little tighter. Nick is here and walking towards us. Why is he here? I don’t know if I’m surprised he showed up for this or to have expected it. This is Nicholas Moore, annoying stalker extraordinaire after all, although he could have warned me he was flying over. I can’t even get mad at him because he has every right to be here for this. I know it’s only been a couple of weeks but so far he’s made a tremendous effort to get to know his daughter. The question is will he keep it up. I on the other hand haven’t spoken to him in a few days. I have nothing to say to him. When he finally makes eye contact with me though, he seems guarded and cool, the warmth only coming through when he looks at Charlie.

“Daddy!” Charlotte shrieks when she sees him and runs into his arms.

“Hey princess.” He smiles at her while lifting her up then turns his back to me.

Nice to see you too jerk-face.



Chapter 10






When I returned to Sydney, the first thing I did was hire a private investigator and have him fly out to Perth the next day. I know the worse thing I could do at the moment was have someone spy on her, if she finds out I’m a dead man, however I needed to know someone is there to keep an eye on them and ensure they’re safe. He knows to keep his distance and only report to me if something was to occur. I hadn’t heard from him at all until Monday morning when an email comes through.

He didn’t say too much in his report. He didn’t have to. The two photos he attached said it all. Alannah was out having dinner with that Henry fucker. The first photo had them seated in a restaurant laughing and drinking, the second photo hit me right in the gut, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from it, that asshole had his lips on her. He was kissing my Alannah in a fucking car park. Where the fuck was my daughter while she was out? She was telling the truth then about him after all. I hate that he’s the one she chooses to be around, that he has the privilege of her time and kisses. It only makes me more determined and motivated to make her fall in love with me again.

On paper he comes across as a decent guy. I must have read his background check a dozen times to pick up on something, anything that seemed off but there was not even a trace of a speeding ticket. He’s a widower, works as a pharmacist and has a decent amount of savings in his bank account, the fucker even volunteers at the local children’s hospital. Compared to me the fucker is a fucking saint.

Out of jealousy I pick up the closest thing to me, which happens to be the metal pen holder on my desk and throw it clear across the room in anger but it’s not satisfying enough.

I head down to the office gym to hit on the punching bag for an hour to expend some of these feelings. I’m more infuriated at myself than anyone else. This is my entire fault. Everything Alannah said to me is true. I ruined us.

The following day a sense of melancholy settles on me and nothing I do helps. I try to drown myself in work however my concentration is shot to shit. I decide to go walk around the building, I’m not really speaking to anyone or checking on their work, just passing time and making myself seen. My personal life may be a disaster, however my professional life is the complete opposite. I’m proud of what we have managed to accomplish here, Rick and I have worked hard to achieve our success. I stop to scan the black and white photos of some of our building designs and awards hanging on the walls. What’s the point of it all if at the end of the day there’s no one to share my successes with? I’m beginning to realise all the awards and accolades mean nothing if there isn’t anybody cheering in my corner.

Heading back to my office I find my mother seated on the small white couch I have there, staring off into space. Observing her, for the first time I notice that she’s aged. The fine lines around her mouth and eyes more prominent. I’m probably responsible for some of those worry and frown lines too. Her black hair is up in a simple style, always presenting a perfect appearance, even if she’s anything but on the inside. I close my office door and move towards her which gets her attention.

“Mother. Is everything okay? I wasn’t expecting you.” She takes hold of one of my hands, squeezing it as I sit beside her.

“No, Nicholas, it’s not. I came to apologise to you. I’m so sorry my darling boy for the things I said to you. I feel terrible and so guilty. I reacted out of anger, I know it’s no excuse, I was hurt and lashed out at you. Please forgive me.” I reach up with my free hand to wipe away a tear that has fallen down her face.

“There’s nothing to forgive. I’m the one who’s sorry.”

I take in a deep breathe. This woman took me in, raised and loved me when she didn’t have to and I repay her by lying and staying away. She never complains or nags but now that I have spent time with Charlie and have to be away from her I can understand how I must have made her feel all these years by keeping my distance. It’s time I set things right with my family as well, starting now.

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