Home > A Girl in Love(6)

A Girl in Love(6)
Author: Abi Dosunmu

‘I know you think I’m lying, but here, you can read the messages that he sent me yourself, and see that I am telling the truth.’

And there it was in black and white in my face. The text messages proved that he knew this girl, that he had slept with her and the baby was his. That was Simon’s number ending in 776, there was no denying it.

‘Babe, you coming with me to the midwife appointment on Monday?’

‘What time is it, Trina?’

‘Two p.m.’

‘Cool, I will be there. They gonna scan you? I wanna see my little man again.’

‘Nah, just a routine appointment with the midwife to check the baby’s heartbeat and my blood pressure.’

‘Cool, I will pick you up around one p.m.’

There were no words to describe the betrayal. I trusted this man and this is how he repays the love and devotion that I have shown him and the amount of times I defend him to my Nan and Chanel. This explains why he was too busy; I had to know this woman’s angle why did she feel that it was necessary to tell.

‘So, your name is Trina, right?’

‘That’s correct.’

‘So why did you feel that it was important for me to know about you and Simon?’

‘Because I knew he was never going to tell you, so I decided that I would tell you.’

‘OK, so you knew he had a girlfriend before you slept with him?’

I wanted to slap the shit out of this bitch. The audacity and lack of respect was pissing me the fuck off and if it weren’t for the fact that she was pregnant, I would have stumped the bitch’s head. I swear, side bitches need to learn to play their position and stop coming for the main chick.

‘Yeah, I knew about you, but he chose me to have a family with, so you need to step aside.’

This bitch is hilarious. This must be a joke because she was straight telling me that she was going to have my man and there was nothing that I could do about it.

‘Well, Ms Trina, just because you’re having his baby does not mean that he wants to be with you. And just so that we understand each other very clearly, I’m not going anywhere and you are. That bastard of a child can go and jump off a fucking bridge for all I care.’

‘I see you’re delusional. You keep telling yourself that he wants you, but trust and believe once I have this baby, we’re gonna see if you keep running your mouth. Call my baby a bastard again and I swear that will be the last word you ever say.’

At this point I was done with this basic chick and this dumb ass convo. I needed answers and Simon was going to explain what the hell was going on and why this bitch was so bold to confront me. What shit was he filling her head with?

I decided instead of going to Chanel’s that I would head back to my hostel and call Simon. I was heated, upset, embarrassed, humiliated and heartbroken. My heart hurt. This man had broken my heart and never once considered our love, but decided to make a baby with a random broke-down chick. Another reason I decided to head home — I couldn’t face telling Chanel what had happened. This would further prove her point that Simon was a waste and that I was too good for him and he didn’t deserve me. For the first time I felt alone. I had chosen this man over my family and friends and he was never loyal to me. This had me wondering how many other chicks he had slept with.

Course of action: talk to Simon and go to the clinic to get myself checked out. Simon clearly had no regard for my health or he would have never slept with that chick bare back. That there, is just sloppy and disrespectful.

As soon as I arrived in my room, I made myself a strong drink — brandy and coke. Since dating Simon, I had started drinking socially and brandy and coke was Simon’s favourite drink, plus the sex was crazy when I’m LIT.

I felt a little better but I was still mad as hell. I couldn’t cry. I just wanted to know why? I decided that I would play it cool and ask Simon to come round because it was an emergency. However, remain calm so he wouldn’t suspect that I knew. I wanted to catch him off guard. His bitch ass was not going to get out of this that easy.

‘Hey, Si, can you please come round? I have an emergency and I need you.’

‘Davina, is everything OK? You OK?’

‘Si, can you come, please.’

‘Davina, what is it? Just tell me.’

‘Si, I can’t stay long on the phone. You coming?’

‘OK, Davina, am on my way.’

Perfect. Now I was going to get my answer and this was not going to be one those arguments that ended in him walking away. He was going to answer me and the conversation would only end when I said so. FACT!

‘Hey, babe, what’s wrong?’

‘Who is Trina?’

‘I don’t know. Why you asking me?’

‘See, I know your fucking lying. That bitch said she is pregnant with your baby and before you even try and deny it, I saw the text messages that you sent her and it’s your number.’

‘Davina, honestly it was one night. I messed up. That bitch don’t mean nothing to me.’

‘You’re a bum. Are you fucking joking? That is your lame-ass excuse for sleeping with a THOT bum ass bitch?’

‘Well, the both of you can have each other. I am done, we’re OVER!’

I was done with this fool and his bum-ass excuse. He didn’t have any remorse for his actions. Instead, he expected me to take this explanation and move on. I was so over this bullshit and Simon thinking that he controlled this relationship and me. I was just about to tell Simon to leave when out of nowhere, he punched me in the face, grabbed my head and slammed it into the wall. At this point, everything became very blurry. I just laid there thinking, why did I say anything? We were perfect before that, whilst Simon was ranting.

‘Davina, have you lost your fucking mind? Who the fuck are you talking to like that? I’m not one of your dick-head friends. So I fucked up and you’re not perfect. I told you that hoe doesn’t mean anything to me and you kept going. For fuck sake, you just had to push me. Now look at what you made me do. All this nagging for a bitch that doesn’t mean shit. Shit, I didn’t even mean to hit you. You just kept going on and you pissed me off. Look, clearly we need some time apart so I’m going to give you some space.’

And just like that, he was gone. I have never been so confused in my life. The man that I claimed to love had fathered another woman’s child and to top it off, I’m not allowed to express how I feel as that leads to me getting punched in the face. I knew I still wanted to be with Simon, I just wanted him to acknowledge that he had messed up and beg for forgiveness and to be truly sorry.

I actually regretted saying anything. I should have just kept my big mouth shut instead of confronting him. How am I meant to hide this bruise on my forehead and eye? My face had swelled up and I had a purple circle around my eye, clearly a black eye. If I could start this day again I would have kept my big mouth shut.

I guess I had a decision to make. Could I honestly forgive him for his behaviour? Could we move past this? And be strong again? Or will this lead to him being more disrespectful?

I just wanted my Simon back. The one that treated like gold and protected me, not this monster that I had seen and witnessed his vile and vicious side. I decided that I would switch off from the world by switching off my phone. I needed time to myself to think about what I wanted with no distraction and follow my heart.

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